1.7.2 Chapter 14 Resume

Chapter 14 Resume


Compose appropriate resumes;

Give details with numbers;

Use action verbs in a resume.

Getting Started

Intern Student—Cindy Wu’s Story

It Is Really a Headache!

I’ll graduate in three months! When I think of this, I feel happy and upset. Happy because I can work and make money to support myself; upset because recently the job thing always worries me! Everyone knows that it’s not easy to find a good job!

Looking at my classmates, they are busy preparing their cover letters and resumes. One of my best friends “Big Lee” has got the chance of an interview and has signed a job agreement with a company. I am surely happy for him and admire him. But I can’t just wait! I have to take action and prepare my resume. After a careful searching from the internet, I finished my English resume based on the Chinese version:



2012-2014  Guangdong Institute of Science and Technology

Major in Business English.

Coursework: Business Correspondence,

International trade Practice, International

Finance, International Business Laws, Business

Oral English, Business English Negotiation, New

Horizon College English, Cambridge Business

English, Customs Practice, International


2009-2012  He Yuan Technology School

Major in English Education

School Activities:

Vice-chairman, Student Union of Foreign Languages Department,


An English hostess in CCS English Association, 2012-2013

Work Experience:

December 2013, interpreter for the International Surface Coatings Company.

Summer 2013, A receptionist and interpreter at Shenzhen International Racing Company.

Summer 2012, An English training teacher at He Yuan ENTE English Training Centre.


2013 I passed CET Band 6

2012 I passed National Computer Test Level 2


I won Second Prize of Chinese-English Speech Contest in 2013

Excellent Debater of Debate Competition, 2013

Second-class Scholarship for Excellent Student, 2012-2013

Listen to Mr. Tutorial

For a job-hunter, resume is very important and resume writing seems the part that gives them the most trouble although it seems easy. Look at Cindy Wu’s resume: of course, we can get some information about Cindy, but unfortunately, it’s not attractive at the first glance. Everyday, a recruiting officer may have several hundred enquiries about a single job; he or she will only choose a few people who appear suitable for interview. Recruiting officers do not want to read resumes which are all written in exactly the same way. It doesn’t make a deep impression on them.

The second problem with this resume is that the format is more Chinese than English. Furthermore, the writer FORGETS one important thing: the job objective for a targeted position (as we may know from her resume that she wants to be an interpreter).

The third problem is in the “Qualifications & Honors”: when we write a resume, we use action verbs to summarize achievements relevant to our targeted job. Do NOT use the subject “I”, use tenses in the past, except for your present job. Example: Instead of “I passed CET Band 6”, we use “passed CET Band 6”.

Compose Your Message

Prepare a Successful Résumé

A successful résumé is the product of careful thought and planning. The employer is looking for an applicant who has the right experience, skills, and personal qualities for the job. The person appointed is likely to be the one who not only possesses all these but also presents them in the most attractive way. The only way in which you can achieve this is by thinking very carefully about yourself and what you have done in the past and believe you could do in the future, given the right opportunity.

Whether you are applying for your first permanent position, competing for promotion, or changing careers, you will be more successful to understand employment strategies and how to promote yourself with a winning résumé.

As we know, an employer may have several hundred enquiries about a single job; he or she will only choose a few people who appear suitable for interview. Employers do not want to see résumés which are all written in exactly the same way. Therefore, do not just copy standard résumé samples! Your résumé should be your own, personal, and a little bit different.

Generally speaking, a proper résumé needs to include the following components:

Heading and Objective

● List your name, address, and phone number.

● Include a career objective for a targeted job.


● Name your degree, date of graduation, and institution.

● List your major and GPA.

Give information about your studies, but don’t inventory all your courses.

Work Experience

● List your previous jobs.

Start with the most recent jobs. Include employer’s name and city, dates of employment (month, year), and most significant title.

For example:

Salesperson, Kmart, Dayton, Ohio. 4/12 to 5/13

Manager, Fleet Equipment, Kettering, Ohio. 6/13 to present.

● Describe your experience.

Use action verbs to summarize achievements and skills relevant to your targeted job. For example:

Prepared state and federal tax returns for individuals with incomes under $25,000.

Conducted interviews with over 50 individuals to elicit data regarding taxes.

Determined legitimate tax deductions and recorded them accurately.

● Include nontechnical skills.

Give evidence of communication, management and interpersonal skills. Employers want more than empty assurances. Try to quantify your skills.

For example:

Organized holiday awards program for 1,200 attendees and 140 awardees.

