1.3.3 第三节 结构与提纲Structure and Outline

第三节 结构与提纲Structure and Outline

第一部分 理论学习(Theory Introduction)

一篇好的演讲稿除了有令人信服的观点和强有力的支持材料之外,还需要有清晰的结构。好的结构会紧紧抓住听众的注意力,更容易让听众跟随演讲主题。这就如同一部电影的导演除了需要借助引人入胜的情节之外,还需要一步一步来仔细布局,想方设法地把情节有机地结合起来,吸引观众从头到尾跟着他的思路把电影欣赏完。演讲稿的布局也是如此。因此,严密的结构和细致的布局谋篇就变得愈加重要。一般而言,结构可分为三部分:开头(introduction) 、结尾(conclusion)以及正文(body) 。


(一)一般而言,开头非常重要,就好像人的第一印象一样。在开头部分,演讲者一般要完成以下几项任务:以某种特别的方式吸引听众的注意力,揭示主题,建立自己的可信度(credibility) ,并预先告诉听众你演讲的主要观点(main points)等。


Are you at least 18 years old? Do you consider yourself fairly healthy? Are you competent for voluntary blood donation?

If you answered yes to all of these questions, you should become a volunteer to donate hematopoietic stem cells (for short: HSC) . According to a class survey I conducted, only 3 out of you have ever donated a blood sample for HSC donation. The lack of participation of eligible donors is a serious problem that requires immediate action. Based on my own experiences and extensive research in the past three years, I have come to realize the magnitude of this problem and what the only solution can be.

Today I would like to show why HSC donors are in such desperate need and encourage you to take action to solve this problem.



Though you work hard in your major course during the whole semester, your score, 84, is far from your expectation. As your teacher has admitted, some students’scores have to be lowered randomly in order to meet some requirement of the Academic Division. You are discontented because this score cannot represent your actual performance in your coursework effectively.

This is my own experience and I believe most of you would have similar ones because the Academic Division has required teachers to make students’final scores “normally distributed”since last semester, which would result in lower scores than before. Since I have learnt something about testing in my statistics course and I have strong mathematical and statistic knowledge, I find some weaknesses in this policy. Besides, I have read some related articles and talked with my classmates about their own experiences to verify my doubts about this policy. So, today, I want to talk about the faults with this policy and encourage you to sign a petition to ask the university administration to stop this policy.



A recent piece of news in Sina said that an elderly female living alone established an account book called“Go-Home-Accounts” . She set a“Go-Home-Fund”and sent it to one of her children who went home most frequently every month. This is a typical example of empty nest family. An empty nest family is a family in which children are absent and only old parents are left. In China, there are more and more empty families and the situation of proving for the aged is more and more serious.

在这个例子中,演讲者通过一个故事来展开主题—— “空巢家庭” ,但问题是没有建立可信度,听众可能会自问,“为什么听此演讲?” ,而且也没有预先给听众呈现一个大致的脉络。改过之后的稿件如下:

According to a recent piece of news in Sina, an elderly female living alone established an account book called“Go-Home-Accounts” . She set a“Go- Home-Fund”and sent it to one of her children who went home most frequently every month. This is a typical example of empty nest family. An empty nest family is a family in which children are absent and only o1d parents are left. In China, the empty nest families are increasing and the situation of providing for the aged is deteriorating.

Last month I did some research about the nursing homes in Beijing as well as a survey in the class to learn about your attitudes. In addition, I have read some related articles to see the magnitude of the problem. After processing all this information, today I hope I could provide you a picture of how serious the problem is and persuade you that going to the nursing home would be the best choice for senior citizens.


1.讲故事或自己的亲身经历(Relating a story or own experience) 。一个相关的故事或亲身经历往往会很有效地引出你演讲的主题,并抓住听众的注意力。而且从自己的亲身经历谈起往往也会增强你的可信度。


One day, a person came to a Buddhist. He said that he was in torment because he didn’ t know what to do every day. He was afflicted by the life he was leading now and asked the Buddhist the way to be happy. The Buddhist thought for a while, then uttered the following words:“When you are hungry, eat; when you are tired, sleep.”I read this story when I was Grade Three in high school. It was the time when I was confronted with a hard choice and also at a 1oss.The Buddhist words enlightened me. Today I would like to quote these words to denote my philosophy of life: When you are hungry, eat; when you are tired, sleep.



