1.3.2 第二节 支撑材料Supporting Materials

第二节 支撑材料Supporting Materials

第一部分 理论学习(Theory Introduction)

一篇好的演讲稿不仅要有合适的选题和清晰的布局,而且要做到内容丰富、支撑有力。这里所说的丰富不是指内容越多越好,就演讲稿的撰写而言,既要做到材料丰富又要做到语言简洁。一般来讲,前来聆听演讲的听众是无法忍受冗长和累赘的长篇大论的。同时,还要根据演讲的目的来决定内容。信息性的演讲以陈述事实为主,劝说性的演讲以论述为主。但不管是哪种演讲稿都必须依据可靠、有力的事实论据为支撑,一味地简单重复和强调都无法使听众心悦诚服。一位经验老到的演讲者在选择了合适的例题并准备了充分的演讲内容之后,就要认真考虑如何展开演讲和合理地布局这些材料了:展开得当、布局合理、符合逻辑、前后连贯,切忌杂乱无章地展开。演讲者要注意根据演讲稿的题材和体裁选择恰当的展开方法,不能僵化地套用一个固定的模式。所谓“逻辑”就是指演讲稿的每一部分之间的内在联系,这种联系可能是隐性的,也可能是显性的。内容的布局合理是与逻辑相辅相成的,也就是要遵循文章写作的一般规律,可以按照时间顺序,也可以按照空间顺序,还可以按照支撑内容对于文章主旨的重要性来铺陈材料。支持观点的论据最基本可分为三种,实例(examples)、统计数据(subdues)以及引语(testimony) 。



Ding Lei, one of my classmates in high school, is a smart boy and a proficient violinist. I still remember how we were fascinated by his performance every time. But now I have no idea when I can appreciate that again, because he is suffering leukemia, a kind of cancer caused by the extraordinary reduction of red blood cells. The expense for treatment is so high that his family has been heavily in debts. It is said that a bottle of Mrs. Penicillin resistant, a kind of effective medicine for Ding’ s disease, costs 3,000 RMB!As his friends, we donated money as much as we can afford. But only money is far from enough. What Ding really needs is 50 milliliter of qualified Hematopoietic Stem Cells, HSC for short. But until now the qualified donor has not appeared.


In China, every year because of leukemia more than 40,000 people are counted by the King of the Terrors. The total number of the sufferers is reported by the website of leukemia (www.baixuebing.net.cn) to have reached 4,000,000, only 8% of which can be effectively cured. Worse than all, 50% of the victims are innocent children in the age of 2-7 years old. You can imagine that every day when we are enjoying the sweet life, 100 people around us began to be threatened by this merciless cancer. And 100 families at least may be greatly shocked or even destroyed. Those lives are as priceless as ours. Just like my friend, Ding Lei, he should have been leisurely walking in his campus, reading in the library, even taking a class of Public Speaking like you and me instead of lying in the lonely white ward. He just has the right!


The process of waste paper collection is quite simple and easy. First of all, we should identify recyclable paper from non-recyclable paper, and the former one is what we want to collect. The main types of paper in everyday use which can be recycled are: office white paper; newspapers, magazines, telephone directories and pamphlets; cardboard; mixed or colored paper; computer printout paper.


Although most veterans in urban areas we1l subsidized, the veterans we discussed here have no fixed income, enjoy little or no subsidy, and cannot be covered by the national welfare system and have already lost their working ability. When they fall ill, what they cm do is just to wait and suffer the pains, for even their offspring’ s low salary is unable to pay for the fees, not to mention that many veterans have no descendants.

Let me tell you about Mr.Qi Guangyi, a former vice commander who has fought different wars for 53 times. When he transferred to civil work in 1953, he donated all the reward he got——¥3,000 to buy agricultural tools for the whole community. However, right now he could only get a subsidy of¥100 every month. Due to the lack of money, his wife has died of rotten feet. He himself is suffering the pain of several diseases and met amorphous hands. There are many similar cases in certain former war zones, especially in the southwest of China. Due to the incomplete estimation by Fang Jun, an experienced member of Association of Helping Veterans, the number of veterans in the war zones is 1/10,000 of the local population.

