1.4.5 第五节 辩论型演讲Debating Speeches

第五节 辩论型演讲Debating Speeches

第一部分 理论学习(Theory Introduction)

辩论也称论辩,是指意见相悖的双方就同一问题展开面对面的争辩,以确立自已的观点、驳斥对方的观点。在人际交往中,不同意见的争论是无处不在的,正是这些争论可以“明是非、审治乱、明同异、察名实、处利害、决嫌疑” 。当今的时代,需要靠自己推销自己,所以,要想让别人了解自己,是应该具备辩才的。归纳起来,辩论的作用有:有助于人们发现和认识真理;可以开发人的智力;可以增长知识;可以培养良好的口才;可以提高应变能力;可以培养竞争意识。辩论从形式上可分为日常辩论、决策辩论、外交辩论、学术争鸣、答辩、法庭辩论和赛场辩论等。

一、辩论的性质(Nature of debating)

辩论是一项非常有意思但却极具挑战性的活动。在辩论过程中,可以使大家更仔细更透彻地了解一些当代热点问题,能培养演讲者迅速分析问题并立即做出反应的能力。辩论同样也检验演讲者是否具有好的倾听技巧,是否具有批判性思考问题的能力,是否能够有效合理地组织自己的观点,头脑是否开阔(open-minded) ,是否愿意接受新的观点,改进和修正自己的观点。

二、辩论的特点(Character of debating)












三、辩论型演讲的原则(Principles of debating speeches)


(一)建立和谐的讨论环境(Harmony environment)

有很多人混淆了这两个词:争论(argue)和争吵(quarrel) 。在日常生活中,当有人质疑你的计划或想法时,你往往会变得很激动,甚至有些生气,开始和对方争吵。这种现象是很容易理解的,因为你觉得受到了威胁,如果不能成功说服别人的话,那就意味着需要修正自己的观点。而这些行为和想法代表的是自己的价值观、世界观。但事实证明你的想法、观点、计划不一定是最好的,总有一些问题没有考虑到,也总有一些空间可以改进和提高。


(二)组织结构清楚而严密(Clear organization)


Proposition: The local government should take strict measures to punish those chemical plants which emptied many pollutants into the local river.


Firstly, it is true that those chemical plants emptied many pollutants into the local river.(claim of fact)

Secondly, it’ s wrong for them to do so because these pollutants are harmful.(claim of value)

Thirdly, the local government therefore should take some strict measures to punish those chemical plants for doing so and these measures have proved to be effective.(claim of policy)

这样,结构就比较严谨,层次也清晰了。首先,证明这件事是存在的、真实的;其次,说明这些污染物是有害的。然后,地方政府需要采取措施解决这个问题,而且这些措施被证明是可行、有效的。这几个层次与辩论和说服性演讲中三个最基本的概念紧密相连的,即事实判断(claim off act) 、价值判断(clam of value)以及政策判断(claim of policy)。


Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in shooting President Kennedy.(the past)

Growing up in a single parent family is harmful to children. (the present)

There will be another war in the Middle East in the near future.(the future)


Yoga is the best kind of exercise.

Cloning is wrong.

Deng Xiaoping is a great person.


Vehicle acquisition tax should be greatly raised.

We should donate organs to the people who are in great need after we die.


(三)避免犯逻辑错误(Reasoning fallacies)

演讲者容易犯的逻辑错误类型有:仓促概括型(hasty generalization) 、错误原因型(false cause) 、错误类比型(poor analogy) 、非此即彼型(either-or) 、从众型(bandwagon) 、转移注意型(red herring) 、人身攻击型(ad hominem)等。


“My sisters don’ t like sports. My girl friend doesn’ t like sports either. So all girls don’ t like sports.” (hasty generalization)

在这里,演讲者从他姐姐和女朋友不喜欢体育,推断出所有的女孩子都不喜欢体育。他犯了一个逻辑错误,他姐姐和女朋友并不能代表所有的女孩子,换句话说就是他的样本不够多,范围不够大。在论断的措辞中,一定要避免“everything, all, everyone, none, never”这样绝对化的字眼。


“Violence among teenagers is caused by TV violence.” (false cause)



“Since you are good at playing tennis, you must be good at playing badminton.” (poor analogy)



“We’ ll either have to invest more in the factory or the workers will all get laid-off.” (either-or fallacy)



“There is no need for me to bike with a helmet. Everyone bikes without wearing such a helmet.” (bandwagon)



