• 单位:河海大学   理学院
  • 职称:教师
  • 职位:讲师

Research Area 研究领域

Partial differential equations, Functional analysis, Scientific computation, Artificial intelligence.


Research outputs 论文与著作

  1. Pan, Xinghong; Zhu, LuThe combined quasineutral and low Mach number limit of the Navier–Stokes–Poissonsystem. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik (2019) 70:29, 28-48.

  2. Pan, Xinghong; Zhu, LuThe incompressible limit for compressible MHD equations in L^p type criticalspaces.  Nonlinear Analysis 170C (2018)pp. 21-46.

  3.  Wang, Xue Ping; Zhu, Lu On the wave operatorfor dissipative potentials with small imaginary part. Asymptot. Anal. 86(2014), no. 1, 49–57.


First prize in the "Excellent Teaching Award " contest in Hohai University, 2016

Second prize in the "Excellent Teaching Award" contest in Jiangsu, 2016

Second prize in the contest of the national weike, 2019

First prize in the contest of weike in East China, 2019