- 单位:南昌大学 生命科学学院
- 职称:教授
- 职位:无
- 联系方式:xiaojuepeng@ncu.edu.cn
1) Xie H#, Peng X#, Qian M, Cai Y, Ding X, Chen Q, Cai Q, Zhu Y, Yan L, Cai Y. The chimeric mitochondrialgene orf182 causes non-pollen-type abortion in Dongxiang cytoplasmicmale-sterile rice. Plant J, 2018, Jun 7. doi: 10.1111
2) Peng X, Wang K,Hu C, Zhu Y, Wang T,Yang J,Tong J,Li S*, Zhu Y*.The mitochondrial gene orfH79 plays a critical role in impairing both malegametophyte development and root growth in CMS-Honglian rice. BMC PlantBiology, 2010, 10:125, doi:10.1186/ 1471 -2229-10-125
3) Kun Wang#, Xiaojue Peng#, Yanxiao Ji, Pingfang Yang, Yingguo Zhu, ShaoqingLi*. Gene, protein and network of male sterility in rice. Frontiers in PlantScience, 2013, 4: 92, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2013.00092
4) XiaojuePeng*, Ding Xia, Tianfang Chang, Zhoulong Wang, Rong Liu, Xin Zeng,Yaohui Cai, Youlin Zhu. Over-expression of a vesicle trafficking gene, OsRab7,enhances salt tolerance in rice. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/483526
5) Ding X, Chen Q, Bao C, Ai A, Zhou Y, LiS, Xie H, Zhu Y, Cai Y, Peng X*.Expression of a mitochondrial gene orfH79 from CMS Honglian rice inhibitsEscherichia coli growth via deficient oxygen consumption. SpringerPlus 2016,5:1125 DOI 10.1186/s40064-016-2822-0. ISSN: 2193-1801
6) XiaojuePeng, Fanhui Li, Shaoqing Li, Yingguo Zhu*. Expression of amitochondrial gene orfH79 from the CMS-HongLian rice inhibits Saccharomycescerevisiae growth and causes excessive ROS accumulation and ATP levelreduction. Biotechnology Letters, 2009, 31 (3): 409-414
7) Xiaojuepeng, Xin Zeng, Xia Ding, Shaobo Li, Chao Yu, Youlin zhu*. Ectopic expression of a vesicle traffickinggene, OsRab7, from Oryza sativa, confers tolerance to several abiotic stressesin Escherichia coli. African Journal of Biotechnology, 2011. 10 (36), pp.6941-694
8) Peng X, Fang X,Li J, Kong L, Li B, Ding X. Enhancing immune responses ofEV71VP1 DNAvaccine by co-inoculating plasmid IL-12 or GM-CSFexpressingvctor in mice. Cell. Mol. Biol.2016, 62 (4): 35-41
9) Pengfei Liao, Jinqiu Huang, Puguo Tong, WangNie, Xin Yan, Yingmei Feng, Hui Peng, XiaojuePeng*, Shaobo Li*. Characterization and expression analysis ofinositolphosphorylceramide synthase family genes in rice (Oryza sativa L.).Gene Genom. 2017, 39: 485-492 ISSN: 2092-9293
10)X-J Peng, S-JLiu, C-M Bao, Y-Z Liu, H-W Xie, Y-H Cai, B-M Li, H-Y Hang, and X. Ding.Regulation of ATRIP protein abundance by RAD9 in the DNA damage repair pathway.Cell. Mol. Biol. 2015; 61 (8): 31-36. doi : 10.14715/cmb/2015.61.8.5
11)Ding X, Peng X-J, Jin B-S, Xiao M, Chen J-K, Li B, Fang C-M and Nie M.Spatial distribution of bacterial communities driven by multiple environmentalfactors in a beach wetland of the largest freshwater lake in China. Front.Microbiol. 2015, 6:129. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00129.
12)Xia Ding, Xiao-Jue Peng, Wen-Zhuo Li, Tian-Fang Chang, Yao-Hui Cai, Wei-JunYang. Using PCR melting profile and protein fingerprint profile analyses toidentify Methano- thermobacter marburgensis DX01. African Journal ofMicrobiology Research. 2011, 5(26): 4555-4561.
13)Lei, H., Peng, X., Shu, H., Zhao,D.. Intranasal immunization with live recombinant Lactococcus lactis combinedwith heat‐labile toxin B subunit protectschickens from highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 virus. Journal of medical virology, 2015,87(1), 39-44.
14)Lei, H., Peng, X., Ouyang, J., Zhao, D., Jiao, H., Shu, H., Ge, X.. Protective immunity againstinfluenza H5N1 virus challenge in chickens by oral administration ofrecombinant Lactococcus lactis expressing neuraminidase. BMC veterinary research, 2015, 11(1), 85.
15)Lei, H., Peng, X., Zhao, D., Ouyang, J., Jiao, H., Shu, H., Ge, X. . Lactococcus lactis displayedneuraminidase confers cross protective immunity against influenza A viruses inmice. Virology, 2015,476, 189-195.
16) Lei, H., Peng,X., Zhao, D., Jiao, H., Ouyang, J.. Cross-protection of Lactococcuslactis-displayed HA2 subunit against homologous and heterologous influenza Aviruses in mice. Archives of Virology,2015, 160(12), 3011-3019.
17) Lei, H., Peng,X., Jiao, H., Zhao, D., & Ouyang, J.. Broadly protective immunity against divergent influenza viruses by oralco-administration of Lactococcus lactis expressing nucleoprotein adjuvantedwith cholera toxin B subunit in mice. Microbialcell factories, 2015,14(1), 1-10.
18) Lei, H., Peng,X., Ouyang, J., Zhao, D., Jiao, H., Shu, H., Ge, X.. Intranasal immunization of recombinantLactococcus lactis induces protection against H5N1 virus in ferrets. Virus research, 2015,196, 56-59.
19) Luo, J., Tang, S., Peng, X., Yan, X., Zeng, X., Li, J., ... Wu, G. . Elucidation of Cross-Talk andSpecificity of Early Response Mechanisms to Salt and PEG-Simulated DroughtStresses in Brassica napus Using Comparative Proteomic Analysis. PloS one, 2015,10(10), e0138974.
2016年,南昌大学教学成果二等奖:以能力培养为导向的生物技术专业课程探索与实践——以分子遗传学课程为例. 排名第一.