“Why are we here talking about animal rights since there are so many people suffering from starvation?” (red herring)



“Since he is a drop out, how could he complete such a huge project successfully?” (ad hominem)


四、英语辩论型演讲技巧(Tips of English Debating Speeches)

作为交流的载体,英语演讲、英语辩论是表现英语能力和展示英语素养的基本形式。辩论者要能够通过辩论这种特殊形式达到交流的目的,就得做一个好的交流者(communicator) 。成为一个好的交流者应该掌握以下技能:倾听、理解、表达。

(一)倾听(Listening) :学会主动接受对方观点是非常重要的交流技能。我们常常用“亲和力” (approachable)形容一些具备独特魅力的人,跟他们交流往往是一种快乐。这其中当然不乏气质、谈吐、身份等主观感觉,但他们最重要的一点共性其实是——他们都是优秀的倾听者(excellent listeners) 。良好的倾听习惯不仅能够让你更有效地获取对方想表达的信息,更能给对方创造一个乐于分享的交流氛围。就好像老师上课时总是喜欢那些紧跟课堂节奏、眼神执著、不时点头的学生一样,这些细微的动作常常是老师辛苦备课最大的动力源泉。在求知面试或者比赛时,考官或评委考察的不仅是你的语音、语调等语言方面的能力,同时也在观察你听问题、听对方辩手发言时候的风度(manner) 。

(二)理解(Understanding) :学会能动的消化对方思想同样也是不可或缺的交流技巧。在这一点上影响最大的是怯场心理(stage fright) 。对于能够掌握逻辑性极强的英语的辩手而言,最基本的思辨能力绝对不是问题,真正的问题在于:当你在现场面对考官或观众、评委,甚至广大“后援团”的时候,你是否还能够保留平时那颗理性的头脑。巧妇难为无米之炊,如果因为紧张而错误理解了对方的观点,哪怕你说得再义正词严那也离题万里。

首先,不要否认自己在场上会感到紧张,这是非常正常的生理行为,关键的是如何把紧张的时间压缩到最小,最早进入状态。这种短时的积极紧张(positive stress)不仅不会影响你的发挥,反而能让你注意力高度集中,思维速度大大活跃,从而能够以最快的反应回答出最有创造力的答案。其次,一旦进入这个亢奋状态(high situation) ,选手同时要警惕另一个问题,就是high过了头以至开始胡言乱语。

(三)表达(Expression) :经过倾听理解输入的东西最终还是要靠你的输出(output)来完成交流。此时,表达技巧(delivery)就成了核心问题。Language is power,Delivery is strength。没有掌握表达技巧很容易让选手走入“怀才不遇”的自责怪圈,这是最为可惜的。需要注意的是口齿清晰(clarity) 、语言流利(fluency) 、发音准备(accuracy) 、节奏变换(pace) 、语音变化(vocal variety) 、面部表情(facial expression) 、眼神交流(eye-contact) 、手势姿势(gesture & posture) 、感情流露(natural emotion)等是表达时的关键。同时还必须注意避免用语复杂(complicated language) 、展现个人性格(personality) 、创造亮点(highlight)吸引观众。

第二部分 案例阅读(Case Study)

No.1Should Purchase of Private Cars in China Be Encouraged?


Private cars in China are increasing at alarming speed. Over two million private cars were purchased in 2003 and the number is likely to increase at a similar rate in the next 10 or 20 years. This will be causing a number of problems, and should be regulated more carefully. Some of these problems are:

1. Pollution——Harmful emissions generated by the burning of fossil fuels by too many cars centralized in a small area, like a city, can and does cause many health problems to citizens of the area. Carbon monoxide in centralized forms actually can cause death to all life forms: people, animals, and plants. This is an established fact and cannot be denied. People living and working in areas of high density of vehicles are more likely to suffer from many respiratory ailments such as colds, eye irritations, sinus congestion and pneumonia. These harmful emissions are also part of the problem of the “greenhouse effect”attributed to global warming and the depletion of the ozone layer. The costs of problems are too high to be rationalized by any argument for the continued increase of the number of private cars in China.

