  • 单位:上海体育学院   运动科学学院
  • 职称:助理研究员


女,中共党员,博士学位,Ph.D.,2018,美国马萨诸萨大学 (UMass-Amherst)硕士学位,MM.,2014,美国纽约州立大学 (SUNY-Fredonia)  学士学位,2012西安音乐学院,助理研究员。

曾任美国马萨诸萨大学-阿姆赫斯特人文学院讲师 (2015-2018) ;美国贝佩丝大学(Bay Path University)学术职业规划中心-学术职业规划顾问 (2017-2018)。

Li, Kailimi (2018) Topics for fourther investigation in teaching of world music. Research poster to be presented at the Ntional Association for Music Education(NAfME) , Twin Cities, MN (2018: September)

Li, Kailimi (2017) Music teacher preparation for culturally diverse school environment: a review of literature. Research poster to be presented at the Suncoast Music Education Research Symposium XI, Tampa, FL (2017: February)  

Li, Kailimi & Xie, Cheng (2017) New sounds and rhythms: Teaching Chinese percussion instruments in music classrooms Workshop to be presented at Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research, Melaka, Malaysia (APSMER) (2017: July 

Li, Kailimi (2017) Expressing and sharing yourself through music technology. Workshop to be presented at Asia-Pacific Symposium for Music Education Research, Melaka, Malaysia (APSMER) (2017: July 

Li, Kailimi (2017) Topics for further investigation in the teaching of world music: A review of literature. Research poster to be presented at the 2017 Symposium on Music Teacher Education, Minneapolis, MN (2017: September)

Li, Kailimi (2016). Expressing and sharing yourself through Glogster. Research poster to be presented at the International Society for Music Education (ISME) World Conference, Glasgow, UK (2016: July


曾获得美国马萨诸萨大学博士学位全额奖学金;全美博士学生代表并获得全额奖学金出席:第四届TIME;音乐科学技术领袖会议, 圣安东尼奥, 得克萨斯州