(二)实例大致可以分为两种类型,事实型(factual)或假设型(hypothetical) 。事实型是指根据已经发生的故事作为实例,而假设型则是演讲者假设某一种情况或场景的发生,这种场景可能是观众日常生活经历的一种写照,从而和观众形成呼应,感同身受,激起观众的某种情绪,如:恐惧、害怕、同情、自豪、内疚等等。下面是一个美国学生如何用这种假设型的例子来激起观众对自身安全的那种担心,并意识到问题的严重性。

You are tiered; you are angry. You’ ve just spent a long day at College Library and you can’ t wait to get back your room. Glancing outside, you realize how quickly it becomes dark. You don’ t think much of it, though, as you bundle up and head out into the gusty wind. Not until you spy the shadows on the sidewalk or hear the leaves rustling beside you do you wish you weren’ t alone. You walk quickly, tying to stop your imagination from thinking of murderers and rapists. Only when you are safely inside your room do you relax and try to stop your heart from pounding out of your chest.

Can you remember a time when you felt this way? I would be surprised if you never have. The FBI reported last year that there were three murders, approximately 430 aggravated assaults, 1,400 burglaries, and 80 rapes here in Madison alone. Where these statistics are quite alarming, they don’ t compare to the numbers of larger metropolitan areas.

(三)事实型的例子又可以分为两种,简单一语带过的例子(brief example)或详细描述的例子(extended example) 。这两种类型的例子各有各的作用。简单一语带过的例子或者是引出主题,或是几个堆在一起,增强你要强调的观点的效果。例如Mary Fisher在被前夫传染上艾滋病后,她做了很多演讲来为艾滋病人争取更多公众的理解和可用的资源。在演讲“A Whisper of AIDS”中,她用了一系列的例子来表现她的家人和朋友对她的支持,而用对比的方式描写了一些艾滋病患者得不到支持和理解的窘况,从而深深地打动了听众。范例如下:

My family has been a rock of support. My 84-year-old father, who has pursued the healing of the nations, will not accept the premise that he cannot heal his daughter. My mother has refused to be broken; she still calls at midnight to tell wonderful jokes that make me laugh. Sisters and friends, and my brother Philip(whose birthday is today)--all have helped carry me over the hardest places. I am blessed, richly and deeply blessed, to have such a family.

But not all of you have been so blessed. You are HIV-positive but dare not say it. You have lost loved ones, but you dare not whisper the word AIDS. You weep silently; you grieve alone.




Good morning everyone, I’ d like to share my experience with you. Last October, I went to Fragrant Hills with my roommates. We were happily talking and laughing on the bus expecting to get to the hill early. But the bus began to stop frequently even since we just could see the hill. What’ s more, the nearer we got to the hill, the longer the bus had to stop and wait in line. Each of us stared at the sea of the cars outside through the windows. We were stuck in the cars, thousands of cars. It was the first time that I felt the private cars so disgusting. At two o’ clock, we got down the hill happily and tiredly. We all hope to get to the school as soon as possible. We walked among the cars and finally got to the bus at 3pm. The bus station there was filled with tourists. Thank goodness!We had finally found a seat for each one. I felt lucking that I could get a seat. But God wasn’ t there every time. Outside the station was full of cars. It was so crowded that none of the bus could move. We waited on the bus without any idea of what to do. What we could do was just waiting and waiting. I was sleeping and sleeping because I was sick of bus!I waked up several times and each time I would ask where we had reached. The answer was always the same: Fragrant Hill Station. Until 6pm, the bus hadn’ t moved an inch. We decided to walk back. On the road, cars stopped one by one and none of them could move at all. We walked about 9 kilometers, and then got on the bus which went to Fuchengmen. Due to the traffic jams, we finally arrived at our university at 10pm. From then on, I have realized more and more private cars have created serious problems in our life, especially in Beijing.