It happened two year ago when I was still a freshman here in this university. I was on my way to Boxue Building in the afternoon to study by myself. Suddenly there was noise of a big “Bang” , then people screamed, and some of them even started to run off. It was right at the side entrance of the building that I saw a girl, lying on the ground motionlessly, facing down. It was the first time that I saw a person who committed suicide.


2.提问题(Asking rhetorical question) 。事实上,在一篇演讲稿的开头,设问句可以有效地激发听众的兴趣。这些问题并不需要听众当即举手回答出来,但至少可以让他们思考一下,从而能自然而然地参与进来。


Have you ever got stuck in the congested road while you are already late for school? How does it feel when you’ re pressed against the window of a stuffy bus, which is glued to the ground like other buses, while seeing bikes passing by like water flows?



Have you ever bought a pirated book or DVD? Have you ever installed a software without paying money to the software company for the use of it?


3.引用别人的言语(Citing a quotation) 。引用别人的言语做演讲的开头是一种很常见的方法。这往往比你自己说出来的话语更具权威性,表达也更贴切。


It has been said that “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you are going to get.”It often happens that we find the very rich chocolates in the places where new life unfolds, such as the campus for a freshman like me.



Robert has a famous poem“The Road Not Taken.”It starts like this,

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,

And sorry I could not travel both.

And be one traveler, long I stood,

And looked down one as far as I could,

To where it bent in the undergrowth…

Just as he says, life is a process of making choices. We have met and will meet many crossroads on the way. It’ s very likely that two roads are there for us to choose from and we have to give up one. We hesitate; we think hard; we consult with friends or parents, and still, we don’ t know what to do.

这位演讲者在谈自己的人生哲学时,引用了美国诗人Robert Frost的诗《未选择的路》作为开篇,从而引出人生其实就是一个不断选择的过程的主题。

4.令你的听众震惊或惊奇(A startling statement) 。迅速抓住听众的一个有效的手段便是让他们对你所说的感到震惊或惊奇。但一定要确保你所说的和主题相关。


Good afternoon, everyone!I’ m very glad to give the speech today and now I can see you’ re sitting there, comfortably and peacefully. But what if I told you that I were indeed an AIDS patient, will you still feel the same way like just now? Will you greet me next time when you meet me? Will you shake hands, have dinner with me?



How do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it was something you could not live without?

By this time tomorrow, more than 120 people in our county who are alive right now will be dead. Not because they were in a car wreck; not because they were gunned down; not because their time had come; not even because they were not in hospital——but simply because the organ transplant they need will not be possible. Money’ s not the issue here, nor is scarcity.

这位演讲者在第二段中给出了这样的数字:“到明天的这个时候,就会有120人死去。 ”这使大家感到震惊,想要知道原因,然后他一步一步地揭示出具体原因。


Good afternoon, ladies and gentleman!I have a good piece of news to tell you, that is, I am going to marry next April 1.Welcome to my wedding!Well, that’ s just a joke. The question of whether on-campus university students can marry has come under heated debate since the age limit for applying for the university enrollment in China was abolished in September 2005. New regulations issued by the Chinese Ministry of Education has given universities freedom to decide whether to allow oncampus students to marry. After that a lot of young couples have registered to marry.


5.激发听众的好奇心(Suspense) 。人总是有好奇心的。在演讲的开头,可以制造一些悬念,激起听众的好奇心,然后再满足他们,这样就可以有效地抓住别人的注意力。


So large a world!Too many undergraduates, together with some postgraduates from Peking University!It is just 7:00 am. The door in front of them is still closed. What are they waiting for? Yes, you got it. There will be m important interview, which can decide their fate. Most of them could not help being a little nervous. According to the data from New Times Weekly, there are 11,354 students applying for those positions, while there are only 2,000 of them who are able to get one.



He was definitely a big entertainment star during whole 1980s and 1990s of American or even of the world. He used to be a dark-colored person. He was also known as one who got addicted to plastic surgery. Who is he? Guess!You got the answer. Yes, he is Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson had done more than 20 plastic surgeries.


