张永杰Zhang Yongjie
- 单位:Nanjing Medical University Department of Anatomy
- 职称:Professor
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Zhang Yongjie, is a professor and the director in theDepartment of Human Anatomy. He has taught both systematic anatomy and regionalanatomy for more than 20 years. Not only Chinese students but alsointernational students enjoy his lessons because his teaching style is wittyand humorous. He taught over 1200 periods in the last three years and half ofthem are international students’ courses.
As a visiting scholar, Dr Zhang had been to the Louisville University inthe United State for two and a half years. He has applied 4 teaching and 6science research grants. As the first author or corresponding author, he haspublished 6 teaching and 10 scientific articles in the last five years. He hasalso involved in the editing of 2 textbooks.