According to the article from Nature, a survey in California, USA found that among the 500 barbers they followed, their chances of suffering from deadly blood cancers is six times more than the average people. But that’ s still not all. Have you ever read the news that British woman called Dave in Birmingham suddenly died just because she used the product of the world famous brand——L’ Oreal. Richard Palm, a scientist of Oxford University said that her sensitiveness to that hair dye was the direct cause to her death. The Time reported that L’ Oreal had been accused by hundred of women from UK, Denmark, etc. They were all victims of its company’ s products. Of course, this case is only occasional, but who would like to be the next victim?



Before we take a look at the huge need for HSC donors, let me first tell you about one of my cousins, a handsome, tall boy with bright big eyes. Four years ago he was diagnosed to be a victim of acute leukemia that means he could only survive for about three months if he can’ t find a matched HSC donor. All my family members tried our best to find one but we failed. At that time he was just 18 years old, a freshman in university, but he wasn’ t able to live to graduate, to get married, to have a baby. His death greatly shocked and grieved my whole family for a long time.

Cases like my cousin are becoming so common these days. According to the web pages of Chinese Marrow Donor Program (CMDP) , in China there are about four million patients who are waiting for transplants of HSC. Besides that, forty thousand victims of leukemia increase each year, among which thirty thousand died.



I would like to review the very first time I had a social job some ten years ago. I was supposed to organize a group of kids to sell newspapers for Project Hope in the street. On the very first day, someone gave three more Yuan back to a customer and two kids got into a fierce fight arguing who sold more papers. It seemed that everything was a mess. I was so scared that I suddenly burst into tears in front of everyone. All the kids went silent. A girl patted me softly with a handkerchief and asked a very important question that I remembered clearly even up to now, “Why do you cry?”Yes, why? It was not my fault to give the wrong change. It was not that I wanted to see a fight. Funny but true enough, my tears didn’ t make any sense. Thanks to this girl, I get a point in my life. I have kept asking myself “why do you cry” . It was not my idea to get a bad score in exam, to lose my favorite ring, to see my football team lose the game. I simply had no reason to cry. But I cried so hard when I waved a friend goodbye, when I see Grandpa pass away, when I watch Schindler’ s List, when I made my first breakup. I cried for good reasons. And I do things with this why-do-you-do-it question. I get to know myself better and get a clearer picture of certain circumstances. Every time I ask myself why this and why that, I feel empowered as if the girl pats me softly again with that amazing“why”question.

5.要让听众区分出事实型和假设型事例。下面是一个题目为Human Nature is Greedy的案例,其中运用了很多假设:

The world appeared more beautiful since man showed up. Man is creating many is creating many things while taking more. As the old saying goes,“Men will die for wealth, as birds for food” .

If man is forever content with nothing he is sure to become greedy. Food, for example, is one of the four basic needs. Without food, man cannot survive. A piece of bread could be his greatest desire. He would beg,“If only there were a piece of bread” . Luckily, his wish came true so that he was not so hungry. With a piece of bread, he regained a bit of power to dream of a cup of coffee. Again, he did have a cup of coffee. He escaped the death at last and had a new life another time. However, he was still dreaming of meat. What a pity!

Do you grieve over his death? Sure you do!You may think he was forced to beg for food out of poverty. Struggling for being alive is a nature of human beings.

Are you angry at his greed? Of course you are!Man wonders why he doesn’ t work to make his life good instead of begging to live. At the sight of his death, you may be convinced that human nature is greedy. After all, begging to live is more leisured than working hard to make a living. There is one simple example. It simply and powerfully explains us how greed grows up among people. If you beg for a large variety of shows of greed, and neglect to catch the core of the shows-Human Is Greedyyou are the No.1 greedy needier in the world.


I’ d you all to close your eyes for a minute. Imagine that it is early morning. The alarm rings, but you must feel for it to turn it off. You get up and search for your clothes. You go downstairs to make breakfast, and you touch the food to find out what there is to eat. After breakfast, you carefully go to the door, step outside and listen for the sound of oncoming traffic. Hearing none, you gingerly cross the street to the bus stop on the other side. You wait for the sound of the creaking brakes to stop in front of you. When the bus doors squeak open, you carefully make your way up the steps. You give what you hope is the correct change to the bus driver. You then feel for an empty seat. You’ ve made it one more day!This is what it feels like to be blind. And that’ s what we are talking about here——a real problem that happens to human beings just like you and me. You can open your eyes now.

