袁小琴Yuan Xiaoqin
  • 单位:Nanjing Medical University   Department of Anatomy
  • 职称:Professor
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(1978.2 -),Jintan,Jiangsu Province , Professor,Ph.D. She graduated from Nanjing Medical University in 2002 witha bachelor's degree in Clinic medicine , received Ph.D. in biochemistry from YamaguchiUniversity in Japan and majored in  functional proteomics  in 2007. In 2011, sheapplied for a job in the Department of Human Anatomy, Nanjing MedicalUniversity and promoted to associate professor in 2012. From April 2008 toApril 2010, she studied at the University of California, San Diego, mainlyengaged in the pathogenesis of tumor, the mechanism of tumor drug resistanceand the development of targeted small molecules. She presided over 1 National Natural Science Foundation of China General (NSFC)Youth Program, 2 General Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, 2 General Project of Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, 1 Key Program ofNational Natural Science Foundation of China and 2 project underresearch. 15 scientific research papers have been published at home andabroad as correspondent authors or first authors, of which 14 are collected bysci. It mainly undertakes the teaching of systematic anatomy and localanatomy for clinical medicine majors, foreign students and nursing preventionmajors. She presided over 1 teaching reform project and published 1teaching paper.