1.4.3 第三节 礼仪型演讲Speeches on Special Occasions

第三节 礼仪型演讲Speeches on Special Occasions

第一部分 理论学习(Theory Introduction)


一、引见演讲( Speeches of introduction)







Children, we have a very important guest with us today. He is the number-one policeman in our city, the head of all the other police officers. Besides knowing a lot about crime right here at home, the police commissioner has also spent time working with inter-pol——a special group of police officers who deal with crimes around the world. Today he is going to talk about how all of us can help to prevent crime. Let’ s give a big round of applause and listen carefully to Police Commissioner Patrick McCarter.


Ladies and gentleman:

We have been fortunate enough today to obtain the services of Professor Gorge White, a distinguished economist from Britain to address us on “Prospects of British Economy” . As usual, the lecture will last for about an hour and will be followed by a question period. Coffee and cookies will be served afterwards so that you can have the opportunity to meet Professor White personally.


Ladies and gentleman, it is a great pleasure to have you all here this evening. Before we start with the lecture, May I say a few words about tonight’ s speaker?

Tonight’ s speaker, as you all know, is Mr. Michael Liu, currently president of Oriental Express Trading Company. Mr. Liu was born in Shanghai and grew up there until the war. He fled to Hong Kong, started his own business, and you know the rest of story.

Forty years later, Mr. Liu is the owner of one of the leading companies in Hong Kong. Tonight he will speak to us on the topic“Global Management in the 21st Century” . Ladies and gentlemen, let’ s give big applause to welcome Mr. Michael Liu.

二、授奖演讲(Speeches of presentation)





It’ s a long trip from Brooklyn to Buckingham Palace, and it’ s a far piece from Beverly Hills to obscure village in Banladesh. Danny Kaye has both journeys, sustained by his remarkable gifts, his grace, and his intelligence.

For UNICEF (United Nation International Children’ s Emergency Fund) , he continues to travel the world, bringing joy and hope to children on all the continents, and initiating programs to save them from hunger and give them a better chance in life. He has been doing this for years, with no pay and without fanfare. No trumpets. No headlines. His reward, the laughter of children.

As for bearing and skillful as he is with children, so he is with symphony orchestras, groups of seventy or eighty highly disciplined artists. He cannot read music, yet he has conducted major orchestras all over the world with musicianship that is sensitive, completely serious, and, at times, likely to veer off alarmingly into the hilarious. Bach and Mozart have no better friend. Nor have the orchestras and their pension funds. Nor have we.

And thus, for his prodigious labors for the children of the world, for the wondrous people who make music, the Board of Governors proudly gives the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award to a “Citizen of the World”who does honor to our profession——Mr. Danny Kaye.


Meng Xiangbin,the wind whinny, the river water is cold, the brave soldier never to returns. Similarly is a life, similarly has the family member, he uses a time magnificent falling from the sky, saves other life. Do not go to ask that the value is unworthy, the life value is always not manifests with the exchange. He goes off in the ice-cold river water, for us a warm enlightenment. (2007感动中国人物颁奖词:孟祥斌,风萧萧,江水寒,壮士一去不复返。同样是生命,同样有亲人,他用一次辉煌的陨落,挽回另外一个生命。别去问值还是不值,生命的价值从来不是用交换体现。他在冰冷的河水中睡去,给我们一个温暖的启示。)


There are lot really big stars here tonight. It’ s really exciting. We’ ve got the man Mr. George Clooney, triple nominee. No, Stop it!Stop it! It’ s you. It’ s a, it’ s a terrific night. Two of the nominations for“Good Night and Good Luck” , which is not just Edward R. Murrow’ s sign-off. It’ s also how Mr. Clooney ends all his dates. Now, I kid because I envy. The cast of Capote, is also with us, a tremendous film, ground-breaking, No!I applaud you. I applaud you. Capote was a ground-breaking film that broke taboos that showed America not all gay people are virile cowboys. Some are actually effete New York intellectuals. It’ s true. Capote, of course, addressed very similar themes to“Good Night and Good Luck” . Both films are about determined journalists, defying obstacles in a relentless pursuit of the truth. Needless to say both are period pieces. (奥斯卡金像奖颁奖词)

三、领受演讲( Speeches of acceptance)






I am terribly excited to be given this great honor. And I’ m so delighted that I find myself, as we say, trembling. If I were any more delighted, I think I’ d be in an institution.

