1.6.7 Chapter 12 Business Reports

Chapter 12 Business Reports


Understand the major sections of a report;

Learn about different styles of report writing;

Use formal and written language in reports appropriately.

Getting Started

Intern Student—Cindy Wu’s Story

I Can Make It!

The sales season is over; all staff in our company finally gets a chance to slow down the pace of work. Mr. Johnson Lee, the Board of Directors wants to know whether the employees are satisfied with their present job and asked each branch office to carry out a survey on job satisfaction. Therefore, my direct superior, Ms. Nagle asked me to work with the Human Resource Department to analyze the results of the survey and interpret the findings in order to make a report to the Board. And she will check it out when back from her trip.

Having got used to all kinds of challenges since graduation, this time I was happy to face it because I’ve realized that the more problems I solve, the faster I can accumulate my experience, and therefore the more confident I will be. After spending a couple of days counting the figures with my colleagues and at the same time studying some sample reports (and following some advice of Mr. Carson, HR Manager), I finally finished the report. I felt really proud of myself. What do you think about it?

To:   Ms. Nagle

From:  Sandy Wu

Date:  Apr. 12, 2008

Subject: Report on survey of job satisfaction


In response to your request, the report sets out to analyze the staff’s job satisfaction according to the collected questionnaires.


A questionnaire survey was conducted to learn about the job satisfaction in our company. 228 employees returned their questionnaires on time. In order to gain more factual figures, the employees were required to fill it anonymously.


According to the statistics, 72% of the employees are content with their work. Whereas, it was found that the female staff (75%) are more satisfied with their present job than the male staff (63%). In addition, the data showed that payment isn’t relevant to happiness. 87% of younger people, aged 20-30, with lower payment expressed their approval. Meanwhile, 52% of the staff, aged 30-40, and 61%, aged 40-50, were more pessimistic. Most of them mentioned the reasons for their dissatisfaction; little chance to get promotion and a poor welfare system. In addition, a number of people suggested having a longer paid holiday to have more opportunity to be with their families and arranging more training courses to update their professional skills.


Based on the findings, it was concluded that most people in our company look at their present job optimistically but there is still space for our company to make some progress.


It would be advisable to readjust the promotion policy and welfare system to stimulate staff to be more enthusiastic about their work.

Listen to Mr. Tutorial

Reports are important documents, written frequently or even everyday to keep a company informed. They are the basis on which many companies’ decisions are made. The reasons for writing a report are:

1. A report keeps a formal and complete record of your findings, conclusions or recommendations.

2. A report can be circulated to a number of people or referred to if necessary.

3. A report makes it easy to find the right person to account for the contents of it since it should have the presenter’s name on it.

From the Cindy’s report, we can see she has done a good job in composing a report with some critical parts, such as “Introduction” “Methodology” “Findings” “Conclusion” and“Recommendation”. Moreover, she employed the memo format because she was reporting to her boss. Nevertheless, we still can make some amendments. To begin with, since the report is based on an analysis of the questionnaires, she should provide her boss with more vivid and detailed graphs and charts: Take the age-based satisfactory as an example, Cindy may insert the following bar chart in her report as the proof of her argument.

Furthermore, when illustrating the figures in the “Findings”, it is advisable to use bullet points or underline key parts so that readers can see clearly which the first level is and which the second or third level of the analysis is. We may reorganize the “Findings”part in this way.



According to the statistics, 72% of the employees in total are content with their work.

● It was found that the female staff (75%) is more satisfied with their present job than the male staff (63%).

● The data showed that payment isn’t relevant to happiness. 87% of younger people, aged 20-30, with lower payment expressed their approval. Meanwhile, 52% of the staff, aged 30-40, and 61%, aged 40-50, were more pessimistic.

Most of them mentioned the following reasons for the dissatisfaction.

● Little chance to get promotion.

● Poor welfare system.

In addition, a number of people suggested having a longer paid holiday to have more opportunity to be with their family and arranging more training courses to update their professional skills.

Compose Your Message

What Is a Business Report?

A business report is a detailed and factual account or statement that is used to relay (传达) information from one person or a professional group to a certain management. A business report plays a crucial role in business practice as most major or decisive actions are based on it.

Components of Business Reports

Business reports are different from other routine letters and memos in that they require a more formal writing style. The following table shows the major sections of a report:


The longer and more formal a report is, the greater the number of special parts that will be included in addition to the body of the report itself. Among them the four most important sections are: introduction, finding, conclusion and recommendation.

In addition, it’s not necessary for every report to:

♥ adopt the name of the section, some reports may have their own section names according to the their unique features (See Sample Study-2)

♥ be organized in this order. Reports may be arranged either deductively/directly, with the main conclusion, recommendation first which are popular in recommendation reports (建议报告), or inductively/indirectly, with introduction first and the main conclusion or recommendation being placed at the end which are common in justification reports(论证报告).

