1.6.3 三、英语段落写作的基本结构











新奇只是指引入的思路和语句形式要有新意,避免几十人、几百人针对同一题目的千篇一律的落套的引入方式,新奇还在于文章的主题思想要有新意。具有新意的文章开头会给读者一个良好的第一印象,既能激发读者阅读兴趣,又能对文章获取高分有益。英语中有一句谚语也可用于写作上,Good beginning is half success。







(1)The Creative Way

Because of the rule which requires us to use standard envelopes,there is a problem about to do with the used ones. After thinking for a long time,I have a few suggestions for dealing with old envelopes.

First of all,…



The fourth use of the old envelopes …

(2)Time Is More Valuable

There is a saying:Time Is Money. It is to say time is valuable. However,in my opinion,time is much more valuable than money for us. If you lose money,you can earn some through making efforts. But if what you have lost is time,you can never have the missed time again.




XXX college is situated about six miles from a medium-size city with a purely rural surroundings. The compus lies on a natural long and narrow land stretch between a lake and a mountain. At any time a day,at any weather conditions and at any season of the year,the lake,the mountain and the compus,all together with the natural surroundings present people who work and study there,a perfect pleasant impression.



(1)A Visit to Rural Kenya

At the end of July 1995,I boarded a plane that would take me from my home in Cincinnati,Ohio,to Nairobi,Kenya. My parents had always wanted to take our family abroad,but when my mother signed a contract to work for the U.S. Agency for International Development in Kenya,plans materialized,and we were soon on our way to an exotic year in Africa.

(2)When I think of Georgetown University,I think of Washington and world affairs. I do not know yet exactly what type of professional career I will pursue after schooling,but I do know that I wish to be inter-nationally aware and involved,and that Georgetown would provide me with a solid foundation for that goal.(入学申请)




一篇论文题目为On Foreign Language Learner Errors的引入段。


In the area of foreign language teaching,there have been some theories in which foreign language learner errors are analyzed,and diverse methods of dealing with them are suggested. These theories,however,offer different or even contraditory views on errors and completely different strategies in dealing with them. As a result,many foreign language teachers in China feel puzzled when facing their students’ errors. Therefore,it is necessary to make still further research on the domain of error analysis and find proper error-treating ways in China where the number of foreign language learners,already great,is rising.




Dear Mr. President,

I’m very lucky to attend this world-famous university,but I’m afraid I’m not content with the canteen service on campus.(原因)


Dear Sir,

A recent advertisment in the TV Times magazine asks people to consider emigrating to Austria. I would be very grateful if you could give me more information about the possibility of emigrating,particularly information about the help you could offer.(原因和目的)


Dear Mr. Wu,

Your letter of 10 March to the British Council,Beijing,has been forwarded to me,and I am pleased to send you our Prospectus for the summer courses of 2005.(原因和目的)





图6-4 主体展开段的常见结构






(1)“There are three kinds of lies-lies,damned lies,and statistics.”Mark Twain.

Well,perhaps Mr. Twaindidn’t see the beauty of numbers the way that I do. Because ever since grade school,mathematics has been my favorite subject.And once I was in college and could focus on many areas of math,I realized that I had a genuine interest to applying mathematical and statistical theories to real-world concerns.Hey,even Twain the skeptic realized the importance of balancing the cargo on shallow,difficult-to-navigate riverboats so that the port and starboardsides were equally laden-he even advised the captains to part their hair down the middle so that the weight was perfectly distributed!

I am eager to start the work that will bring me my Ph.D. in statistics.I am also looking forward to continuing my investigation of how I can apply mathematical theories in the real world.Mark Twainmay despair of my chosen career,but I agree with Thomas Carlyle,who said,Blessed is he who has found his work; let him ask no other blessedness.

(2)Little Lessons I’ve learned on my way...

In his poem,The Road Not Taken,Robert Frost wrote,“Two roads diverge in the woods,and I took the one least traveled by/ And that has made all the difference.”In this poem,the narrator had a choice of two roads.However,I’ve discovered that life is a little more complicated.Sometimes the pathwe embark on is not always the one we choose.Sometimes we are pushed or pulled in certain directions and we have to react to our environment.

And as I offer myself as a Ph.D candidate in your Political Sociology department,I bring to the table years of work experience which includes steady and continuous promotions,an unrelenting pursuit for knowledge,a compassion for children and people,and a belief that anything is possible if we can actively imagine it into existence. Throughout my adult life,I never lost my pathand I hope that you will allow me to continue this path at the University of Nebraska.













