  • 单位:长沙理工大学   能源与动力工程学院
  • 职称:讲师
  • 出生:1979.10
  • 性别:女
  • 联系方式:Email: maggie_rm@163.com



1Min Ruan,Chenggang Niu*, Pinzhu Qin, Guangming Zeng, Zhaohui Yang, Hui He,Jing Huang. Sensitive and simple detection of E. coli strain based on time-resolved fluorescence DNAhybridization assay. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, 664, 95-99. (SCI)

2Min Ruan, Chenggang Niu*, Guangming Zeng,Pinzhu Qin, Xiaoyu Wang, Dawei Huang,  Jing Huang, Chang-Zheng Fan. Rapid detection ofStaphylococcus aureus via a sensitive DNA hybridization assay based on along-lifetime luminescent europium marker. Microchimica Acta, 2011, 175, 105-112.(SCI)

3)阮敏,杨朝晖*,曾光明,熊丽娟,陶然,王荣娟,刘有胜,多粘类芽孢杆菌GA1所产絮凝剂的絮凝性能研究及机理探讨,环境科学,20072810),2336 – 2341. (EI)

4Du Yi Bo ; Zhang Lei; Ruan Min; Niu Cheng Gang; Wen XiaoJu; Liang Chao; Zhang Xue Gang; Zeng Guang Ming. Template-free synthesis of three-dimensionalporous CdS/TiO2 with high stability and excellent visiblephotocatalytic activity, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2018, 06.15, 212:69-77.

5Du Yi Bo ; Niu Cheng Gang; Zhang Lei; Ruan Min; Wen Xiao Ju; Liang Chao; Zhang Xue Gang; Zeng GuangMing. Synthesis of Ag/AgCl hollow spheres based on the Cu2Onanospheres as template and their excellent photocatalytic property , MOL ECULARCATALYSIS, 2017.07, 436: 100-110