However, I feel a little bit guilty about all the praise that Greg lavished on me. It was really no hardship at all. Really, I am crazy about children. I am crazy about conducting. And I am crazy about flying.

I am definitely not crazy about disease or famine or neglect. But, then, neither are any of you. And we, all of us in our profession, share a long and wonderful tradition of doing something about it——of giving of our time and our talent wherever and whenever needed--without prejudice, without stint. That’one of the reasons that I am so proud of our profession and so proud to be one of you.

I share this award with you, with all of you, and I give thanks to the memory of Maurice Pate, with whom I started to work for UNICEF about twenty-eight years ago. And to Gene Ormandy, who put a baton in my hand, my little nervous hand, and made me an offer I couldn’ t refuse——to stand in front of a symphony orchestra and conduct. Wow!That’ s the greatest feeling of neurotic power in the world. You ought to try it!

My special thanks to the Board of Governors. I love this and I love you. Thank you.

四、欢迎演讲(Speeches of welcome)





On behalf of..., I am delighted to welcome all of you to...


I'm honored to have this opportunity to welcome all of you to...


It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you all to...

It gives me great pleasure to welcome all of you to...


It is my pleasant duty to extend to you a cordial welcome on behalf of...


It is a real honor and privilege for us to welcome you to...


It is with a profound feeling of pleasure and privilege that, on behalf of..., I extend a warmly welcome to you all, especially to the distinguished guests from...


As the chairperson of this symposium, I have the pleasure and honor of welcoming all of you to this international meeting.


May I welcome all of you to...


On behalf of..., I bid a warm welcome to you all gathered here to participate...


May I begin by welcoming you to...


Dear Prospective Students,

After three years’struggle on study, you are qualified to enter West Anhui University for different reasons, but whatever reasons, you clearly know that you are still on the way to your ideal. Here I represent all the teachers to welcome you and give you some advice.

First, it’ s difficult to have a good result but easy to get a bad one. You should never delay or give up your study. You seem to have fever problems now, but you have to study positively. No one will change you except yourself.

Second, you should develop good habits in your college life. You are far away from your parents and some of you may gradually be addicted to smoking, over drinking or the Internet games. So it’ s time for us to make a good control and take good care of ourselves. In university, one of the most important things you should learn is how to get along well with others, which would directly influence your interpersonal relationship in the future.

Third, everyone spends his university life variously. From now on, you will have enough time to study, to play and even to establish a love tower with your Mr. or Miss Right together. Here you are absolutely free to achieve your goals, make your dream come true.

Fourth, you should never neglect your parents no matter how busy you are, especially at the beginning of the semester. Making a telephone or writing a letter to them will set their minds at rest so that they can deal with their own things better. You love your parents, don’ t you?

On behalf of your future teachers and friends, I hope all of you will enjoy your life on this lovely campus with the gust of your miens.


Welcome to English Club!It could serve as a platform to show your outstanding abilities and help you develop a range of great skills.

You can be involved in a variety of activities including staging musical dramas, holding group discussions and watching Oscar-winning movies.These extra-curricular activities could offer you ample opportunities. First, your active participation is helpful to strengthening the sense of responsibility and managing interpersonal relations. Second, various activities organized by us could raise your level of proficiency in English. A good command of English empowers you to enjoy decided competitive edge over your peers.

You can file a written application to our staff office or email us via bonoo@diandian.net. The deadline for entries is Sept. 25th. Come on, join us now!