Praised by top management for enthusiastic teamwork and achievement.

Special Skills, Achievements, Awards

● Highlight your computer skills.

All employers seek employees’ proficient with word processing, databases and spreadsheets.

● Show that you are well-rounded.

List awards and extracurricular activities, especially if they demonstrate leadership, teamwork, reliability, loyalty, initiative, efficiency and self-sufficiency.

Sample Study



Writing Tips

Place your contact information such as your name, address, and daytime telephone number at the top of your résumé.

Make your name stand out with Bold Text, Underlining, or ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

State the position or kind of job you’re seeking.

Begin with the most recent position held.

Briefly explain important aspects/duties of the position.

Use action verbs in the description of your jobs and activities. Use present tense, active verbs for duties you are performing for a job held at the time of writing the résumé and use past tense, active verbs for duties performed in previous jobs.

Give the essential facts of your education. Begin with the most recent school attended.

Include relevant volunteer work or other social activities, especially if experience in paid jobs is limited, with enough details.

Use different font styles to emphasize certain items and lines. But keep your résumé clear and easy-to-read with one or two different font styles and sizes.

Eliminate excessive punctuation, and omit articles (a, an, the) if needed.

Avoid personal pronouns. Omit humor.

Make the layout attractive and easy to read.

Use good quality white paper if printing out résumé for distribution, with one page at the best.

Don’ t include your age/birthday, height, weight, identification number, or a picture.

Don’ t lie!

Don’ t write more than 2 pages.

Don’ t provide the names of references directly on the résumé.

Don’ t use too many different types of spacing and highlighting (i.e., font size, bold, italics, underlined, etc.).

Don’ t mention salary in the résumé.

Write Your Message

Situation: Taking into account Ms. Wang’s previous experience in Mei Yue Leather Wares Import & Export Co., Ltd., and her self-introduction, help her produce an effective résumé.

My name is Wang Mei. I am a senior student in the English Department of Guangdong Institute of Science and Technology. My major is Business English. I have obtained intermediary BEC certificate and passed National Computer Test Level 2. There are four members in my family: my father, my mother, my younger brother and I. My brother is clever but he doesn’t like to study. As for me, I am a happy girl who likes singing. And I have a good voice, too. I’ve always dreamed of becoming a super star. But life is not all about dreams. After graduation, I hope I can find a job in a big company. I think I may begin my career as a secretary. I wish I will become a successful business woman after several years!

Ways of Thinking

1. Begin with a heading that includes your name, address, and telephone number. It is a good idea to include an email address.

2. Next on your résumé is a clear objective. A well-written objective forces you to know what you are looking for and can guide how the entire résumé is organized.

3. After the objective, it is usually a section about the work history. If with plenty of related work experience you can start with that but most choose to begin with your education.

4. Next on the résumé comes the section about work experience, related experience, work history or something similar.

5. Next is a list of activities, awards, and other achievements under one or several headings.

6. Usually, you should end your résumé with references.

Read for Reference

What Is a Résumé?

In English dictionaries, the word “résumé” is usually defined as a summary of your educational and work experiences. The special spelling comes from the past participle of the French word “résumé” meaning “to summarize”. In North American English, it is also sometimes spelled “résumé” or “résumé (as a noun)”. In Commonwealth English, it is often used the same way as a curriculum vitae or CV for short which is a Latin term meaning“the course of one’s life” (“curriculum” for “course” and “vitae” for “life”).

A résumé is a written self-introduction to your future employers, and is quite simply an “advert” to sell you to an employer. You should send a résumé to an employer when they ask for one in a job advertisement, or when you are enquiring if any jobs are available. So the purpose of your résumé is to make you attractive, interesting, worth considering to the company and so receive a job interview.

Choose a Résumé Style

Your qualifications and career goal will help you choose from among three styles: chronological, functiona and combination.

Chronological: A chronological résumé presents your education and work experience either in the order in which they happened, or in reverse order, with your most recent experience first. Since recent experience is probably of most interest to an employer, this latter method is now widely used. The advantages of a chronological résumé are that it emphasizes the companies or organizations you have worked for (and the periods of time involved) and your continuity of employment. The disadvantage is that if your career has had ups and downs, especially if it includes periods of unemployment, these show up very clearly. The employer who is looking for a steady and reliable employee will probably favor this approach.

Use chronological résumés to highlight your work experience, most of which is related directly to the position you seek for. Although you are a recent graduate, if you have accumulated experience in some part-time jobs, and if you want to emphasize your special skills, you could have placed the special skills section just after your objective.