2. Congestions——The increasing numbers of cars, even if they didn’ t emit harmful gases, would still cause the problem of congestion. This problem can be seen in almost all Chinese cities. These include things like drivers parking on sidewalks resulting in pedestrians being forced to walk on the street disrupting the smooth flow of traffic. Drivers also use the lanes set aside for bicycles for both driving and parking thereby creating congestions by forcing cyclists to use the main road. Some drivers do not obey many of the logical rules of the road, such as not giving way to others and this causes many traffic jams. Some drivers ignore traffic lights, creating danger to pedestrians and other drivers. Speed limits are not posted or obeyed. The infrastructure is not sufficient and the increase in the number of private cars is straining this present system of roads, streets and highways.

3. Fatalities——In the world China presently ranks as having the highest number of fatalities per capita based on driver hours. This is partly because there is no enforcement of existing regulations regarding problems such as drunk driving, speeding, changing lanes erratically, and not using headlights for night lights driving, to name just a few. The increase in the number of private cars without the concurrent enforcement of the“rules of the road”will lead to a constant increase in fatalities.

4. Energy costs——The increasing cost of energy, i.e. fuel for the cars is due to increase if the number of private car continues to grow unabated. The fossil fuel energy used to power private car (108-115) is robbing industries of badly needed fuels to operate the factories and manufacturing in China.

5. Social unrest——Private ownership of cars is creating a class distinction in China that is unhealthy socially as it points up the vast gulf between the rich and the poor. This is exacerbated by the arrogance of the rich in many everyday traffic situations. Private car owners often act as if they are above the law, and act in an unsocial manner towards others sharing the roadways.


1. Sense of freedom and accomplishment——Ownership of a private car is a statement of success and serves as a goal for others. It also provides a busy executive with freedom of movement in a more timely and efficient way. It is also a source of national pride as it points to an improved economy and a growing middle class. The sale of private cars fuels the economy and the manufacturing. Sales and servicing have created many jobs and increased well——being for many workers.

2. Travel——Ownership of private cars has been an important aspect of the growing travel and tourists business in China. Now that the Chinese people enjoy several extended holidays, private cars provide the ability for entire families to travel economically together and this gives rises to growing hospitality industry. The use of private cars for business purposes is also enhanced as it can sometimes provide the means by which businesspeople can meet face to face without the high costs associated with flying.

3. Housing——Ownership of private cars can also help increase the housing industry as people can live outside the inner cities and buy homes in the outlying suburbs and this can relieve the housing problem in the cities by increasing the space that can be used for building homes.

4. Modernization——Ownership of private cars is helping to push China towards modernization as it provides rural people with better access to the cities and vice versa. This increases domestic trade activity and also increases logistics between factories and workers.

No2. English Testing: Is It a Must for Everyone in China?


1.International language——English has been an international language for over 50 years and it is likely to remain our global language for another 100 years. As an international language, English is used globally in almost every field. Over 70% of the world’ s scientists read English. And 90% of all information in the world’ s electronic retrieval systems is stored in English.

2. Communication and competition——The world we live in is increasingly becoming a global village. Whether we like it or not, people from different nations have to communicate face to face in a language understandable to all communicators. Now that China has entered the WTO, we Chinese people should work hard to get ready linguistically to compete with other nations. In the 21st century, competition between nations is characterized by “competition through communication and communication through competition” . Without a good command of English, how can we communicate with the outside world? If we are not able to communicate with foreigners, how can we compete with them?

3. Research and professions——Whatever you study, English is a good tool by which you learn more about your subject. As we all know, Germany is a scientifically and technologically advanced country, but 98% of German research physicists and 83% of German research chemists use English in their work instead of their mother tongue. If your English is good, you can read more books and journals on your specialization, whether it is politics, or economics, or health care, or real estate, or tourism, or math, or biology, or chemistry. With a good command of English, not only can you gain more knowledge in your special profession or field of research, but you can also communicate well with people at international conferences and expositions.


1. Other languages——Though it’ s true that English is a language used worldwide in almost every field, we must realize that there are other languages that are also international. Take artists for example, their language are colors and musical notes that express their feelings and meanings better than any other language. We don’ t need to speak English in order to appreciate a masterpiece of music or painting; in fact we prefer silence in such situation.

2. Waste of time——People engaged in Chinese studies may need English once in a blue moon. Learning English means a waste of time for them. A professor in Shanghai wrote and published many books on classical Chinese literature and is recognized worldwide as an expert in his field, but he remained an associate professor for many years just because he did not pass the English test. Only after he spent three years working like mad and passed the English test, did he become a professor. After that, he threw all his English books into a garbage can.

