  • 单位:南京航空航天大学   航空学院人机与环境工程系
  • 职称:副教授
  • 职位:
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  • 社会职务:
  • 联系方式:
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  1. 建筑环境与能源应用,制冷与空调,建筑节能,数据中心节能等

  2. 飞行器环境控制、飞行器综合能量管理

  3. 机载高热流密度电子设备热管理与热设计

  4. 热管技术的基础理论和工程应用,包括重力热管、动力热管、旋转热管等


  1. X. Yang, X, P. Zhang, Y. Li, et al. A practical design method for two-phase thermosyphon loop based on approaching degree to “ideal cycle”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 182. (SCI, EI, IF=4.73,)

  2. P. Zhang, X., Rong, X. Yang, et al. Design and performance simulation of a novel hybrid PV/T-air dual source heat pump system based on a three-fluid heat exchanger. Solar Energy, 2019, 191:505-517. (SCI, EI, IF=4.67)

  3. P. Zhang, W. Shi, X. Li , et al. A performance evaluation index for two-phase thermosyphon loop used in HVAC systems. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 131:825-836. (SCI, EI, IF=4.7)

  4. P. Zhang, B. Wang, W. Shi, et al. Experimental investigation on two-phase thermosyphon loop with partially liquid-filled downcomer. Applied Energy, 2015, 160:10-17. (SCI, EI, IF=8.85)

  5. P. Zhang, B. Wang, W. Wu, et al. Heat recovery from Internet data centers for space heating based on an integrated air conditioner with thermosyphon. Renewable Energy. 2015, 80:396-406. (SCI, EI, IF=6.27)


  • 江苏省“双创博士”;

  • 江苏省优秀毕业论文指导教师