6.来一点幽默(An amusing statement, incident or joke) 。在演讲的开头,来一点幽默会拉近和听众之间的距离,使听众更容易接受你的观点。但切记幽默应该切合主题,而且它只是一个引子,不要抢尽风头,主次不分。


Has this ever happened to you? You are walking ahead, ignoring that you are going to interrupt the romance between a used chewing gum and the pavement until the used chewing gum switches to one of your shoes. They immediately become so much in love that no matter how hard you try you just can’ t take them apart.



If you ask an adult: What’ s 1+1? You may simply get the answer 2. Of course, some adults even think that answering the question would be a piece of cake. How about the answers received from little kids? They might tell you that 1+1 is a marriage, a double-sized ice-cream, or a kid plus a Disney Land fun, one fish plus one equals only one cat! Humorous?

这是一个关于《1+1=2? 》的演讲,演讲者在开头所做出的猜测性回答使整个演讲变得幽默轻松、生动活泼,开启和活跃了听众的思路,使演讲能够顺利进行。


(一)事实上,很多演讲者非常注意有一个好的开头,但殊不知一个好的结尾也很重要。它可以在听众心中强化你的主题,使他们记住你所说的,有时你还可以号召他们采取行动。但很多人在演讲时,突然或匆匆地收尾,听众还没有任何心理准备,演讲就结束了,给听众一种未被满足的感觉,这不得不说是一种遗憾。伟大的演讲者都会很仔细地构思结尾,用强有力的语言来结束演讲。文章结尾应总结和强化自己的主要观点,而不能增添新的观点。如Douglas MacArthur将军在作军旅生涯的告别演讲时的结尾:

“Old soldiers never die; they just fade away.”And like the old soldier of that ballad, I now close my military career and just fade away——an old soldier who tried to do his duty as God gave him the light to see that duty. Goodbye.






In conclusion,the policy for normal distribution grading is questionable and can affect us greatly after we graduate. We should take action to abandon this policy. Today I bring a demo pamphlet and the petition book. I encourage you to read this pamphlet and then sign your names on the book. Please join me and fight for our genuine score!That is for your own sake and own interest!

“In conclusion”暗示听众演讲即将结束,通过这句话“the policy for normal distribution grading is questionable and can affect us greatly after we graduate” ,演讲者总结了他的主要观点,最后号召大家行动起来,一起签名来反对这种按正态分布计分的制度,从而结束了演讲。


Finally, I ask all of you to think of a loved one you hold so dear to your heart. Imagine they need HSC transplantation and there is a shortage of donors, so that they could only survive for a few more days——just like my cousin, an 18-year-old boy I talked about earlier. Please go to the nearest blood- donating vehicles and register as a HSC donor volunteer.

Please take this opportunity to save lives. Five milliliters blood sample can bring hope of life for several million patients; 50milliliters HSC can save a priceless life.

The life can not wait!We can not wait!Please donate HSC!



In conclusion, problems such as heavy transportation burdens, damage of environment during the golden weeks still bother people. And yet the golden week holiday still enrich people’ s life and help boom the Chinese economy.

In the future, whether people like it or not, the golden week holidays will bring in more changes and inject new life into Chinese people.

在这里,演讲者暗示了演讲即将结束,并且总结了自己的主要观点。但在最后一段中,又添加了新的内容,做了一些预测,这似乎是演讲并没有结束。听众会问:“假日经济会带来什么变化?会对人们的生活产生什么样的影响? ”所以切记:文章结尾应总结和强化自己的主要观点,而不能增添新的观点。


1.呼应开头(Referring to the introduction) 。结尾呼应开头是一种很平常但却很有效的方式,像给整篇演讲稿画上了一个完美的句点。



I’ d like to begin my speech with a story I read from a newspaper. A Chinese writer visited d1e International Olympic Museum in Switzerland three years ago. When he went to get the ticket, he discovered that each ticket bears a design representing the city that had hosted the Olympic Games. He was frustrated, however, because the enthusiastic assistant who wished to give him one representing his country had to apologize.