Ladies and gentlemen,

Welcome to KM, a beautiful city of eternal spring. My name is Tom, and I am pleased to be your tour guide. An old Chinese saying goes like this: friends should come from afar, isn’ t this delightful? So I am very delighted to have this chance to serve you, to show you the most beautiful of KM and YN to feed you the most delicious local food, to introduce to you the most precious local specialties. In one word, I’ ll try my best to help you have a happy and gainful tour here.

Now, you must want to know some general info about this city. Situated at the center of YN-GZH Plateau, KM has a history of over 2400 years and now serves as the capital of YN Province. It features pleasant climate all the year round and various natural sceneries as well as places of historical interest. A poem portraits KM like this: the weather is like April constantly, flowers blossom for four seasons. Hence it’ s name‘city of eternal spring’ . It’ s neither hot in summer nor cold in winter. The average temperature in summer is about 23℃while that in winter is about 9℃, and the average temperature year round is approximately 15℃. There are two distinct seasons here: the dry season and the rainy season. The rainy season is from May to Oct. The humid air from the Indian Ocean brings rich rainfall. The other mouths are the dry season with very few rains. So ladies and gentlemen, now you must have a question in your mind: why is the climate like this? The geographical location of KM is about at the same latitude with Guilin, Xiamen and Taipei. But these places are much hotter in summer and colder in winter. The reason mainly lies in the photography and landscape of KM. The city is located on the plateau area with an altitude of over 1800m. So it’ s not very hot in summer. In winter, the high mountains to the north of KM block the cold air from Siberia. Therefore, the affect of the cold air to the weather of KM is not as strong as other areas in China. Consequently, KM enjoys a pleasant climate all the year round, KM’ s history goes back over 2000 years to the Warring States Period of ancient China. In BC 279, a general of Chu Kingdom in the area of today’ s Hunan?and?Hubei?provinces came here with his troops and settled down near Dianchi Lake which is a large lake joining to the southwest edge of today’ s KM city. In 109 AD, during the reign of emperor Wudi of the Han Dynasty, the city of“Kunzhou” was established to the southeast of present day Kunming. Towards the end of the Yuan Dynasty, which was about 600 years ago, this area became known as KM County. In 1832, a traditional city with high wall was erected, which became Kunming municipality in 1928. In the book Guide to China the author says that if your time is limited while visiting China and you could only afford to travel around one place, the best choice is YN Province, because it is the most ethnically diverse province in China with various landscapes. It’ s absolutely true. 26 ethnic groups inhabit different areas of YN Province. During the long course of history, each ethnic group has developed their own unique culture and diverse customs. Indifferent ethnic communities we can see different architectures,costumes, and taste local foods of various flavors, of which the most famous one is Across Bridge Rice Noodle whose name originated from an ancient legend. Most of the ethnic groups are good at singing and dancing and they also have their own traditional festivals, such as the Torch Festival of the Yi people, the Splashing Water Festival of the Dai people. Their marital customs are also different, among which the most amazing one is that of Muosuo people who is a branch of Naxi ethnic group and lives in Shangri-la. They actually don’ t get married all their life. I’ ll explain to you the details during our later. Now we’ ve arrived at our hotel. Please gather your belongings and follow me.

五、致悼词(Speeches of mourning)


(一)年代法(Chronology) 。即讲者按死者生前的不同时期有秩序地追怀其功绩(如按儿童时期、少年时期、青年时期、成年时期、老年时期或按就读时期、开始取得成就时期、出名时期等) 。讲者使用该方法时,要力求抓住去世者生前不同时期的具有代表性或典型的事实,而不要简单罗列事实,报流水账。

(二)答题法(Questionnaire-answered) 。即讲者通过对有关死者的若干重要问题的回答来构造整篇悼词,这些问题包括:为什么说死者是个伟人或杰出的人?他做出了什么成绩或完成了什么事业?他拥有什么样的优秀品质?他有哪些富有魅力的个性或深切感人的事?别人是如何评价他的等等。致悼词另一不可少的内容就是要表达继承死者遗愿的决心。在这部分内容中,讲者可一般的表达自己继承死者遗志的意志或愿望,也可具体列出死者生前未实现的若干憾事,然后表明自己为之奋斗的决心。