3. Low priority——English is important but it has a low priority with many people in China, to whom English would be a nice tool to possess if they could live over one hundred years. But life is short and they are pressed for time. Do you think artists should stop to learn English until they can speak English fluently to talk about their masterpiece? That would be nice, but does it pay? If you in order to pass your English test, stop working hard for several years in your field in which English is not important, you are left behind others forever. Some skills need improving all the time before you become a real master. So we have to get our priorities right and relegate the importance of English.

No.3 Getting Married on Campus: Should It Be Encouraged?


1. AGE—Traditionally, only people under the age of 25were eligible for undergraduate studies. To ensure that young students concentrated on their studies, our country set a ban on undergraduates from getting married before graduation. But in 2001, the Ministry of Education lifted the age-ban. Qualified candidates of any age can enter colleges and universities. Some students who are older and have a stable relationship with their sex partners wish to get: married before graduation. It is humanistic to allow them to do so,

2. LAW—According to China’ s Law of Marriage, any male citizen aged above.-22 and female above 20 have the right to get married out of their own will. Their right is protected by our Constitution. No individual or authority can deprive them of this right.

3. NEEDS—Those students who wish to get married claim they can obtain a physiological and psychological satisfaction. They can take care of each other, encourage each other to study harder, and lead a happy life.


1. LACK OF MONEY—Generally speaking, Undergraduates are not economical, independent yet. They cannot afford to carry out the normal duties of the new family. Today, our college students are confronted with tremendous pressure from studies. Therefore they don’ t have much time for part-time jobs.

2. LACK OF EXPERIENCE – Getting along well with your spouse takes experience. As college students have little experience in dealing with various problems in life, their married life may be filled with more bittern may arise from any aspect of life, for example, eating habit, sleeping habit, sex life, social life, housework, etc.

3. STUDIES——With more time and energy taken up by marriage, young couples on campus will find it difficult to concentrate on their studies, As a result, their future is at risk. Many college students have probably realized the seriousness of this problem. This has been proved by a recent survey, conducted by China Youth Daily, which shows that most college students choose not to get married before graduation, though they are allowed to do so.

No.4 Speech at Yale University by Bai Yansong from CCTV.

Over the past two decades, China has been a three-term president of the United States to deal with, but today to Yale, I learned that in fact he has only to deal with a school. But through the three, I also understand that the president, and the standard of graduates of Yale University does not quite evenly.


Then we entered this topic, perhaps from a subject, then should be called “My Story, as well as behind the Chinese dream.”I want to say five years, first talk about the year 1968. That year I was born. But the world is very chaotic year in France has its, um, a huge street riots in the United States have, and then the United States, President John F. Kennedy assassination, but did all of these reasons have nothing to do with me. But that year, we should remember that Mr. King was assassinated, Martin Luther, though that year he fell, but “I have a Dream”but this sentence really stood up, not only in the United States to stand up in the world stand up.

接下来就进入我们这个主题,或许要起个题目的话应该叫《我的故事以及背后的中国梦》 。我要讲五个年份,第一要讲的年份是1968年。那一年我出生了。但是那一年世界非常乱,在法国巨大的街头的骚乱,在美国也有,然后美国的总统肯尼迪遇刺了,但是的确这一切原因都与我无关。但是那一年我们更应该记住的是马丁·路德·金先生遇刺,虽然那一年他倒下了,但是“我有一个梦想”的这句话却真正地站了起来,不仅在美国站起来,在全世界站起来。

But then I regret, not just me, and almost a lot of Chinese people do not know this dream, because at that time the Chinese people, every individual is hard to say their own dreams. China and the United States at great distances, no less than the distance between the moon and the earth. But I do not care about all of this, I only relationship I can eat. Obviously, I was born is not the time, not only was China, the world, it seems that there are problems.


In 1978, ten years later. I am old; I am still living in a time when I was born, that only a hundred thousand people a very, very small city. It is the distance from the Beijing 2000 kilometers, it is out of order to understand Beijing’ s newspapers, it should be seen after three days, so for us, yes there is no news in this statement. That year my grandfather died, while two years ago when my father passed away, so it leaves one to support my mother, we brothers, her less than ten dollars a month’ s salary. Therefore, even if old, and dream of the word for me, is still a very strange word, I never think about it. I do not see the hope of this family, but feel that it is very cold each winter, because I live in the city from the Soviet Union closer. But I see no hope in 1978, when, whether it’ s China, the country, as well as China and the United States between the two countries, there have been a very great change, it is one all of us here today are The year to remember.