Functional: The functional résumé focuses attention on a candidate’s skills rather than on past employment. Like a chronological, the functional begins with the candidate’s name, address, telephone number, job objective and education. Instead of listing jobs, though, the functional groups skills and accomplishments in special categories, such as Supervisory and Management Skills or Retailing and Marketing Experience. This style highlights accomplishments and can de-emphasize a negative employment history. People who have changed jobs frequently or who have gaps in their employment experience often find the functional useful.

Combination: The combination résumé style draws on the best features of the chronological and functional résumés. It emphasizes a candidate’s capabilities while also including a complete job history. The combination is a good choice for recent graduates because it enables them to profile what they can do for a prospective employer. If the writer has a specific job in mind, the items should be targeted to that job description.

If you want to highlight your skills and capabilities along with your experience, you may combine the best features of functional and traditional. This style is becoming increasingly popular.

New Words and Expressions

GPA: 是英文Grade Point Average的缩写。美国很多大学对申请人GPA都有最低规定。作为本科阶段成绩的主要衡量标准,GPA的重要性不言而喻。


100~90 等级为 A = 4.0

89~80 等级为 B = 3.0

79~70 等级为 C = 2.0

69~60 等级为 D = 1.0

59~0  等级为 F = 0

inventory: n. 列举……的详细目录

attendees: n.(会议等的)出席者(attendee的名词复数)

awardees: n. 获奖人;受奖者;获奖者

tax returns: 纳税申报单

spreadsheet: n. 电子表格、数据表

campus campaign: 竞选运动

retreat: n. 休息场所

Useful Expressions

A. Vocabulary Development

Vocabulary for Work Experience


B. Useful Sentences

To obtain a position in the human recourses department of a major international firm.

Fluent in English and Mandarin.

Speak and read intermediate level Spanish.

Knowledgeable in several programming languages.

Check Yourself

Task 1

Multiple Choice

1. Well-informed job candidates know that the first step in the employment process is

a. researching salary, benefits, and job stability in a chosen field.

b. developing an effective résumé to send to prospective employers.

c. locating job openings at desirable companies.

d. assessing their interests and qualifications.

2. Which of the following statements is correct?

a. Many college graduates are able to find lifelong employment with a single company.

b. College graduates must be prepared for constant retraining and updating of skills.

c. If you perform your job duties well, you can be assured of reasonably permanent employment.

d. Many employers today have established predictable career paths within their organizations.

3. An effective résumé style for those who have changed jobs frequently or who have gaps in employment history is

a. the functional résumé.

b. the chronological résumé.

c. the combination résumé.

d. the online résumé.

4. The primary way to make a résumé persuasive is to

a. limit it to one page.

b. emphasize skills and achievements aimed at a particular job or company.

c. print it on high quality bond paper using a good laser printer.

d. put a copy of it on the Web.

5. Which of the following is the most effective advice to follow in organizing a persuasive résumé?

a. Avoid using more than six headings.

b. Always include a career objective to show that you have a clear goal.

c. List education before work experience.

d. List work experience before education.

6. The main heading of your résumé should

a. show both permanent and temporary addresses.

b. include the word Résumé so that it is immediately recognized.

c. include your name, address, phone number, and message telephone number.

d. show originality in the formatting of your name and address so that your résumé stands out.

7. Which of the following is the best career objective for a résumé?

a. To obtain an entry-level position in the accounting field.

b. To obtain a challenging position where I can use my skills and abilities.

c. To work for a company that provides good benefits and room for advancement.

d. To obtain an accounting position with responsibilities in accounts payable, accounts receivable, and payroll.

8. In the Education section of your résumé, you should

a. list all the college courses you have taken to give the employer a complete picture.

b. always include your cumulative GPA.

c. list only colleges where you have completed degrees or certificate programs.

d. list seminars and workshops as well as colleges attended.

9. Which of the following statements about the Work Experience section of your résumé is most accurate?

a. Work Experience should always be listed after Education on the résumé.

b. Your employment should be listed in chronological order.

c. Use action verbs to describe your work experience so that you sound forceful and persuasive.

d. Omit the dates of your work experience if you have large gaps in your employment history.

10. Of the following statements describing employment achievements, which is most effective?

a. supervised 45 employees in three different branch locations.

b. supervised and trained employees.

c. operated a variety of office equipment.

d. knowledgeable in a variety of computer software packages.