There are many part-time jobs for college students who need money to help pay their bills.For students who enjoy talking to customers,sales jobs are ideal. Some people like to find their own customers,so they choose door-to-door sales of products ranging from beauty aids and encyclopedias to vacuum cleaners. Other people prefer working in department stores,where customer finds them. Students who like being around people,but do not want to persuade them to buy anything,might prefer clerking in a grocery or discount store. Those who enjoy providing service to the public might prefer office jobs as secretaries,file clerks,or bookkeepers. And those who like to keep their surroundings clean and neat might find that being dishwashers,stockroom persons,or janitors fills their need for both money and job satisfaction.



The room is located on the fifth floor of the high building. One third of its total floor is taken up by a double bed. Facing it,in the corner behind the door,stands a cupboard loaded with pots,bowls,dishes,bottles,and bags of rice and flour. A desk completely fills the gap between the bed and the wall with the window. Behind the desk is a chair,the only one in the room; and it almost touches the boxes and trunks piled against the wall on the opposite side.



图6-5 主题句段落的层级结构



图6-6 无主题句段落的线性结构





We had a number of close calls that day. When we rose,it was obviously late and we had to hurry so as not to miss breakfast; we knew the dining room staff was strict about closing at nine o’clock. Then,when we had been driving in the desert for nearly two hours—it must have been close to noon— the heat nearly hid us in; the radiator boiled over and we had to use most of our drinking water to cool it down. By the timewe reached the mountain,it was four o’clockand we were exhausted. Here,judgment ran out of us and we started the tough climb to the summit,not realizing that darkness came suddenly in the desert. Sure enough,by sixwe were struggling and Andrew very nearly went down a steep cliff,dragging Mohammed and me along with him. By nine,whenthe wind howled across the flat ledge of the summit,we knew as we shivered together for warmth that it had not been our lucky day.


2.空间顺序段落。标志:空间及空间关系指示语,如in China,in America,to the east,on the right,before,nearby,between等。



From a distance,it looked like a skinny tube,but as we got closer,we could see it flesh out before our eyes. It was tubular,all right,but fatter than we could see from far away. Furthermore,we were also astonished to notice that the building was really in two parts:a pagoda sitting on top of a tubular one-story structure. Standing ten feet away,we could marvel at how much of the pagoda was made up of glass windows. Almost everything under the wonderful Chinese roof was made of glass,unlike the tube that it was sitting on,which only had four. Inside,the tube was gloomy,because of the lack of light. Then a steep,narrow staircase took us up inside the pagoda and the light changed dramatically. All those windows let in a flood of sunshine and we could see out for miles across the flat land.


3.演绎或归纳段落。标志:演绎或归纳指示语,如illustrate,example,for example,for instance,in conclusion,in short words等。


演绎/例证型展开段落。演绎/例证型展开段落常常带有example,for example,for instance等标志性词语,有时也没有,而是在一个一般性的命题或一个明确的主题后直接陈述支撑性的事例。演绎/例证型展开段落,无论有无标志性词语,标准在于:段落具有明确的支撑和被支撑的逻辑关系,其次,支撑的例子应力求典型、具体,且如果有多个例子,那么例子之间应有诸如时间、空间、主次等逻辑顺序。例证/举例型展开段落的一般结构模型如图6-7所示。


图6-7 例证/举例型展开段落的一般结构模型


We may note in passing that,although Dr Johnson’s friend and biogrpher(boswell)was a Scotsman,Johnson despiced,or pretended to despice,Scotsmen in general. He once said that the best thing a Scotsman ever saw the high way to England. In his famous dictionary,Johnson defined oats as a grain which in England is generally given to horses,but in Scotland supports the people’. He did not condemn all Scotsmen,however. Once he commented on a distinguished nobleman who had been born in Scotland but educated in England,saying that much could made of a Scotsman—if he was caught young.

在这个段落中作者用了三个例子来支撑主题:Johnson despiced,or pretended to despice,Scotsmen in general。三个例子分别为:He once said …; In his famous dictionary …; Once he commented …。


4.对比或比较段落。标志:对比,比较指示语,如on one hand,on the other hand,different from,different,like,likewise,same,similar等。


最后,为了在写作中将异同点描述或分析得条理清楚,人们一般在比较或对比展开段落中遵循两种结构类型:一种类型为对象—特征型;另一类型为特征—对象型。对象—特征型就是在比较或对比中以比较或对比的对象为主线进行比较或对比,在展示完一个对象的必要特征之后,再进行第二个对象,再进行第三个对象,如此以往,只是在每个对象后罗列的各个方面的特征应按同一顺序,以保持段落的连贯。这种类型的比较或对比又被称为整体比较型或整体对比型(Block comparison/contrast)。在实际写作中,有时进行比较的对象并不仅限于两个。