二、统计数据(Data statistic)


According to the web pages of Chinese Marrow Donor Program(CMDP) , in China there are about 4,000,000 patients who are waiting for transplants of HSC. However, there are only 360,000 volunteers registered with CMDP, which is far from the satisfaction of HSC transplant needs——at least one million HSC donor volunteers are required. And please pay attention to another group of statistics published by CDMP: In the United States, 1 in 50 people is HSC donor volunteer; in China’ s Taiwan, 1 in 80 people is HSC donor volunteer, but in China’ s mainland, only 1 in 4,000 people is willing to donate HSC.


60 percent of all Central University students major in business; 25 percent are humanities majors; the remaining 15 percent are in fine arts.


The statistic figures from the National Development and Reform Commission indicate that the consumption of paper and cardboards is about 54.39 million tons in 2004, increasing by 13.2% from that of 2003.



According to the statistics of a consulting agent, more than 40 percent of the transportation vehicles are private cars.


According to the interview with Yuan Xinli, Deputy Director of the Office of National Committee on Aging in November 2005, presently there are 40,000 care centers for senior citizens in China. The number of beds in these centers accounts for only 0.8 percent of China’ s total aging population. According to the national standard, the rates should reach 5 to 8 percent to meet practical needs. Moreover, most Chinese nursing homes are small. The largest one in Beijing has only about 500 beds. China therefore has a long way to go to set up more and better homes for the aged.


About 99,000 Japanese live in China, more than that of any other country except the US.Chinese government as well as Japanese government is working to nurture better relationship among the younger generation. Japan plans this year to set up a fund of 10 billion yen($86 million)to pay for 11,000 Chinese high-school students to study for about 10 days in Japan annually and an additional 150 for several months to a year. A current government-funded study program enrolls 100 Chinese students in Japanese high school each year.


There are more than 10,000 students in the University of International Business and Economics. Suppose every one of us collects 5 pieces of paper a day. Then the total number amounts to 50,000 pieces a day and 1.8 million pieces a year, which weighs about 230 kilometers. If these pieces of paper are used for recycling, we can help save at least 6,900 liters of water or 690 kilowatts of electricity.



As you can see from this photograph, the wall is great in beauty, with its long arms resting on rolling hills and its towers peering across the valleys. The wall stretches across more than half of China, from the sea in the east, past Beijing, to Gansu province in the west. At a total length of 4,000miles, it is the 1ongest human-made constructions in the world. If the Great wall were transported to the United States and sketched out in a straight line, it would run from New York City completely across the Atlantic Ocean——past Spain, England, and France, all the way to Berlin, Germany.



According to the New York Times, Atlantic, San Francisco has the highest per capital annual income of any city——$57,414. The lowest per capital annual income belongs to Mc Allen-Edinburg-Mission, Texas, at$13,344. The annual income for all US metropolitan areas is $31,332.


According to the New York Times, Atlantic, San Francisco has the highest per capital annual income of any US city——over $57,000. The lowest per capital annual income belongs to McAllen-Edinburg-Mission, Texas, at $13,000. The annual income for all US metropolitan areas is somewhat more than $31,000.


(一)引语一般可分为两种,即引用专家的话(expert testimony)和引用俗语(lay testimony) 。引用专家的话能够更好地增加可信度,使你的观点更容易被别人所接受;而引用俗语往往不能有效地、客观地说服别人接受你的观点,但俗语通常来源于第一手材料,因而,增强了材料的真实性、生动性,可以直接揭示人的真情实感,从而和观众达到某种心灵的沟通。例如:

Li Baoku, the president of the Deve1opment Foundation of the O1d, forecasted that the population of the aged people would break through 200,000,000 up in the year of 2015 and 400,000,000 in 2050. (expert testimony)

It was around 8:50 am on the morning of May 16th when the woman committed suicide on the campus of the University. It is said that this female student with an outstanding academic performance gained a famous scholarship last year, a symbol of the highest honor in that university. According to Xiaowang, a student in that university living in No.4 Building, she heard a “Bang”at 9:00 am downstairs. And a few minutes later, she heard from the outside of the window, “Someone has jumped from the building.”Then Xiaowang looked outside through the window; she saw a woman lying in the corner quietly.(lay testimony)