Task 2

Categorize the following pieces of information. Write A for Objective, B for Experience, C for Education, and D for Special Skills.

1. Summer Intern, Operations Research—Summer 2000, Defense Systems and Electronics Group.

2. My responsibilities at Edward International included invoicing, logging deposits, resolving billing problems related to data entry and filing a monthly report on the department.

3. A position in Foreign Trade Department, with opportunities for advancement to management position in the department.

4. 2-year degree from Zhengzhou Technical College in office administration, 1999.

5. Seeking an International Sales Management position in Information Technology where my extensive sales experience will be used to the full.

6. Office skills including operating English word processor and microcomputer, taking shorthand 85 wpm.

7. B.A., Business Administration and Information Systems.

8. Collected and analyzed data using Excel.

9. To obtain a challenging position as a software engineer with an emphasis on software design and development.

10. Have a good command of both spoken and written English.

Task 3

Read the following sentences and decide if they contain numbers as good details. If not,please revise them by adding more information if necessary.

1. I was responsible for writing and editing the newsletter, which was distributed to roughly 1,200 members.

2. My experience has taught me the value of good employees.

3. My solutions have saved my current employer much money in running costs.

4. I am a self-motivated individual capable of managing teams of up to 30 people.

5. In my current role, I lead a team and report directly to the manager of the property services division.

6. I have overseen the increase of consumer retail channel sales by 56 percent.

7. I have developed excellent relationships with the staff.

8. I have developed an ongoing future business plan and secured $40 million in both institutional and strategic financing.

9. My responsibilities include supervising, coaching many employees.

10. With my effort, profit margins increased greatly last year.

Task 4

Action Verbs

Action verbs are verbs that show the performance of an action. They should be used abundantly throughout the résumé and cover letters to describe the skills and accomplishments. They help make a strong impression. Use past tense verbs for the job(s) the applicant held in the past and present tense verbs for jobs he or she still has. For example:

May 2006-present: Assist customers with banking transactions

February 2003-May 2003: Gathered information

Complete the following phrases with the proper forms of the verbs given in the box.

assist conduct coordinate  design    establish

gain   initiate   serve    schedule   tutor

1. __________ professors in planning, teaching and record-keeping

2. __________ students daily and taught one day per week

3. __________ with various staff for operational support activities of the company

4. __________ and coordinate meetings, interviews, appointments, events and other similar activities for supervisors

5. __________ company research and analyzed profiles

6. __________ valuable experience assisting customers with their confidential financial aid accounts

7. __________ various promotion campaigns involving live music acts

8. __________ and scheduled advertisements for publication in local newspaper

9. __________ solid, positive and productive work environment

10. _________ as lead analyst for Field Service and Marketing Support Systems

Task 5

Complete the résumé with the proper forms of the words or phrases given in the box.

Electronics and Computer        email

have a good command        obtain

academic main courses outstanding   outstanding student

software engineer computer      computer abilities

Zheng Yan

Room 212 Building 343

Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084

(010) 62771234 (1)_____________: billyzhang@yahoo.com


(2)________________ a challenging position as a (3)_________ with an emphasis in software design and development.


Dept. of Automation, Tsinghua University, M.E. (Sept. 1997-Jun. 2000) Dept. of Automation, Beijing University of Technology, B.E. (Sept. 1993-Jul. 1997)


Advanced Mathematics and Statistics Linear Algebra

Engineering Mathematics Numerical Algorithm Operational Algorithm

Functional Analysis Linear and Nonlinear Programming


Circuit Principal Data Structures Digital Electronics

Artificial Intelligence Computer Local Area Network


CAD, AutoCAD, MathCAD, C++ , Word, Access, Excel

English Skills

(7)___________________________ of both spoken and written English.

CET-6; TOEFL: 623; GRE: 221

Scholarships and Awards

Guanghua First-class Scholarship for graduate (Mar. 1999)

(8)_________________________________ (Nov. 1998)

Academic Progress Award (Apr. 1997)

Task 6

Prepare a résumé according to the following information.

You are about to graduate from the English Department of ABC Polytechnic. The courses you took include English Listening & Speaking, English Reading & Writing, International Business Communication, Business Writing, Business Interpretation, Computers and Typing. During your studies at ABC Polytechnic, you have been the Chairman of the Student Union for two years (2010-2011) and were awarded Excellent Student Scholarship twice. You have passed the CET 6. Now, you want to find a job in an important & export company in Shanghai. If possible, you want to start as a secretary and then move on to foreign trade business.