May 12, 2008, our “national calamity,” let us all Chinese people remember this day forever. The history of the Chinese nation were engraved too disasters, which would never bery our national glories. We move forward with heavy loading after so many disasters, then let us bury all the griefs, clean up all the ruins, rebuild our homes on the land where we have ever built homesteads, to live boldly, to live on a good living.

2008年5月12日,让我们所有中华儿女永远记住这一天吧,我们的“国难日” 。中华民族的历史上,铭刻了太多的灾难,但这永远也难掩我们民族的辉煌。一次次的灾难,一次次的负重前行,那么就让我们掩埋好所有的悲痛,清理干净所有的废墟,在曾经是家园的土地上,重建我们的家园,勇敢地活下去,能活,就好好活。


It’ s hard for us all Chinese people to forget today, our“national calamity,” we pay our sympathy and grieves to the victims in Wenchuan earthquake. With such a way, we commemorate the dead in the big earthquake. We use this way to console their spirits, and wish them to be well on their way to the heaven. When they look back at the earth, they can see tens of thousands of their compatriots are looking up towards the sky and praying for them, so they won’ t feel lonely.

对于我们所有中国人来说,这都是一个终生难忘记的日子,因为今天,是我们的“国难日” ,悲情汶川,举国志哀,我们用这样一种方式,来纪念那些在地震中逝去的亲人,我们用这样的一种方式,为他们招魂,在奔向天国的路上,希望他们能够一路走好,当他们回头遥望故土大地时,会看见成千上万的他们的同胞手足,在仰望苍穹为他们祈祷,所以他们不会孤独、不会寂寞。


Tribute to Diana


I stand before you today the representative of a family in grief, in a country in mourning before a world in shock.


“We are all united not only in our desire to play our respects to Diana but rather in our need to do so. For such was her extraordinary appeal that the tens of millions of people taking part in this service all over the world via television and radio who never actually met her, feet that they too lost someone close to them in the early hours of Sunday morning. It is a more remarkable tribute to Diana than I can ever hope to offer her today.


Diana was the very essence of compassion, of duty, of style, of beauty. All over the world she was a symbol of selfless humanity. All over the world, a standard bearer for the right of the truly downtrodden, a very British girl who transcend nationality. Someone with a natural nobility,who was classless and who proved in the last year that she needed no royal title to continue to generate her particular brand of magic.


Today is our chance to say thank you for the way you brightened our lives, even though God granted you but half a life. We will all feel cheated always that you were taken from us so young and yet we must learn to be grateful that you came along at all. Only now that you are gone do we truly appreciate what we are now without and we want you to know that life without you is very, very difficult.


We have all despaired at our loss over the past week and only the strength of the message you gave us through your years of giving has afforded us the strength to more forward. There is a temptation to rush to canonize your memory; there is no need to do so. You stand tall enough as a human being of unique qualities not to need to be seen as a saint. Indeed to sanctify your memory would be to miss out on the very core of your being, your wonderfully mischievous sense of humor, with a laugh that bent you double. Your joy for life transmitted wherever you took your smile and the sparkle in those unforgettable eyes. Your boundless energy,which you could barely contain.


But your greatest gift was you intuition and it was a gift you used wisely. This is what underpinned all your other wonderful attributes and if we look to analyze what it was about you that had such a wide appeal we find it in your instinctive feel for what was really important in all our lives.


Without your God-given sensitivity we would be immerse in greater ignorance at he anguish of Aides and HIV sufferers, the plight of the homeless, the isolation of lepers, the random destruction of landmines.


Diana explained to me once that it was her innermost feeling of suffering that made it possible for her to connect with her constituency of the rejected.