(二)通常可以通过三种方式来引用别人的话:逐字的引用(verbatim quotation) ,总结式引用(summary quotation) ,以及重述式引用(retelling quotation) 。逐字引用往往很有效,可信度高,更容易被听众所接受。但如果你引用的内容过长,逐字引用会使听众感到厌烦,这时可以用总结式引用,用一两句话概括所要引用的内容。另外,如果你所要引用的内容非常专业化,有很多行话和技术性词汇,你可以选择用自己的话重述所要引用的内容。例如:

For all of us, dreams are weird, chaotic, and crazy. An expert on dreams, Dr. William Dement, says:“Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly and safely insane every night of our lives.” (To quote verbatim)

Sigmund Freud believed that dreams reflect unconscious wishes and urges that we are afraid to think about during our daytime waking hours.(To summarize)

“Don’ t go outdoors wearing any moisturizer, perfume, or cologne that is photo allergenic because sunlight will activate certain chemicals that irritate the skin.” (To paraphrase)



Wang Yingfei, the minister of Tax Bureau in Beijing, said,“car sales have still been increasing since vehicle acquisition tax was in practice. The booming car market indicates that the demand and the purchasing force are both on the rise. Meanwhile, the tax didn’ t affect car selling. Nor did it make any difference in changing people’ s decision of buying cars. ”


British writer H.G Wells once said,“Human history has become more and more a race between development and catastrophe.” During the process of our development, we found that a sense of social responsibility keeps right the sky that opens the doors to the treasury of harmonious society. A sense of social responsibility enables individuals to fulfill their duties…


As American Professor Robert Chris pointed out, 1 +1 is a great formula because it conveys the basic characteristics of science and, more importantly, gives us more breakthroughs. Truly indeed, we get to know the significance of “1+1”when we dare to think otherwise; we start to make progress when we learn to challenge the impossible; we embrace the beauty of human’ s wisdom when we learn to explore the infinite possibilities.


To quote from Kamran Hamid, an athlete of Olympians, “Fate is for those too weak to determine their own destiny.” The Olympians and Paralympians are never weak, but are strong enough to determine their fate, surpass their destiny and rewrite the real-life superman tales. My superman dream never dies, but has been turned into a spiritual beacon enlightening the way of creating my own fantasy.


When the Sichuan Earthquake occurred, the entire nation was drunk on the “Chinese economic miracle”and was anticipating the Olympics. Yet, the disaster was bound to bring change.

Premier Wen’ s quotation “Difficulties strengthen a nation” did engender our feelings of unity and hope, yet we need to rethink for a blissful future.

第二部分 案例阅读(Case Study)

No.1 Identity Online

Good afternoon, Ladies and Gentlemen.

Several days ago when l was trying to log onto an online shopping website, I tried at least 6 different usernames but none of them worked. In the middle of this desperation, I started to wonder: On the internet, who am I?

The Internet is a place where we have the freedom to be whoever we want to be. It is attempting to indulge ourselves in this role-playing game. In fact, I believe most of us have experimented with multiple identities online. An ICQ user under the name of “sleeping beauty” , for example, might possibly be a middle-aged man, who is having fun from fooling strangers around. For online games, a player can disguise oneself as the Spiderman, a pop star or even Mr. President all at once. The temptation arises from the possibility of escaping from one’ s actual identities and becoming someone that we can never be in real life. However, I feel we are being so many people at the same time that we are actually no one at all. It is likely for us to be SO confused by our multiple identities and forget the real life actual identities.

Absence of identity is dangerous. Without proper identification in cyber space, we are no longer held responsible for what we have done. A recent survey conducted by China Southwest Normal University shows that 30% of internet users in the school have aggressively offended other users in BBS; 40% have spread fraud information. And this worsens the lack of trust in cyberspace.