I thought to myse1f: Why can’ t China, where sports have become an essential part of people’ s lives, host the Olympics? Why can’ t China, a country playing an important role in nearly all sports worldwide, host the Olympics? Why can’ t China, a country playing an important role in economics and developing with a fast pace, have a ticket of her own?

I believe China has plenty of reasons to be such a host and what China can contribute to the Olympics is not merely a ticket design.


This ticket will not be a common ticket any more. With this ticket, the Olympics’hosts will increase by 1.2 billion; with this ticket, the Olympics will have a new field to cultivate, and this ticket will be a symbol of China’ s contribution to the Olympics.

2.引用别人的话(Citing a quotation) 。引用的话往往能代表你中心思想的精华,因而非常有效。一位演讲者想要说服听众同意捐献器官,在结尾处他是这么写的:

As you easily see, the decision to donate your organs can be one of the most important decisions you have ever made and also the greatest gift you could ever give. So why not take action to send out the gift of life they were meant to live. By doing so you can extend the value of your own life into the ultimate happiness of sharing. So remember to go to your local Red-Cross agencies and pick up and fill out an application form. But don’ t forget to get the support of your family beforehand.

Finally I would like to leave you with a short poem by Robert Test entitled, “To Remember Me,”which highlights reasons of becoming an organ donor:

“Give my sight to the man who has never seen a sunrise, a baby’ s face or love in the eyes of a woman. Give my heart to a person whose heart has caused nothing but endless days of pain…Take my bones, every muscle, every fiber and nerve in my body and find a way to make a crippled child walk…Take my cells, if necessary, and let them grow so that, someday a speechless boy will shout at the crack of a bat and a deaf girl will hear the sound of rain against her window.


3.号召听众行动起来(Call for action) 。号召听众行动起来是一种很有效的方式,可以使他们记住你所传达的信息。范例如下:

Finally, I would like to ask all of you to join in the group, donate for the veterans. There are only a few years left for us to give our hand, show our heart, and deliver our love. We can’ t wait to see those veterans suffering pains of serious diseases with no subsidy to pay for the treatment. We can’ t wait to see our donations arrive while those heroes would have already died with regrets. Come to register on the website www.52laobing.com and donate for our heroes——the veterans, with our heart and love.



(一)确定你的主要观点(To conform your idea)


其一,你这篇演讲稿的目的(special purpose)是什么?是介绍?是说服?还是纪念?例如:

Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the history of perfume

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience to donate HSC

其二,你这篇演讲稿的中心(central idea)是什么?例如:

Central Idea: Yoga is a ancient form of physical movement that has its roots in Indian culture and philosophy. It can help people achieve both physical and mental health.

Central Idea: Tarot has the unique composition, the special rules and the profound philosophy.




Specific Purpose: To inform my audience of the Book of Change

Central Idea: The Book of Change has gone through three main stages and it is mainly about eight trigrams and 64 hexagrams.

Main Points:

I. The Book of Change has gone through three main stages.

II. The Book of Change includes eight trigrams and 64 hexagrams.



I. Involving CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) into business decisions can help companies gain sustainable competitiveness.

II. CSR can help companies enhance reputation and brand.

III.CSR can result in high efficiency in operations.

IV. CSR can help companies increase sales.

V. CSR can help companies attract and retain quality employees.

VI. Involving CSR into business decisions can help companies attract and retain quality investors and business partners.



Main Points:

I. Involving CSR into business decisions can help companies improve its inner self to gain sustainable competitiveness.

i. CSR can help companies enhance reputation and brand.

ii. CSR can result in high efficiency in operations.

iii. CSR can help companies increase sales.

iv. CSR can help companies attract and retain quality employees.

II. Involving CSR into business decisions can help companies attract and retain quality investors and business partners to gain sustainable competitiveness.