And here we come to another truth about her. For all the status, the glamour, the applause, Diana remained throughout a very insecure person at heart, almost childlike in her desire to do good for others so she could release herself from deep feeling of unworthiness of which her eating disorders were merely a symptom.


The world sensed this part of her character and cherished her for her vulnerability whilst admiring her for her honesty.


The last time I saw Diana was on July 1, her birthday in London, when typically she was not taking time to celebrate her special day with friends but was guest of honor at a special charity fundraising evening. She sparkled of course, but I would rather cherish the days I spent with her in March when she came to visit me and my children in our home in South Africa. I am proud of the fact apart from when she was on display meeting President Mandela we managed to contrive to stop the ever-present paparazzi from getting a single picture of her that meant a lot to her.


There were days I will always treasure. It was as if we had been transported back to our childhood when we spent such an enormous amount of time together the two youngest in the family.Fundamentally she had not changed at all from the big sister who mothered me as a baby, fought with me at school and endured those long train journeys between our parents’homes with me at weekends.It is a tribute to her level-headedness and strength that despite the most bizarre-like life imaginable after her childhood, she remained intact, true to herself.


There is no doubt that she was looking for a new direction in her life at this away from England, mainly because of the treatment that she received at the hands of the newspapers. I don’ t think she ever understood why her genuinely good intentions were sneered at by the media, why there appeared to be a permanent quest on their behalf to bring her down. It is baffling.


My own and only explanation is,that genuine goodness is threatening to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum. It is a point to those at the opposite end of the moral spectrum. It is a point to remember that of all the ironies about Diana, perhaps the greatest was this a girl given the name of the ancient goddess of hunting was, in the end, in the end, the most hunted person of the modern age.

我自己唯一的解释,就是真正的善与美对那些位于道德光谱另一端的人来说,是一种威胁。但是,在一切有关戴安娜的嘲讽中,也许最大的讽刺是:一个女孩子,她的名字是古代狩猎女神(Diana) ,自己最后却成为现代社会最受围剿的一个人。

She would want us today to pledge ourselves to protecting her beloved boys William and Harry from a similar fate and I do this here Diana on your behalf. We will not allow them to suffer the anguish that used regularly to drive you to tearful despair.


And beyond that, on behalf of your mother and sisters, I pledge that we, your blood family, will do all we can to continue the imaginative way in which you were steering these two exceptional young men so that their souls are not simply immersed by duty and tradition but can sing openly as you planned.


We fully respect the heritage into which they have both been born and will always respect and encourage, them in their royal role but we, like you, recognize the need for them, to experience as many different aspects of life as possible to arm them spiritually and emotionally for the years ahead. I know you would have expected nothing less from us.


William and Harry, we all cared desperately for you today. We are all chewed up with the sadness at the loss of a woman who was not even our mother. How great your suffering is, we cannot even imagine.


I would like to end by thanking God for the small mercies he has shown us at this dreadful time. For taking Diana at her most beautiful and radiant and when she had joy in her private life. About all we gibe thanks for the life of a woman I am so proud to be able to call my sister, the unique, the complex, the extraordinary and irreplaceable Diana whose beauty, both internal and external, will never be extinguished from our minds.



I’ m a strong believer that there are no accidents or coincidences in this life. I am confident in the notion that everything happens for a reason and that the people we meet come into our lives for a reason, to touch us in some way or perhaps even change our lives, although the reason may not be clear at first. I only knew Tony for a short time, and in all honesty not very well, but what I do know about him, I wouldn’ t trade for all the gold in Fort Knox. What a tremendous loss for those in this world that didn’ t have a chance to know him!For those who didn’ t, I’ d like to share a little of what I know, in the hope that even though Tony is unable to physically be here with us today, a part of him may live on in each of us and in turn, we can keep his spirit alive.