特征—对象型则刚好与上述相反,是以某方面的特征为主线,逐个对比较或对比的对象进行比较或对比,比较或对比完一个特征后,再进行第二特征,再进行第三个特征,如此以往。这种类型的比较或对比又被称为逐点比较或逐点对比型(Point-to-point comparison/contrast)。







Although Ulysses S. Grantand Robert E. Leewere fierce adversaries during the Civil War their lives,both military and nonmilitary,had a great deal in common. Grant descended from a family whose membere participated in the American Revolution. He received his commission of second lieutenant from West Point and served in the Spanish-American War. He was later summoned by President Lincoln to assume command of the Union Forces during the Civil War. After the Civil War,Grant suffered financial problems and Was forced to declare bankruptcy. Lee aee also descended from family which engaged in the American Revolution. He,too,received his commission from West Point and later fought in Mexico during the Spanish-American War. His fame as a military stragist during the Civil War,when he was the commander of the Confederate armies,is well known. Although it is not always pointed out by historians,he,like Grant,had financial difficulties after the Civil War and was commpelled to declare bankruptcy. By securing a post as president of Washington College,he was able to avoid additional poverty.

在上述的语例中Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee为进行比较的两个对象,作者在先陈述了Ulysses S. Grant 的情况后,再陈述了Robert E. Lee的相应情况,于是给读者一个完整而清楚的了解。





One wonders how,then,these students arrived at such a false conclusion. One reason,ofcourse,may be that they’re science students. Scientific terms generally possess only,precisely defined,meaning. It is,in fact,exactly this quality that make these words distinctive in English,or indeed in any other language. Another reasoncould be the way in which these students were taught English. For example,long vocabulary lists are still an important feature in the foreign language learning programmes of many countries. On one side of the page is the word in English; on the other side a single word in the student’s native language.






There are many part-time jobs for college students who need money to help pay their bills.For students who enjoy talking to customers,sales jobs are ideal. Some people like to find their own customers,so they choose door-to-door sales of products ranging from beauty aids and encyclopedias to vacuum cleaners. Other people prefer working in department stores,where customer finds them. Students who like being around people,but do not want to persuade them to buy anything,might prefer clerking in a grocery or discount store. Those who enjoy providing service to the public might prefer office jobs as secretaries,file clerks,or bookkeepers. And those who like to keep their surroundings clean and neat might find that being dishwashers,stockroom persons,or janitors fills their need for both money and job satisfaction.




Outlining is a skill that will be useful to you when you are taking lecture notes,reading,or writing a paper. An outline shows the organization of a lecture or a written article. It is an arganized list of ideas,grouped together in such a way as to show their relationship to one another.





(1)So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania. Let freedom ring from the snow-capped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the curvaceous slopes of California. But not only that,let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from Lookout Mountain of Tennessee. Let freedom ring from every hill and molehill of Mississippi,from every mountainside. Let freedom ring and when this happens,when we allow freedom ring,when we let ring from every village and every hamlet,from every slate and every city,we will be able to speed up that day when all of God’s children,black men and white men,Jews and Gentiles,Protestants and Catholics will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual,“Free at last,free at last,thank God Almighty,we are free at last.”

(2)“I love all that thou lovest,

Spirit of Delight!

The fresh earth in new leaves dressed,

And the starry night,

Autumn evening,and the morn

When the golden mists are born.

I love snow,and all the forms

Of the radiant frost;

I love waves and winds and storms,

Everything almost

Which is Nature’s,and may be

Untainted by man’s misery.”






图6-8 信息组合展开型段落展开模式



段落     自我介绍主题段落

段落信息1   出生日期或年龄

段落信息2   基本教育或学历背景

段落信息3   工作职业

……     ……


段落       研究方法说明段落

段落信息1     研究地点/场合/环境

段落信息2     研究材料选用

段落信息3     研究步骤/程序

段落信息4     研究结果数据处理

……       ……







图6-9 横向线性展开段落模型



My name is Liyuan. I was born in 1975. Now I am an English teacher. My hobby is travel and sports. I am 175cm tall and my weight is 175 pounds.




图6-10 纵向线性展开段落的展开模型


In preparation for sovereignty,many functions of government have already been transferred. Twelve government ministries are currently under the direct control of Iraqis. The Ministry of Education,for example,is out of the propaganda business,and is now concerned with educating Iraqi children. Under the direction of Dr. Aladin al-Alwan,the Ministry has trained more than 30 000 teachers and supervisors for the schools of a new Iraq.


段落主题preparation for sovereignty。

第一级展开many functions of government transferred。

第二级展开Twelve government ministries under the control。

第三级展开The Ministry of Education now concerned with educating。

第四级展开the Ministry has trained more than 30 000 teachers and supervisors。





图6-11 纵向非线性展开段落或根系式展开段落模型
