- 单位:南京航空航天大学 航空学院
- 职称:讲师
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Guangya Zhu, Tao Wen, Dalin Zhang. Machine learning based approach for the prediction of flow boiling/condensation heat transfer performance in mini channels with serrated fins. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 166 (2021) 120783.
Guangya Zhu, T.T. Chow, K.F. Fong, C.K. Lee. Comparative study on humidified gas turbine cycles with different air saturator designs. Applied Energy 254 (2019) 113592.
Guangya Zhu, T.T. Chow. Design optimization and two-stage control strategy on combined cooling, heating and power system. Energy Conversion and Management 199 (2019) 111869.
Guangya Zhu, T.T. Chow, K.F. Fong, C. K. Lee, X.J. Luo. Design optimisation and performance appraisal of a combined cooling, heating and power system primed with Maisotsenko combustion turbine cycle. Energy Conversion and Management 177(1) (2018) 91-106.
Guangya Zhu, Tin-Tai Chow, Norman Tse. Short-term load forecasting coupled with weather profile generation methodology. Building Services Engineering Research and Technology 39 (3) (2018) 310-327.
Guangya Zhu, Tin-Tai Chow, C.K. Lee. Performance analysis of counter-flow regenerative heat and mass exchanger for indirect evaporative cooling based on data-driven method. Energy and Buildings 155 (2017) 503-512.
Guangya Zhu, Tin-Tai Chow. Numerical study on Finned Latent Heat Storage for Tri-generation System, International Conference on Energy, Environment and Economics, 14-16 August 2018, Edinburg (UK).
Guangya Zhu, Tin-Tai Chow, Fong Kwong Fai, C.K. Lee. Investigation on Humidified Gas Turbine Cycles with Maisotsenko-Cycle-Based Air Saturator, International Conference on Applied Energy 22-25 August 2018, Hong Kong (China).
Tin-Tai Chow, Guangya Zhu, C.K. Lee. System optimization of innovative tri-generation system for distributed power application, 13th REHVA World Congress CLIMA2019, 26-29 May 2019 Bucharest (Romania).