1978 December 16, China established formal diplomatic relations with the United States, it is a big event. In the United States established diplomatic relations two days later, December 18, China held the Third Plenum of the Eleventh, it is the beginning of China’ s reform and opening up thirty-one years. History, two great countries, a very poor family, it is so intertwined with a dramatic, whether it is a small family or large countries, in fact, was not sure anyone knows what kind of future.


In 1988, the year I was twenty. This time I have come from the border of the small cities of Beijing, becoming a college student. Although today we are in China, there are still a lot of people criticized China’ s college entrance examination in the system, saying that it has many, many flaws, but it must be recognized is the existence of college entrance examination, let’ s also a very common way a child, and had to change the fate of the opportunities. Of course, this time the United States is no longer a very remote country, it becomes very specific, it is no longer a slogan that in the past among the “American imperialism,”but became a lot of the details in life. This time I have tried Coca-Cola for the first time, but after drinking Coca-Cola will find the Sino-US two countries really are so close that it is almost Jiugen Chinese medicine is the same.

1988年,那一年我二十岁。这个时候我已经从边疆的小城市来到了北京,成为一个大学生。虽然我们今天在中国依然有很多人在抨击中国的高考制度,认为它有很多很多的缺陷,但是必须承认正是高考的存在,让我们这样一个又一个非常普通的孩子,拥有了改变命运的机会。当然,这个时候美国已经不再是一个很遥远的国家,它变得很具体,它也不再是那个过去口号当中的“美帝国主义” ,而是变成了生活中很多的细节。这个时候我已经第一次尝试过可口可乐,而且喝完可口可乐之后会觉得中美两个国家真的是如此接近,因为它几乎就跟中国的中药是一样的。

At that time I started very enthusiastically to like rock and roll. At that time Michael Jackson was still time to grow more beautiful. More importantly, this time in China, has already started to occur in a very big change, because the reform has been carried out for a decade. That year China began to try to liberalize the prices of many goods. This you think is a very weird thing, but in China, was a big move, because the prices of the past by the government to decide. But in that year, because the liberalization of prices, resulting in a frenzied rush to buy the country, we feel that this time there will be long, so take a lifetime of food and supplies are used to buy home inside. This year also marks the Chinese away from the market economy nearer.


Of course, no one knew at that time the market economy, there will be sub-prime crisis. Of course, I know that the year in 1988 for Yale University, is particularly important, because you are an alumnus of Yale has once again become the U.S. president.


In 1998, the year my three-year-old. I had become one of China Central Television news program host. More importantly, I have become a one-year-old child’ s father. Year in the United States took place between a very important event, the protagonist is Bill Clinton. Perhaps you remember in the United States is the sex scandal. But in China, remember that year, he visited China. In June, he visited China when Chinese President Jiang Zemin at the Great Hall and an open press conference at Peking University and then conducted an open speech, these two activities, live presenters are me.


Clinton’ s speech at Beijing University which, as President Clinton’ s speech as a whole, using all the translation provided by the U.S. side, I guess there are a lot of Chinese audience, is indeed always knew that Bill Clinton speak, but said that what is less clear. So I live the end of the time, saying that such remarks, I said that evidently the United States needs to learn more about China, sometimes starting from the language, but for China and the U.S. the two countries, face to face will always be better than back to back. Of course, in the beginning of the year, I drove my first car in life. This is what I never thought in my past, the Chinese may one day open their own cars. Personal joy, but also give you the impression for a long time, since it is often for the first time is the most memorable.


2008 This year, I am 40 years old. For many years that we can stop talking about ‘I have a dream’phrase, in this year I have heard a lot of Americans are talking about. It appears Barack Obama does not want to accept the occupation of the United States two decades at Yale such facts. He used“change”and“dream” . This kind of vocabulary, so that students and faculty of Yale University, was elected president for his later, I heard that you have held a parade, and even to celebrate.


This year is also very obvious Chinese dream year. It’ s like the great dream of the entire world to be doomed to suffer a lot of setbacks as apparent. Whether looking for a long time the Beijing Olympics, China’ s Shenzhou VII is the first time in space, walk among it many years ago. We look forward to a long time a dream. However, the sudden earthquake in Sichuan, so that everything becomes not we look forward to the wonderful. 80000 of life left, so that the whole Chinese people struggled to live in 2008. Inside the campus at Yale, I guess, in every page, in front of television, and newspapers, there are many people from China, as well as people around the world for these life-shed tears. But like Martin Luther King forty years ago, Mr. Kim collapsed dream of, yet “I have a dream”phrase points higher, stand a little longer and more people standing like that is extremely valuable, and more Chinese people also understand, the dream is very important. But life is more important.