Tony was, in my opinion, the most well-rounded, and appeared to emulate the ideal example of the yin-yang concept. He was a young corporate lawyer who didn’ t allow his vast education and chosen profession to turn him into a greedy and corrupt individual; in fact he was just the opposite. He was humble and sincere, gentle and thoughtful, down to earth and compassionate. He enjoyed and experienced life in its true meaning –living each day as if it were his last and realizing the importance of what it means to be truly “alive” . He was always eager to learn new things, to put them into practice, with good intentions and a pure heart – a quality not typically seen in adults. When he learned something new, you could see the twinkle in his eye, he was a child at heart who wasn’ t impressed with selfish, material things the world easily distracts us with. Instead, he set his sights on gifts that cannot be seen, nor can they be taken away: knowledge and wisdom, kindness and understanding, patience and love, those are the things that will remain forever. Tony had a special interest and was very talented in music and painting, reading and language, travel and nature. I’ ve never heard anyone use the term “chrysanthemum”to define one of his favorite flowers – highly impressive, in my book. Tony’ s demeanor was always cheerful, he always had pleasant things to say and share…and his sense of humor was priceless. A very wise man once said,‘The mouth speaks what the heart is full of” . No matter what kind of a day I was having, he could always lift my spirits. His happiness was contagious and his laughter was infectious. He could make a 20 minute train ride feel as if it were 20 seconds – time does fly when you’ re having fun!In today’ s world, it’ s difficult to find people to look at you rather, they usually look through you, because the majority of people are so busy trying to get where they’ re going, but Tony was able to understand the importance of being a kid at heart, yet with the grace of an adult.

Tony was also brave, adventurous and independent; he left his parents as a 16 year-old boy to go to college. As he grew into manhood, he ventured into the unknown land to follow his dreams without fear or hesitation and make a life for himself, with sheer determination and an admirable, unconquerable will. So I say to you all, do not be sad that Tony is no longer with us, but rejoice and appreciate each moment you spent with him. Learn as much as you can from the example he left us, as we are only here for a very short time, let us use it wisely. Only imitate what is good, only hate what is wrong, keep Tony in your hearts and look forward to the day that we meet him again.

六、告别演讲(Speeches of farewell)




Comrades and friends,

Just two weeks ago, we happily gathered here to give Doctor Daniel a warm welcome. Today

We are now gathered here again with him because he will leave for home tomorrow. Doctor Daniel’ s visit to China is short but very successful. During his stay in Beijing he visited factories,villages, schools, and carefully studied our politics, economy, culture and education.

In bidding farewell to him, we sincerely hope that Doctor Daniel will benefit us with his criticisms, advice and valuable suggestions tending to the improvement of our work, and we wish to take this opportunity to request him to convey our deep friendship to the American people, and also our best regards and respects to them. We wish him a pleasant journey home and good health.


My friends: No one, not in my situation, can appreciate my feeling of sadness at this parting. To this place, and the kindness of these people, I owe everything. Here I have lived a quarter of a century, and have passed from a young to an old man. Here my children have been born, and one is buried. I now leave, not knowing when or whether ever I may return, with a task before me greater than that which rested upon Washington. Without the assistance of that diving Being who ever attended him, I cannot succeed. With the assistance, I cannot fail. Trusting in Him, who can go with me and remain with you, and be everywhere, or good, let us confidently hope that all will yet be well. To His care commending you, as I hope in your prayers you will commend me, I bid you an affectionate farewell. (To the townspeople of Springfield by Abraham Lincoln)

第二部分 案例阅读(Case study)

No.1 Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln


Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.


Now we are engaged in a great civil war testing whether that nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure. We are met on a great battle-field of that war. We have come to dedicate a portion of that field as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives that that nation might live. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.


But, in a larger sense, we cannot dedicate. We cannot consecrate. We cannot hallow. This ground. The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, for above our poor power to add or detract. The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here. It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us. That from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion-that we here highly resolve these dead shall not have died in vain-that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom-and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from he earth.


No.2 Address for the Nobel Prize for Literature 2000, Gao Xingjian


The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2000 goes to the Chinese writer Gao Xingjian.

