1.6.2 二、英语段落写作的标准参照









图6-3 段落标准

统一性。Unity具有统一的意思。统一性指的是一个段落要表达出一个相对独立的主要思想(Main idea),这也说明一个段落不能出现两个或两个以上的多个主要思想,并且整个段落的所有语句都得围绕和指向这一主要思想。这样的段落才具备统一性。



In preparation for sovereignty,many functions of government have already been transferred. Twelve government ministries are currently under the direct control of Iraqis. The Ministry of Education,for example,is out of the propaganda business,and is now concerned with educating Iraqi children. Under the direction of Dr. Aladinal-Alwan,the Ministry has trained more than 30 000 teachers and supervisors for the schools of a new Iraq.

在上述段落中,每一个语句都是密切围绕主题preparation for sovereignty的。








Though this picture only describes a runner who is going to start a new run after reaching the finishing line,yet it demonstrates a universal law that governs the development of mankind. In other words,if we want to make constant progress we must keep forging ahead instead of resting on laurels. Robertson once said,“Whenever he is satisfied with what he does,he has reached his culminating point—he will progress no more.”


Robertson once said,“Wheneverhe is satisfied with what he does,he has reached hisculminating point—he will progress no more. yetit demonstrates a universal law thatgoverns the development of mankind. Though thispicture only describes a runner whois going to start a new run after reaching the finishing line,if we want to make constant progress wemust keep forging ahead. In other words,instead of resting on laurels.

























使用维持语义时间连贯的连接、转换的词汇和术语,可使表达的内容具有时间上的连贯性,如first,second,etc,soon,later,eventually,then,at the same time,at last,after,a moment later,just at the time,when,while…next,after,before,later,soon,during,while,meanwhile,following,shortly,thereafter,the next day,finally,next,last,at last,after an interval,above all,first of all,after a while,afterward,again,also,and then,as long as,at last,at length,at that time,before,thereup,thereafter,now,earlier,eventually, finally,formerly further,furthermore, in addition,in the first place, in the past,last, lately,meanwhile,moreove,next,now,presently,second,shortly,simultaneously,since,so far,soon,still,subsequently,then,until,when,as等。


使用维持语义空间连贯的连接、转换的词汇和术语,可使表达的内容具有空间上的连贯,如in the front,before,behind ,on the left,across from,on the right/left above,below,around,over,inside,to the left/right,behind,beyond,in the center,straight ahead,next to,on the side of,at the top,opposite to,below,under,at the front,around,near,across from,close to,beneath,nearby,on the top of,up,adjacent to,further,below,in front of,beyond,down,under,in the distance,near to,here,there,far,farther,in the distance,beneath,over,opposite to等。




the most…,the last but not the least,moreover,furthermore,not to mention,nothing to say,in addition to,first,firstly,to begin with,second,secondly,to start with,third,thirdly,what’s more,also,and then,and equally important,besides,in addition,further in the first place,still,furthermore,next,too,moreover,finally 等。


on the one hand ,on the other hand,in contrast to,different from,opposite to ,likewise,similarly,in the same way,like,in comparison,equally,however,likewise,in the same way,another,furthermore,moreover,equally important,too,also,at the same time,besides,in addition to,just as,in the same way,by comparison,likewise,similarly,on the contrary,different from,in contrast,on the other,yet,but,despite,in spite of,whereas,the former…the latter,on the one hand…on the other hand,unlike等。


for example,for instance,take…as on example,that is to say,in an other words,in conclusion,for example,for instance,to illustrate. for example for instance,to illustrate as an illustration,after all,as a matter of fact,frankly speaking,in fact,that is,that’s to say,in this case,namely,in other words,to put it differently等。


and,though,but ,but,however,conversely,in spite of,nevertheless,even though,on the other hand,after all,still,on the contrary,yet,whereas,however,nevertheless,because,therefore so,because,for,as,since,owing to,if…then,the former,the latter,first,second…,the conclusion that,in short,but,in contrast,nevertheless,notwithstanding,on the contrary,on the other hand otherwise,regardless,still,though,yet,despite the fact,even though,however,in spite of,instead,still nevertheless,in spite of all the same,even so,after all,concession granted naturally,of course等。


评注性关联词语如to put it concisely,in my opinion,personally,to be sure,even more important,what’s more important,in short,in summary,in conclusion,to sum up,therefore,in brief,to conclude,all in all,in other words,the conclusion that ... ,in summary,it is wiser ..,in short...,certainly,undoubtedly,indeed,truly,in fact,surely,in summary,in a word,in brief,in conclusion,to conclude,in fact,indeed,in short,in other words,of course,it is true,specially,namely,in all,that is to summarize,thus as has been said,altogether in other words,finally in simpler terms,in particular,that is,on the whole,to put it shortly,therefore,as a result,thus,hence,accordingly,therefore,consequently,then,that is to say,so等。




(1)Teachingis supposed to be a professional activity requiring long and complicated training as well as official certification. The act of teachingis looked upon as a flow of knowledge from a higer source to an empty container.

(2)One valueof American culture that I do not accept is the value of materialism.In general,Americanstend to value and collect more material objects than most people in other parts of the world would ever think of owning.The typical modern American owns one or more television sets,cars,stereo systems,computers,and/or telephones. Much time and energy is spent on maintaining and protecting these things.In addition to maintaining and protecting their possessions,Americans often give higher priority to obtaining more things than they do to investing time in interpersonal relationships.This valueseems to result in producing regret in Americans when they reach the end of their lives.Many times people look back at their lives and realize that the things they have accumulated are not nearly as important as the relationships they should have nurtured.