Main points:

I. Try not to use as much paper in the first place.

II. Collect and send paper to collecting boxes in front of Boxue Building.

III. Collect and send paper to the packman.

IV. Buy recycled paper products whenever possible.



Main Points:

I. Try not to use as much paper in the first place.

II. Collect and send paper to collecting boxes in front of Boxue Building or the packman.

III. Buy recycled paper products whenever possible.




Main points:

I. Athens is a city full of places of interests.

II. Athens is a city with the spirit of Olympics and with philosophy of wisdom.



Main Points:

I. Athens is a city full of places of interests.

II. Athens is a city with the spirit of Olympics.

III. Athens is a city with philosophy of wisdom.




First Version:

Man Points:

I. You can work off a lot of nervous tension while swimming.

II. Muscle and bone injuries, common with other sports, are not a problem with swimming.

III. Swimming builds endurance.

Second Version:

Main Points:

I. Swimming dissipates nervous tension.

II. Swimming avoids muscle and bone injuries.

III. Swimming builds endurance.


(二)有效地组织观点(To organize your idea) 。有效地组织观点的方式主要有以下几种:时间顺序型(chronological order) 、空间位置型(spatial order) 、原因——结果型(cause-effect) 、问题——解决措施型(problem-solution) 、主题型(topical order)等方式。

1.时间顺序型(Chronological order) 。主要是指按照事件发生的时间顺序来组织你的观点。某演讲者在谈到香水的制作历史时,就是按照时间顺序组织安排主要观点的。


Man Points:

——People in Asia and Egypt first learned to make and use perfume 4,000 years ago.

——After the min of Rome, the Germans invented a new way of getting essence from flowers: That was distillation.

——Then in the 14th century, the first bottle of modern perfume was created. It was a mixture of alcohol and essence.

——By the end of the 19th century, with the development of chemistry,perfume experienced another profound change:Artificial composition of essence appeared in France.

2.空间位置型(Spatial order) 。主要是指按照空间位置的方向组织你的观点,可以是由东到西、由上到下、由里到外等不同方式。


Main Points:

——The lowest section of the TV tower contains the entrance, and a gift shop.

——The middle section of the TV tower consists of the stairs and elevators that lead to the top.

——The top section of the TV tower includes an observation deck with a spectacular view of Tianjin and a restaurant.

3.原因—结果型(Cause-and-effect pattern) 。如果你采用原因—结果型这种组织方式的话,那么你的主要观点只能有两个,一个是原因,一个是结果。二者的顺序可以根据需要而定。可以先说结果,再阐述原因;也可先说原因,再阐述结果。


Man Points:

——Many parents and grandparents give their children a lot of pocket money during the Spring Festival.

——This may lead to negative effects to the children.

4.问题—解决措施型(Problem-solution pattern) 。如果你想说服观众接受某种改变或计划,那么你就应该使用这种组织方式。采用这种方式的演讲也只有两个主要观点:问题和解决措施。但在每一部分中,都有两个层面需要认真地处理。在问题部分,首先需要向听众证明某一问题确实存在,这种问题确实带来了一些不利的影响;而在解决措施部分中,你需要提出措施的具体细节,然后论证这些措施确实是可行的。


Main Points:

——Many empty nest families in China currently have brought about many problems.

——Going to nursing homes cm be a practical solution.

§在问题部分,首先用统计数据或例子等告诉大家,“It is true that there are many empty nest families currently in China” ,然后再向听众展示“空巢家庭”所带来的问题。在解决措施部分中,提出去老人院这个计划的具体细节,然后通过各种例证证明这个计划是可行的。在这一部分中,你需要回答听众心中的问题,如“老人院的具体设施如何?有那么多的老人院吗?去老人院就会解决所有的问题吗?”等。


Main Points:

——Depression has caused college students many problems.

——Many college students suffer from symptoms of depression.

——This may lead to many problems such as poor mental health, increasing crimes, etc.

——Going to the psychological counseling house is the best solution.

——Going to the psychological counseling house may solve these problems.

——This has been proved effective and efficient in many cases.


5.主题型(Topical pattern) 。你可以按主题或不同部分归类你的主要观点。例如如果你谈到交响乐团所使用的乐器时,可以将它们分为三种:弦乐器、管乐器以及打击乐器。这就是按主题组织观点。但按主题组织观点时,不可无章无序,需要按照逻辑和常识来安排所组织的观点。


Main Points:

——There are some symptoms of stress among college students.

——There are mainly two types of stress inducers, that is, physical stress and emotional stress.

——There are mainly three methods of stress reduction: relaxation techniques, meditation and exercise.