“for an curve of universal validity, bitter insights and linguistic ingenuity, which has opened new paths for the Chinese novel and drama” .

In the writing of Gao Xingjian literature is born anew from the struggle of the individual to survive the history of the masses. He is a perspicacious skeptic who makes no claim to be able to explain the world. He asserts that he has found freedom only in writing.

His great novel Soul Mountain is one of those singular literary creations that seem impossible to compare with anything but themselves. It is based on impressions from journeys in remote districts in southern and south-western China, where shamanistic customs still linger on, where ballads and tall stories about bandits are recounted as the truth and where it is possible to come across exponents of age-old Daoist wisdom. The book is a tapestry of narratives with several protagonists who reflect each other and may represent aspects of one and the same ego. With his unrestrained use of personal pronouns Gao creates lightning shifts of perspective and compels the reader to question all confidences. This approach derives from his dramas, which often require actors to assume a role and at the same time describe it from the outside. I, you and he/she become the names of fluctuating inner distances.

Soul Mountain is a novel of a pilgrimage made by the protagonist to himself and a journey along the reflective surface that divides fiction from life, imagination from memory. The discussion of the problem of knowledge increasingly takes the form of a rehearsal of freedom from goals and meaning. Through its polyphony, its blend of genres and the scrutiny that the act of writing subjects itself to, the book recalls German Romanticism’ s magnificent concept of a universal poetry.

Gao Xingjian’ s second novel, One Man’ s Bible, fulfils the themes of Soul Mountain but is easier to grasp. The core of the book involves settling the score with the terrifying insanity that is usually referred to as China’ s Cultural Revolution. With ruthless candor the author accounts for his experiences as a political activist, victim and outside observer, one after the other.His description could have resulted in the dissident’s embodiment of morality but he rejects this stance and refuses to redeem anyone else. Gao Xingjian’ s writing is free of any kind of complaisance, even to good will. His play Fugitives irritated the democracy movement just as much as those in power.

Gao Xingjian points out himself the significance for his plays of the non-naturalistic trends in Western drama, naming Artaud, Brecht, Beckett and Kantor. However, it has been equally important for him to “open the flow of sources from popular drama” . When he created a Chinese oral theatre, he adopted elements from ancient masked drama, shadow plays and the dancing, singing and drumming traditions. He has embraced the possibility of moving freely in time and space on the stage with the help of one single gesture or word—— as in Chinese opera. The uninhibited mutations and grotesque symbolic language of dreams interrupt the distinct images of contemporary humanity. Erotic themes give his texts feverish excitement, and many of them have the choreography of seduction as their basic pattern. In this way he is one of the few male writers who gives the same weight to the truth of women as to his own.

No.3 Address to Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of People’ s Republic of China

To celebrate the 60th anniversary of People’ s Republic of China. In this unusual year, the number of tragic, how many have touched, how many dreams, how much glory there is, bearing in mind the hearts of the people in China, written into the history of the Republic. The success of the Beijing Olympic Games, the Chinese people realize the dream of a century. Chinese athletes to outstanding athletic ability and indomitable fighting spirit of the first gold medal total to create the best score in history. Win back the Shenzhou VII, the three astronauts returned to space out all smiles. Shenzhou VII manned space mission a complete success, the implementation of China’ s space technology development milestone major leap forward, the people of China are climbing the peak of world science and technology of another great feat, but also dedicated to the great homeland of the precious 60-year-old birthday present General of the Chinese nation just like the Great Wall of steel indestructible!The return of Hong Kong in 1997, the return of Macao in 1999; in 1998 the south face of the history of a rare flood in 2003, the face of panic-stricken people of the SARS epidemic in 2008, some ten provinces in the face of the rare snow disaster, earthquake Sichan Wenchuan, the Chinese people united, will be suffering at the foot of resistance!