During the Olympic Games in Beijing, I have celebrated his 40-yearold’ s birthday. That day I was filled with emotion, because of the time into my birthday that day, when I live exciting game. 24 hours later, when this time to be out of my birthday that day, I am also still live. But this day I think I am very lucky. Because it is such a special, during the Olympic Games in Beijing, the 40-year-old, I realized that my story behind the Chinese dream.


It is in this time of forty years inside, I was an impossible dream, and a remote frontier town where a small child, becomes a joyful reunion in the humanity inside of a big festival, share and the dissemination of this happy news, and this is the story of a place in China. In this year, China and the United States is not far away, you have me, I have you, need each other. President Bush said that as president he has spent abroad, a country spent the longest period of time, that is, during the Beijing Olympic Games. Where Phelps won eight gold medals, while his family was accompanied at his side, all the Chinese people for such a special family blessing. Of course, such a dream would blink of an eye in the past. In such a year inside the two countries is the first time in history is almost the same time issued a “I have a new dream” so often, such a coincidence, so should be.


The United States faces a very, very difficult financial crisis, of course, a matter not just the United States, but also have a significant impact on the world. Yesterday I arrived in New York, had just got off the plane, I went to the first stop on Wall Street, I saw the statue of President Washington, and his gaze is so immutable in the Stock Exchange on that face staring at a huge American flag. And very wonderful, in the exhibition hall where the statue is holding back, “President Lincoln in New York,”Such an exhibition, so large portrait of President Abraham Lincoln also hang it above the surface, he also Look at the flag. I read out a very solemn and stirring a sense of history. Left that place, I said to my colleagues in this statement. I said, many, many years ago if the United States took place when such a situation, perhaps the Chinese people will feel very happy, because you see, the United States has a bad thing. But today the Chinese people would be particularly hope that the United States as early as possible to get better, because we have hundreds of billions of money in the U.S. We also have a large number of products waiting to dress on the ship and sent to the United States to, if the U.S. economy further is good, in these goods is backed by a further increase in the wages of a Chinese person is his own re-employment opportunities, as well as family well-being.


In the past three decades inside, you notice it, with one another ordinary Chinese people closely related to the Chinese dream. I do not know any other country in the world, in the past three decades of time inside, so that the fate of individuals have taken place in such a big change. A remote small city children, a desperate child, have the opportunity today to students at Yale with the exchange. Perhaps the change a perspective. Very common to see 1.3 billion Chinese people. They are not ambitious dreams. To change the fate of the kind of impulse, is still good character, the kind of quality and hard work. Today’ s China is constituted by just such terms.


In the past many years inside, the Chinese see the United States, it seems that with a telescope to see. All the good things the United States, were the telescope to enlarge. It is often said how the United States how kind, how kind of how the United States, you see, when we can so here. In the past several years inside, the Americans also seemed to use the telescope looking at China, but I guess probably take backward. Because they see is a scaled-down, the error constant, there are many problems to one China. They ignore the 1.3 billion Chinese people are very common to change the fate of such impulses and desires, to make this country has undergone such a huge change. But I also have been a dream. Why use telescopes look at one another?


Of course, I also hope that so many Americans have the opportunity to see China. Rather than in the media were going to see China. You know I do not quite trust all my peers. To open a joke. In fact, the U.S. counterpart is a peer whom I respect enormously. I only hope that more and more American friends to see a true China. Because I’ m sure at least one thing. Even if you eat in the United States is recognized as the best Chinese cuisine. Very difficult to sell in China, good price. Like many, many years ago, all the cities in China, a kind of popular called California Beef Noodle, California, beef noodle soup. A considerable number of Chinese people believe that the United States to certain things very, very tasty. So they have to eat them. Even if not so tasty, then think that this is due to come to the U.S., but also did not criticize. The chain of fast food restaurants in China, for many, many years, until more and more Chinese people came to the United States, four in California looking for California Beef Noodle, but have not found a time when more and more Chinese people know that California is no such beef noodle. So in this chain in China, is now in the process of gradually disappear. This is a difference. But when people come and go, after such a misreading will be less and less.