(三)在观点之间使用连接词或句(Using connectives between ideas) 。如果演讲者能有效地运用一些连接词或句,从一个观点过渡到另一个观点,就可以帮助听众理清思路,更好地理解你所传达的信息。一般有以下几种方式进行过渡:过渡词或句(transition) ,总结句(internal summary) ,提前总结句(internal preview)等。

6.过渡词或句(Transitional words/sentences) 。通过过渡词或句将两个不同的观点联系起来,可以使观众了解到演讲者正从一个观点向另一个观点过渡,帮助他们理清思路。也可以用一些标志词来做到这一点,如“firstly…secondly…thirdly…etc.” ,“furthermore” ,“moreover” ,“in addition” , “meanwhile” , “however” , “instead” , “for instance” , “as a result” ,“therefore” ,“of course” , etc.


“Now that we have realized the serious situation and the causes of this problem, I strongly recommend every one of you not to buy a bicycle with unknown origin, that is, stolen ones.”

“Now that you cm see how serious the problem is and discontent cannot be reduced unless something is done. As a result, I propose a plan to put my idea into reality.”

“You can now see the magnitude of the problem with the low rate of waste paper collection. Fortunately, it is a problem that can be easily solved. Each and every one of us can be part of the solution.”

7.总结句(Summary) 。一般而言,当演讲者完成某一重要观点时,如果能对这一观点进行简单的总结,听众就会容易接受。他们能更加具体地了解你的重要观点,尤其是当你的观点比较抽象难懂时。


Now, in less than five minutes, I’ ve shown you the four qualities a gentleman should have in Confucianism and its influence on us Chinese. Zhong (忠)leaves an element of unquestionable loyalty in our cell; Xiao(孝) gives us Chinese a closer family tie; Ren (仁) adds virtue in leaders’mind, and Yi(义)lets us put more emphasis on the relationship between people.


We have gone through the history to see the murder of a great president of the US and read some of the versions about why he had been killed. We also have looked into the background of his assassination——the Bay of Pigs Incident.

8.预先总结句(Pre-summary) 。预先总结句可以帮助演讲者为下一个重要的观点做好铺垫,可能是一句,也可能是几句。预先总结句往往和过渡句连在一起使用。


Now you see the magnitude of the problem with the lack of HSC donor volunteers. Fortunately it is a problem that can be solved.(transition)Each and every one of us can be part of the solution. All we have to do is to get registered with CMDP to become an HSC donor volunteer(internal preview) .


Using the poorly-disinfected tableware not only means that we are at a risk at present but also means that we are in defensive of those unpredictable epidemic in the future.

第二部分 案例阅读(Case Study)

No.1 Seize Today for Tomorrow

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When you hear the word “future” , images ofspaceships or skyscrapers might flash through your mind. But, if you think about the future in relation to an individual person, the picture is very different.

Recently, a friend e-mailed me. Frustrated by the big gap between her expectations and reality, she wrote,“The future is too elusive! ”

The glorious future is like a gigantic pyramid. But what makes such a miracle reality is merely stones, the seemingly insignificant efforts made right now.

Now, what efforts should we make?

First, you need to develop your personality in a way that will fit with the future society, to be open, persistent, independent, and enthusiastic. This summer, my best friend Zhou Lin, dropped in on me, after two years’studying in Australia. Having participated in various activities, she has changed from a shy girl to the confident and active president of the Student Union. Obviously, to improve your personality now is to prepare yourself for the future.

Second, you should build all-round abilities as a basis for a splendid future.Critical thinking makes you sharp-minded;interpersonal communication, pleasant; creativity, innovative; leadership, efficient. My experience of working in the Student Union taught me how to search for information, how to communicate with people, and how to organize activities. Such abilities that you can cultivate everyday are the key to a successful future.

“The best way to predict the future is to create it.”I hold this as my motto. It always reminds me to focus on today, and to treasure the present.

Yesterday, I e-mailed my friend back, with a small poem. It expresses all I wanted to tell her, and all I want to tell you.

Yesterday is history,

Tomorrow is mystery.

Today is a gift,

So we call it present.

Thank you.

No.2 The Greatest Invention in My Eyes——Soccer, Source of Happiness for Millions

Good morning.