We firmly believe that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on the journey is bound to occur one after another glorious 30 years!The rise of the Chinese nation will surely make the world as we can be proud of!

No.4 George Washington’ s Farewell Address to the People of the United States

Friends and Fellow-citizens:

The period for a new election of a citizen, to administer the executive government of the United States, being not far distant, and the time actually arrived, when your thoughts must be employed designating the person, who is to be clothed with that important trust, it appears to me proper, especially as it may conduce to a more distinct expression of the public voice, that I should now apprize you of the resolution I have formed, to decline being considered among the number of those out of whom a choice is to be made.

I beg you at the same time to do me the justice to be assured that this resolution has not been taken without a strict regard to all the considerations appertaining to the relation which binds a dutiful citizen to his country; and that in withdrawing the tender of service, which silence in my situation might imply, I am influenced by no diminution of zeal for your future interest, no deficiency of grateful respect for your past kindness, but am supported by a full conviction that the step is compatible with both.

The acceptance of, and continuance hitherto in, the office to which your suffrages have twice called me, have been a uniform sacrifice of inclination to the opinion of duty, and to a deference for what appeared to be your desire. I constantly hoped that it would have been much earlier in my power, consistently with motives, which I was not at liberty to disregard, to return to that retirement, from which I had been reluctantly drawn. The strength of my inclination to do this, previous to the last election, had even led to the preparation of an address to declare it to you; but mature reflection on the then perplexed and critical posture of our affairs with foreign nations, and the unanimous advice of persons entitled to my confidence impelled me to abandon the idea.

第三部分 课后练习(Practice)

思考与讨论(Thinking and discussion)

1. State out the types of speaking on special occasions.

Key Points:




2. What’ s the difference between Speeches of Presentation and Speeches of Acceptance?

Key Points:




3. How many ways are there in delivering speech of mourning?

Key Points:




应用演练(Application exercises)

Prepare speeches: 1. Speech at the Welcome-Meeting 

         2. Speech at the Send-Meeting

Example 1:

Speech at the Welcome-Meeting

Welcome to our University.

I am so pleased to say that from today you will become a member of our big family. For everyone, entering university means a new chapter of your life, and will leave one of the most exciting phases in your memory.

It will not only bring valuable opportunities for you to extend the knowledge and skills, to develop new friendships, but also a necessary preparation to face the real society.

Our University has undergone 25 hard years of development. Following the idea of running a university with Cherishing Talents and Embracing Diversity and Excellence, we has formed its distinguishing features of running a university with comprehensive subjects and integrated talents.

In order to improve the cultural exchange as well as the co-operation among the medical universities in global, the foreign students’education program is being conducted, which is fully in English medium, to create a favorable learning atmosphere for foreign students. We have invited the qualified teachers from a number of countries with multiple cultures and will continue to bring more foreign teachers for you. Our goal is to provide the high quality education, advanced teaching equipments, co-operative administration and innovative teaching methodology.

We sincerely welcome international friends, experts and scholars to teach?or?exchange at the University and spread the seeds of civilization. Meanwhile, we welcome foreign students to study here and appreciate Chinese civilization with a history of 5,000 years. Venerable oriental civilized nation welcome you, the marvelous city welcome you, the University welcome you.

Example 2:

Speech at the Send-Meeting

Ladies and gentlemen,

First of all, allow me to thank you for your kind invitation to attend this gathering. I am very fortunate to have had such a nice chance to visit your wonderful country and meet with so many distinguished friendly people. Our visit has been both interesting and productive. It is not only a source of pleasure but an opportunity to discuss some important problems. I’ ve gained a great deal from it. Thank you for making my visit so worthwhile. I shall treasure your friendship and kind hospitality you have given us.

May the friendship between our two countries be further developed?

Good-bye, ladies and gentlemen, and our friends. Let’ s hope we’ ll meet again some time in the future.

In summary, the examination does more good than harm for both examinees and examiners. We should take a positive attitude toward it. We should take full advantage of it and avoid its disadvantages.