1.3.8 热点问题篇


Study Abroad

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen!

Today I feel much honored to give a speech about studying abroad. Over the last several years, along with the rapid development of economy, more and more parents have been sending their children to study abroad. Up to now, this rush is still on and even getting more widespread. Well, people have different opinions about whether it is good to study abroad. But I think studying abroad is really very great. It has many advantages.

Firstly, going abroad to study gives us a precious opportunity to experience a new environment, a new language and a new culture. It can broaden our scope of knowledge, widen our horizon, and help us become more open-minded. In a different culture, we can meet people who think in a different way and who don’t always agree with our ideas about life, politics, love or friendship. We are exposed to[48] many different and sometimes disturbing views. But with this experience we can examine our own values and evaluate the way we think and behave.

Secondly, going abroad to study a certain subject means that we have a different experience in this field. For example, when we want to study another language, it is very effective for us to go to the native country where we are forced to use it no matter we feel like it or not. In this way, we can learn more rapidly and easily.

Another advantage is that studying abroad is a good way to learn to be independent. One has to learn how to take care of and protect oneself, and how to get on well with people from different cultural backgrounds. This skill is essentially important in our future life and work.

However, there are also some big troubles. For example, the teachers may give the lessons in a different way. Can we follow them? The banking system or the transportation system may be completely new to us. How to deal with them? Also, we are surrounded by people with different cultural background. How to cope with the culture shock?

But despite all those difficulties, I still think studying abroad is really attractive. It is important and helpful for the future development, both for ourselves and China. If we have the opportunity, we should overcome the difficulties and try our best to make the most of it, by disciplining our will, increasing our knowledge, and making us more competitive. Then when we come back to our motherland, armed with all those skills, we can throw ourselves into the socialist construction of China.

Thank you very much!

[点评] 出国留学是近年来人们,特别是父母和学生普遍关注和讨论的话题。作者客观分析了出国留学的利弊,表明自己的主观思想:对这一现象持赞成态度。从整体上来看,文章条理清晰,中心突出,论点明确,分析透彻。

The Rewards of the Professions

Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning!

The probability that any particular person should ever be qualified for[49] the employment to which he is educated, is very different in different occupations. In the greater part of mechanic trades, success is almost certain, but very uncertain in the liberal professions. Put your son apprentice[50] to a shoemaker, there is little doubt of his learning to make a pair of shoes, but send him to study the law, it is at least twenty to one if ever he makes such a proficiency[51] as will enable him to live by the business. In a perfectly fair lottery, those who draw the prizes ought to gain all that is lost by those who draw the blanks. In a profession where twenty fail for one that succeeds, that one ought to gain all that should have been gained by the unsuccessful twenty. The counselor at law, who, perhaps, at near forty years of age, begins to make something by his profession, ought to receive the retribution; not only of his own so tedious and expensive education, but of that of more than twenty others who are never likely to make anything by it. How extravagant soever[52] the fees of counselors at law may sometimes appear, their real retribution is never equal to this.

Those professions keep their level, however, with other occupations, and not withstanding these discouragements, all the most generous and liberal spirits are eager to crowd into them. Two different causes contribute to recommend them. Firstly, the desire of the reputation which attends upon superior excellence in any of them; and secondly, the natural confidence which every man has, more or less, not only in his own abilities, but in his own good fortune.

To excel in any profession, in which but few arrive at mediocrity, is the most decisive mark of what is called genius or superior talents. The public admiration which attends upon such distinguished abilities, makes always a part of their reward; a greater or smaller in proportion as it is higher or lower in degree. It makes a considerable part of it in the profession of physic; a still greater perhaps in that of law; in poetry and philosophy it makes almost the whole.

Thank you!

[点评] 求职是当代大学生十分关心的问题。本演讲稿就求职问题提出了一些职业规划,具有较强的现实意义,并对当代大学生学习过程中有重要的启示。内容充实,具有较强的说服力。本篇结构严谨,自然巧妙。