(3)Hypnosisrefers to a complex phenomenon that cannot even be described in a few words and that is still harder to define. Hypnosisis usedby medical men to study their patients’s problems and to relieve symptoms such as pain. It is also usedimproperly and and with great risk by quacks who allege,for example,that they can enhance the performance of an athlete or cure otherwise hopeless diseases. Still another use or rather abuse of hyponosis is by enterprisers. A stage magitian,for example,…





(1)Winston Churchill is probably still the best-known Prime Minister of Great Britain. Born at Blenheim Palace,he joined the army after Harrow,but in1899 resigned hiscommission to report on the Boer War. Elected to Parliament in 1900,he served in both Conservative and Liberal governments,and became Channellor of the Exchequer under Baldwin. A period in the political wilderness was ended by the declaration of the Second World War and his appointment to the Admiralty; after Chamberlain’s resignation in 1940 he led a coalition government. Heworked…Helost the election…Hislast years saw a return to writing,including his memoirs of the Second World War.

(2)Hypnosis refers to a complex phenomenon that cannot even be described in a few words and thatis still harder to define. Hypnosis is used by medical men to study their patients’s problems and to relieve symptoms such as pain. It is also used improperly and with great risk by quacks who allege,for example,that theycan enhance the performance of an athlete or cure otherwise hopeless diseases. Still anotheruse or rather abuse of hyponosis is by enterprisers. A stage magitian,for example,…




“Tristram Shandy” is Laurence Sterne’s masterpiece. It is a strange,plotless novel. By the time theauthor comes to thefourth volume,thehero has barely covered a single day of his life. He is breeched in volume 6,and then totally disappears. Sterne’s humour sometimes takes the form of indecent innuendoes,e.g. in thefirst few chapters,thehero tells “when” and how he was begotten by his parents. However,a delightful group of characters are drawn with amazing liveliness,notably Tristram’s irritable but kind-hearted father; “my Uncle Toby”,who loves to expound military tactics on paper but will not kill a fly; theparson Yorick,a representation of the author himself; Corporal Trim,Toby’s servany,and thewidow Wadman.

替代词分为名词性替代词、动词性替代词和分句性替代词。名词性替代词,如one/ones,the same,the kind,the sort等;动词性替代词, 如do,do so等;分句性替代词就是采用分句形式的so/not替代整个分句。


(1)Many young kids are facinated with pop stars. Ketty says that she she has no interest in that kind of people.(名词性替代词)

(2)The teacher assigned the students to collect waste things on their way back to home and take to the school the next day. So did everyone of the class.(动词性替代词)



(4)All the people think that Antonia,the Italian chess player will win the previous Russian champion. John thinks not. (分句性替代词)





I took leave,and turned to the ascent of the peak.

(1)The ascension was perfectly easy.(同义词)

(2)The climb was perfectly easy.(近义词)

(3)The task was perfectly easy.(一般意义的词)

(4)The thing was perfectly easy.(更一般意义的词)


(1)Everyone thinks his idea is stupid. Nobody thinks it clever.

(2)It is usually very hard for a person to have many friends. And in the modern society,where materialization,commercialization and competition prevail,one often has to confront a large swarm of unfriendly fellows,hostilities,or even enemies.




(1)And so,my fellow Americans,ask not what you country can do for you; ask what you can do for the country. My fellow citizens of the world,ask not what America will do for you,but what together we can do for the freedom of man.

(2)We did not seek this war on terror,but this is the world as we find it. We must keep our focus. We must do our duty. History is moving,and it will tend toward hope,or tend toward tragedy. Our terrorist enemies have a vision that guides and explains all their varied acts of murder. They seekto impose Taliban-like rule,country by country,across the greater Middle East. They seekthe total control of every person,and mind,and soul,a harsh society in which women are voiceless and brutalized. They seekbases of operation to train more killers and export more violence. They commit dramatic acts of murder to shock,frighten and demoralize civilized nations,hoping we will retreat from the world and give them free rein. They seekweapons of mass destruction,to impose their will through blackmail and catastrophic attacks. None of this is the expression of a religion. It is a totalitarian political ideology,pursued with consuming zeal,and without conscience.




(1)One value of American culture that I do not accept is the value of materialism.In general,Americanstend to value and collect more material objectsthan most people in other parts of the world would ever think of owning.The typical modern American owns one or more television sets,cars,stereo systems,computers,and/or telephones.Much time and energy is spent on maintaining and protecting these things.In addition to maintainingand protecting their possessions,Americansoften give higher priority to obtaining more things than they do to investing time in interpersonal relationships.This valueseems to result in producing regret in Americans when they reach the end of their lives. Many times people look back at their livesand realize that the things they have accumulated are not nearly as important as the relationships they should have nurtured.


(2)Kidnappers are rarely interested in animals,butthey recently took considerable interest in Mrs Eleanor Ramsay’s cat. Mrs Eleanor Ramsay,a very wealthy old lady,has shared a flat with her cat,Rastus,for a great many years. Rastusleads an orderly life. He usually takes a short walk in the eveningsand is always home by seven o’clock. One evening,however,he failed to arrive. Mrs Ramsaygot very worried. Shelooked everywhere for himbut could not find him.