The topic of my speech is: The Greatest Invention in My Eyes——Soccer, Source of Happiness for Millions.

Let’ s picture a lazy Saturday night. You’ ve finally come back home; so worn out by a day’ s activities that you just want to get some sleep. Suddenly, something flashes into your mind, you hurriedly turn on the TV. Thank God, it’ s just begun. Energy flows back into your body. You scream like crazy when your team scores a goal, you sigh with disappointment when the ball hits the bar; you jump in bliss when your team scores at the last minute. Yes, you are watching soccer, the foremost form of entertainment that makes every Saturday a holiday. A source of happiness for millions of fans like me, soccer, is the greatest invention in my eyes.

Some may think that the plane is the greatest invention because it has made traveling far more convenient; some may argue that the Internet is the greatest invention because it has brought the world right in front of us. Those are indeed powerful and life-changing inventions but not everyone is able to enjoy them. What if you are not rich enough to afford an air ticket? What if you live in a remote area where there is no Internet access? Soccer, on the other hand, can be enjoyed wherever and whenever you are. Flat ground, a ball, a few bricks as the goal are the only things you need to play soccer.

Plus, soccer is more than just a game; it’ s something that inspires people to overcome hardships. Many players, like Pele, Beckham, Ronaldo, have raised themselves from rags to riches, to show the world that it’ s not your origin that determines your destiny, your spirit does. To a soccer fan, the anthems of the Liverpool followers must always resound there, despite of the frustrating first-half result, Liverpool caught up with 3 goals in the second half and made the match to the penalty shoot-out. Finally, they won. Was it just about luck? No, in my eye, it was persistence, unity, confidence, trust, and above all, their undaunted spirit that brought them victory.

This is the magic of soccer, as long as you love the game, your life will be full of hopes and miracles. And with the world cups finals coming next year, please join me, in hailing this greatest game. So, who are ups for a game?

Thank you!

No.3 The Greatest Invention in My Eyes——Eraser

Honorable Judges, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Good morning!

On seeing these words “the greatest invention” , people will naturally associate them with those tremendous, hefty and huge machines or those hot, high-tech facilities, which have gained the household names. Generally speaking, inventions are created to“create”something to benefit people. However, this unique invention, which is often ignored, was created to make something disappear. So, what is it? It is my little friend—the eraser—the greatest invention in my eyes.

I do believe this little piece of magic is the greatest invention of all times. As I see it, the eraser gives us the inspiration from two aspects.

First, my little friend, the eraser, always instructs us to be brave enough to face up to our mistakes and to correct them as soon as possible.

Nowadays, however, a lot of people are afraid of making mistakes, and they even choose to ignore the mistakes they make. Do you know when you ignore your mistakes, you ignore your improvement, and you ignore your possible success? Well the eraser gives people the spirit of“correction” . Corrections are the steps leading to success; corrections are the foundations supporting a skyscraper, and it is the eraser who has built these steps and foundations. Thanks to the eraser, we are provided with the possibility to confront mistakes bravely and to correct them timely so as to lay a solid foundation of our magnificent future.

Secondly, my little friend, eraser, always intends to sacrifice himself to give others new opportunities to perfect step by step, while, at the same time he disappears gradually.

We often use him to erase wrong numbers in our calculations, thus we can get an accurate result; the unsuitable sentences in our composition, thus we can present a favorable essay; and the faulty strokes in our drawing, thus we can see a fantastic picture. My friend, the eraser, often chooses to serve people by sacrificing himself devotedly. And this kind of spirit is of vital importance and great necessity in today’ s society. Facing numerous challenges and competitions, we modern people tend to be selfcentered and care little about others’benefits. The little eraser serves as a big reminder of being a helpful and devoted person.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us keep the spirit of the eraser alive and well—to face mistakes, to correct mistakes and finally to embrace a bright new future at the cost of my little friend’ s life. Next time when you make a mistake, go ahead and reach for your little friend—the eraser—the smallest, but greatest invention.

No.4 The Greatest Invention in My Eyes——Electricity

Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen.

The greatest invention in my eyes is electricity.

Electricity is power,knowledge,and wealth.Electricity means communication, transportation, and health. Electricity figures in every part of our lives.

