  • 单位:东华理工大学   地球科学学院
  • 职称:讲师
  • 出生:1988.12
  • 性别:男
  • 联系方式:13739243079; 201860063@ecut.edu.cn




邓亮鹏. 北大别榴辉岩的高温变质作用、部分熔融及P-T-t轨迹[D]. 中国科学技术大学,2018.

Deng, L.P*., Liu, Y.C., Yang,Y., Groppo, C., Rolfo, F., Gu, X.F. 2019.  Anatexis of high-Teclogites in the Dabie orogeny triggered by exhumation and post-orogeniccollapse. European Journal of Mineralogy,31 (5-6), 889–903.

Deng,L.P., Liu, Y.C*., Gu, X.F.,Groppo, C., Rolfo, F. 2018.  Partial melting of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks atconvergent continental margins: Evidences, melt compositions and physicaleffects. Geoscience Frontiers, 9(4), 1229–1242.

Liu, Y.C., Deng, L.P., Gu, X.F., Groppo, C., Rolfo, F. 2016. Multistagemetamorphic evolution and P-T-t path of high-T eclogite from the North Dabiecomplex zone during continental subduction and exhumation. Acta GeologicaSinica (English Edition), 90, 759–760.

Liu, Y.C., Deng, L.P.,Gu, X.F. 2015. Multistage exhumation and partial melting of high-Tultrahigh-pressure metamorphic rocks in continental subduction-collision zones.Science China: Earth Sciences, 58(7), 1084–1099.

Liu, Y.C., Deng, L.P., Gu, X.F., Groppo, C.,Rolfo, F. 2015. Application of Ti-in-zircon and Zr-in-rutile thermometers toconstrain high-temperature metamorphism in eclogites from the Dabie orogen,central China. Gondwana Research, 27, 410–423.

Groppo, C., Rolfo, F., Liu, Y. C., Deng, L. P., & Wang, A. D. (2015).P–T evolution of elusive UHP eclogites from the Luotian dome (North Dabie Zone,China): How far can the thermodynamic modeling lead us? Lithos, 226, 183–200.

刘贻灿,邓亮鹏,古晓锋.2015. 大陆俯冲碰撞带高温超高压变质岩的多阶段折返与部分熔融.中国科学:地球科学,45(06), 752–769.

刘贻灿,邓亮鹏,古晓锋,GroppoC., Rolfo F. 2014. 北大别的多阶段高温变质作用与部分熔融及其地球动力学过程和大地构造意义. 地质科学,9(02),355–367.