So in the end I just want to say one. Forty years ago, when Martin Luther Mr. King had fallen, his sentence, “I have a dream”all over the world. However, we must know that not only have an English version of“I have a dream.”In the Far East, in an inherited thousands of years in China, also have a dream. It is not ambitious slogan, not with the government exists, it belongs to every one very ordinary Chinese people. But it is written in Chinese,“I have a dream.”

所以最后我只想再说一句。四十年前,当马丁·路德金先生倒下的时候,他的那句话“我有一个梦想”传遍了全世界。但是,一定要知道,不仅仅有一个英文版的“我有一个梦想” 。在遥远的东方,在一个几千年延续下来的中国,也有一个梦想。它不是宏大的口号,并不是在政府那里存在,它是属于每一个非常普通的中国人,而它用中文写成“我有一个梦想” 。

第三部分 课后练习(Practice)

思考与讨论(Thinking and discussion)

1. What are the character of debating?

Key Points:


2. State out the principles of debating speeches.

Key Points:




3. Choose some expressions of debating languages from Case Study 4.

Key Points:




4. What do you think is the function of the debating speech?

Key Points:




应用演练(Application exercises)

Prepare speeches: 1. No More Video Games

         2. Women shouldn’ t be Neglected

Example 1:

No More Video Games

In the last ten years, video games, a new type of entertainment, have gradually replaced many traditional activities for students. Some students claim that video games can bring them greater pleasure than other activities. But their parents complain that video games occupy too much of their children’ s time. In my point of view, high school and college students should spend as little time as possible playing video games.

Indeed, video games have marvelous pictures, well-knit plots and diversified situations. So, they entertain youngsters, train them to respond quickly, stimulate their ability to cooperate with other team members. They can be good to the development of teenagers’intelligence, imagination and can help them to relax. However, we should not overlook those problems that arise when many students spent too much time on video games.

First of all, playing video games can do harm to teenagers’health. Young people would like to play video games for four hours or even longer without rest. Such extended periods of time in front of computer screen can cause them to have poor eyesight. Additionally, youngsters who play a lot of video games have no time to do physical exercises, which are necessary for the development of their bodies. Naturally, when they grow up, they will find that they have weaker hearts.

Secondly, playing video games is a waste of students’money. In order to play the latest video games, some students spend their entire allowance buying the video game discs, which are expensive for common Chinese students. Besides that, some students are eager to be the strongest in the game world, so they buy lots of books that provide game tips. They think nothing of spending ten or twenty Yuan on such books.

Lastly, playing video games can greatly affect a student’ s school achievements. From the result of a recent survey administered on whether video games interfere with schoolwork, more than half of the students who participated thought that video games did keep them from studying. They said that if they met difficulties in killing a boss in video games, they would think about it for a long time until they found a way, without considering what teacher talked about in class. After they solved the first challenge, they could not help but try the next challenge. The same thing would happen again and again. Obviously, it becomes impossible for them to accomplish their schoolwork successfully.

From the above analysis, it is clear that for the high school and college students’video games do more harm than good. Consequently, video games should be done away with, because they are harmful to students’ . Teenagers should concentrate on more valuable activities such as reading, studying and physical exercises.

Example 2:

Women Shouldn’ t be Neglected

Men sometimes say, “We men are better and cleverer than women.”Is this true? Of course not. Facts speak louder than words. A brief look at the past and present will enable us to see what great contributions women have made to human life and to social progress and development.

Women have changed history to some degree. Now scientists and archeologists agree that women invented agriculture. With the advent of days, in rural areas, with the adoption of various contracted household responsibilities systems with remuneration linked to output, women have gained more opportunities to give full play to their talents and special skills.

Involvement in the market economy has brought about a marked increase in women’ s income. According to some surveys, the ratio between the income of the wife and the husband was 45 to 100 in the 1950s, whereas in the 1980s, it became 92 to 100. In some areas, some women are earning more money than their husbands.

Reform has given new opportunities to women in employment, but it has also brought about new problems. New opportunities often mean a heavier workload than before for women, for they are still burdened with the responsibility of housework and childcare. Keenly fearing inadequacy, Chinese women are trying to raise their educational level in every possible way.

Once, a famous man said, “if there were no women, there wouldn’ t be men’ s success.”Women, with their own intelligence, do their best to make family life colorful.