An alarming prospect looms large: when we become obsessed with our online identities, life will eventually be brought to a halt because we tend to forget our real life identities and responsibilities: Forgetting their identities, students may not study but devote themselves to online games. Employees may not work but chat the days away. Organizations may not function but set foot on online deceptive transactions.

These situations, if not dealt with properly and will finally throw our society into chaos.

So Ladies and Gentlemen, You may forget your usernames, but please don’ t forget your

identities. Open your eyes and waken your minds, it is the real world we are living in.

Thank you very much.

No.2 New Internet, Great Olympics

Good Afternoon, Ladies Gentlemen!

Today, I would like to share my view on New Internet, Great Olympics with all of you.

Have you ever considered these questions?

What allows the Olympic Games to become more and more advanced? What allows millions of people to buy tickets out of time and space limitations?

What allows people to know more detailed information about Olympic Games conveniently?

The answer is the Internet.

Science and technology has greatly changed every aspect of our life, including the Olympic Games. From Atlanta to Athens, and from the basic timer to the huge system of operation, the Internet exists everywhere.

1996 was a new era in the history of Olympics, because it was the 1st time that modern Olympics had a close relationship with the Internet. The Atlanta Olympic games introduced handprint identification, a high-tech traffic management system, and even a fiber-optic net work.

Four years later in Sydney, the new technology played a more important part in the Olympics. Internet information systems including Olympics.com, sportsman surf shack, and the fan E-Mail system provided by IBM global Service set a new world record for Internet traffic.

Most of us still have a fresh memory of Athens Olympic games. If you have forgotten, don’ t worry, let's recall those exciting moments together through the Internet. According to one statistic, 1 billion people visited the website Olympics.com during the 2004 Olympic games. Every minute an average of more than 1000 people clicked the mouse on that website, and 90% of the tickets were sold on line.

In 2008, The Olympic Games will be held in Beijing. It will be a grand festival that brings people all over the world together. The Olympic Games is a large stage, in which the Internet can connect all the sportsmen,the judges,journalists,fans,and international audiences together.

One of the slogans of 2008 Olympic is“high-tech”Olympic, the aim of Olympic is “swifter, higher, stronger” , we have reasons to believe the Internet will contribute more to the Olympic than ever before. New Internet, great Olympic will be realized in 2008!Let’ s look forward to the success of Beijing Olympic Games with the help of the Internet!

Thank you!

No.3 My Tree Passions for the Internet

Honorable Judges, Ladies and Gentlemen,

My topic today is“My Three Passions for the Internet” .

Please close your eyes and imagine that you are roaming in cyberspace. Then ask yourself why you have come to this virtual world; where you are heading for; and what you are pursuing. I don’ t know your answers, but mine is quite simple, just as Bertrand Russell once said,“Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life——the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and the unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind.”Today I would like to share with you my three passions for the Internet.

First of all, the Internet transmits love beyond the boundaries of time and space. Finding a girlfriend online is no longer a story of Arabian Nights. However, I was moved, not because I found a girlfriend online, but because my grandpa sent me an email at the Mid-Autumn Festival saying the moon was bright and round in my hometown, and he missed me a lot. It is the internet that enables millions of people to love and to be loved in a virtual world.

Secondly, the search for knowledge on the web revolutionized our study method. We no longer depend on the classroom and blackboard. Last semester, I signed up for a TOEFL training course. Even though my cousin wanted to study the same subject, he was too busy to attend the class. While burying my nose in mountains of materials, I thought my cousin would never survive the courses. Surprisingly he told me one day“I’ ve got 600 in TOEFL.”It turned out that he had enrolled in a virtual university. It is the Internet that realized my cousin’ s dream.

Finally, the Internet helps relieve people from sufferings. During the critical period of SARS in 2003, face-to-face communication was avoided because of the high danger of contracting the disease. Therefore, people chose collaborating in cyberspace, fighting against the plague. Doctors in Beijing gathered the data of the virus and sent the picture to the WHO headquarters in Geneva where the information was distributed to all the main labs around the world. It is the Internet that enabled us to get united in a time of isolation and sufferings.