In the 1700s and 1800s Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison were two great minds whose scientific experiments pushed electricity forward. Franklin’ s curiosity with lightning began the first understanding of electricity. Edison’ s light bulb proved that the mass public could use electricity. Do you think Franklin and Edison knew that electricity would bring about a technological revolution in society and a rapid modernization of the world?

In the past, people used candles and kerosene lamps for lighting their houses, ice box for cooling food, wood and coal for heating and cooking. However, with the invention of electricity, in only 200 years the world has changed in every field unlike ever before. Electricity has helped elevate people’ s living standards. It has advanced country’ s economies, security, business, telecommunication, transportation, scientific research, medical technology and agricultural production.

Not only does our economy and daily lives depend on electricity, but also our major defense systems and government operations rely on electricity. Both our high-tech economies and traditional industries are computerized and automated as never before. All would grind to a halt without electricity.

In the future, electricity will be essential to improve the living standards of all, especially the poor. Currently, more than 2 billion poor people in the world remain without access to electricity. Without access to electricity, the poor will remain excluded from the development process. To solve this problem there should be modern energy solutions brought to the developing world, including modern communication, efficient lighting, distance learning, health stations and other public uses. Energy for productive uses can create employment and raise village incomes. Electricity is critical for communication and may help to empower people by connecting them to the “global village” , and eventually close the“digital gap.”

In conclusion, electricity has transformed our world, affecting every aspect of our daily lives. Can you imagine your life without electricity?It’ s hard; definitely it’ s hard. Electricity is crucial for health, power, prosperity, wealth, and knowledge——it is by far the most important invention of all mankind!Electricity will LIGHT our path to a BRIGHT future!

Thank you!

第三部分 课后练习(Practice)

思考与讨论(Thinking and discussion)

1. Try to list the three elements of a speech paper.

Key Points:




2. What is specific idea and central idea?

Key Points:




应用演练(Application exercises)

Design topics: 1. Success.

        2. Good Health.

Example 1:


No doubt, everybody wishes to be successful in life. But not everyone can win success.The keys to success chiefly include the following fundamental principles:honesty,diligence,devotion and perseverance.

The first key to success is honesty; “Honesty is the best policy” . There are so many temptations in society that if we are a little careless, we may go astray. However, if we take an honest attitude towards our work and study, we shall not fail in life.

The second key to success is diligence, which simply means not wasting time. If we do things diligently, we can overcome ignorance and difficulties and enlighten our minds. Diligence can make a fool wise, and a poor rich. If we don’ t idle our time away now, we will surely be successful in future.

The third key to success is devotion, which means the concentration of mind and effort in doing some thing. It s a great force .whatever job we are doing, we must love it and do it whole-heartedly. Only when we are devoted to our jobs can we do it well. In this way, nothing is too difficult to accomplish.

The final key to success is perseverance, or a strong will. Constancy and perseverance can make success a certainty. If we study or work day after day, there is nothing that cannot be achieved. However, without a strong will, we are likely to give up when we encounter difficulties. In short, a strong will can encourage us to perform wonderful deeds.

To sum up, honesty, diligence, devotion and perseverance are the key factors to success. In my opinion, If we try to be ambitious, aggressive and persistent in our life, we are bound to achieve success in one way or another.

Example 2:

Good Health

The desire for good health is universal. As a popular saying goes,“Health is better than wealth.”Good health enables a person to enjoy his life and achieve what he hopes for in his career. Poor health tends to deprive a person of his interests in the things around him. Therefore, health is indispensable to one’ s life happiness.

There are many ways to help build up your health. Firstly, you should keep a balanced diet. We should not ingest too much animal fat. We should eat more vegetables and fruits. Secondly, exercising every day is also essential for us to stay healthy. We should plan our physical exercises according to our age and actual physical condition. Sports like soccer and tennis are good for young while Tai Chi is most suitable for the elderly. Finally, it is clear that good health is connected to one’ s spirits. Only by holding a positive attitude towards 1ife can we overcome all kinds of difficulties and keep fit spiritually as well as physically. Learn to acquire a proper attitude towards life.

Generally speaking, having a balanced diet, exercising every day, and having a positive attitude towards life forms good health.