These three passions are not only answers to my questions, but also principles of using the Internet properly. In the era of the Internet, Bertrand Russell would be very surprised to see his ideas were illustrated in a different way. Ladies and Gentlemen, perhaps you can close your eyes again and imagine you are roaming in cyberspace——a place for man to share love, obtain knowledge and sooth sufferings.

No.4 The Future is Now——Therefore, Seize the Day

Honorable Judges, Ladies and Gentlemen, today my topic is: The Future is Now——Therefore, Seize the Day.

When I first got the topic, it reminded me of a poem by Longfellow, namely,“A Psalm of Life.”In the poem, there’ s one stanza that goes like this:

“Trust no Future, however pleasant!

Let the dead Past bury its dead!

Act, ——act in the glorious Present!

Heart within, and God overhead! ”

The message of the author is: don’ t put hope in the future of your dream, your imagination, your assumption, while you are not doing anything for the future. Get up and get ready now. The future lies in the present.

The future lies in the present. What reason do I have to say that?To a large extent, the future is predictable. What will be is conceived in the present time and we can anticipate the fruit before it comes out. When we see the green leaves, birds on the trees, we know that spring is coming; when we see the rainbow in the sky, we know that darkness is over and the bright day is coming; when we see China, opening up to the world, we know that rapid change is coming. It is true of the nation, and also true with individual. What you have and what you do today determines what you are tomorrow. You got knowledge; you got ability; you got energy. Man, when you go out and get a place to work, you’ ll find the whole world smiling at you. That’ s the truth.

Another thing, the topic also carries a message. That is, act right now!Don’ t be passive. Actually, I think people have got the message pretty well. Everybody is working hard; everybody is after his goal; everybody takes pleasure in competing. And look at our nation. Look at the achievements she has: a surprisingly fast and steady growing economy for so many years, and in technology. Remember how our man was just sent into space? People say, “The future is a Chinese era.”Looking at what we are doing now, I don’ t doubt it.

So, carpe diem: seize the day. The future is now. May everybody make an effect, still achieving, still pursuing, and we’ ll see that each tomorrow finds us farther than today. Thank you.

第三部分 课后练习(Practice)

思考与讨论(Thinking and discussion)

1. Try to review that how to write a Chinese composition.

Key Points:




2. What are main aspects in writing a appropriate speech paper ?

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应用演练(Application exercises)

Writing topics: 1. On the Force of Habits. 2. On the Importance of Self-confidence.

Example 1:

On the Force of Habits

Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. The more we do something, the more we tend to like doing it. And if we do not continue to do it, we feel uncomfortable. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult and sometimes impossible, to break it. This is called the force of habit.

There are good habits which, when formed early in life, are great blessings; such as rising early, punctuality, and doing physical exercise. However, bad habits do no good to people. For example, some bad habits such as smoking, slovenliness, and tardiness, are rather harmful to people both mentally and physically. And what is worse, bad habits are easy to form, but extremely difficult to get rid of. For instance, many people repeatedly swear that they will give up smoking, but fail in the end.

Therefore it is advisable for us to develop good habits if we want to have a meaningful life. Also, we should try to break away from bad habits.

Example 2:

On the Importance of Self-confidence

Self-confidence means the firm belief that you can do things well. In is believed to be the first secret of success. If you want to succeed in doing anything, you must have confidence in your abilities. Self-confidence gives you light when you are in the dark and encouragement when you are dismayed. If one lacks confidence in oneself there is little possibi1ity that he may achieve anything, especially when he is faced with difficulties.

In my opinion, there are three main reasons why people feel frustrated or discouraged in the face of difficulties. First of all, they overestimate difficulties. Second, they underestimate their abilities. Finally, they are afraid of making mistakes or failing.

It is important for young people to build up self-confidence. As the proverb goes, “Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.”We should make sufficient preparations and encourage ourselves before setting out to do anything. This will help us to achieve success which may help us gain self-confidence. We should have a good a attitude towards our abilities and should never look down upon ourselves. As Bovee said, “self-confidence is the cause of most of our failures.”In addition, we don’ t have to be afraid of mistakes or failures, for “failure is the mother of success”and we can learn from mistakes.

So, be confident whenever you face difficulties, because it is the first step towards success.