Sample Study

1. Memo format

Memo reports are currently the most common means of exchanging written business information. Memos are short, informal messages that provide a rapid, convenient means of communication between employees within the same organization.



2. Letter format

A letter report is simply a report written in the form of a regular business letter. Unlike internal memo reports, which remain within the organization (for internal communication), letter reports are typically used for external communication. They have all the letter components and report sections.

The following sample is the progress report (进度报告) in letter format. It describes the progress of a plan being carried out or a project which is underway, whether it is within the budget or not, so that managers can have the updated information about the business activities or project being worked on.



Writing Tips

Determine the purpose of the report—describe your objective in one or two sentences.

Determine the audience for the report—knowing whom your audience is helps you determine what type of information to include in the report.

Gather information for the report through research, interviews and your personal knowledge about the topic.

Select an appropriate format for the report. Decide whether the report will be oral or written or both. Decide whether to use a printed form, a memorandum, a letter, or a conventional report format.

Choose a proper tone. An effective tone should be:

Objective: eliminate personal feelings and prejudice towards facts observed;

Definite: stick to facts , use figures, and be confident;

Positive: be sure of what you want to let your readers know;

Upward: be upward when you write to your supervisor;

Downward: be downward when you write to your subordinate.

Adopt an appropriate style. To make your report in good shape, the following are important:

Be simple and varied in style;

Use a mixture of long and short sentences;

Divide long report by titling different parts of the report;

Use figures, tables, charts, and photos to add visual effect and enhance readability;

Use present tense in stating facts and figures;

Be accurate in reference.

Write Your Message

Situation: You work in the general office of ABC Company, a local engineering company. You have been asked on May 10, 2014 to write a report to outline the last year’s performance. The project was delayed during the rainy summer, but more skillful workers fired reduced the time of project since November, 2013. On December 25, 2,013 miles of roads have been repaired completely. Meanwhile, you have to give some recommendations for the future. ¥40,000 is required to complete the final stage of the project due to the bad weather.

Ways of Thinking

1. Clarifying your target audience and the problem

The first step you should do is to clarify the problem from your boss’s point of view because you are representing him to do the research and write the report; he and maybe other managers will be your audiences. You may try to fill in the blanks to describe your reason for writing the particular report:

I am writing to (supply verb) __________________________________________ (who)_________________________________ about (what) ___________________________.

If you have trouble filling in the spaces, the following lists may help you.


2. Collecting data and research

The quality of reports depends on the data you collect. While good information won’t necessarily guarantee good decisions, bad information will almost certainly result in bad decisions.


3. Drawing conclusion by analyzing data

After doing research, you can start analyzing the data and interpret the findings. This process is to search for correlations(相互关系)among the facts, because the data doesn’t mean anything unless you look at it from different angles and identify the patterns that will enable you to understand the problem and form a tentative conclusion. The conclusions are assumptions based on the facts already gathered, they are not themselves facts. Conclusions should be based on only the facts gathered and not on preconceptions or on other evidence you have not presented in the report.

4. Making recommendations

Based on the analysis and conclusion, you can make recommendations. A conclusion differs from a recommendation in that the former offers an opinion or interpretation of what the facts mean, while the latter suggests ways to solve the problems the research started with. But attend that if you haven’t been asked to provide recommendations; do not provide them.

Read for Reference

The ABC Rules for Writing Business Reports

A → Accurate

For a report, accuracy often refers to the general principle that the information presented must be true and up-to-date as it involves statistics and other numbers, currencies, weights and other measurements, telephone and other contact numbers.

Comparing the following two sentences, which is providing accurate information?

Sentence 1:ABC Corporations’ orders have been declined. Please investigate into the matter.

Sentence 2:ABC Corporation’s orders for our washing machines have been declined during the last three months. Please investigate into the matter.

B → Brief

Avoid unnecessary modifiers and conditional clauses. Too many adjective and adverbs make your argument seem emotional rather than logical; too many conditional clauses weaken your argument.

Take the following introduction part of a report as an example, how to revise it?

In this report I present the information, which may not be true, very helpful for you before you make any decision of your investment in ABC Company, anyhow I don’t think that investment will be a wise one as you can see from my report that some of these performance records could prove their poor management, however you are the person to have the last word.

Clearly, this introduction is wordy and not concentrated so it is not easy for the reader to find out the points of the report—why it is written and what information is presented. To revise them, one just has to kick out the elements that distract the reader or result in mix-up like this:

In this report I present the information you wanted to have before deciding whether or not to invest in ABC Company.

C → Clear

The format and layouts of your report must be clear. Only in this way can the reader easily locate a specific point or piece of information.

Providing headings or subheadings to divide the reports into sections;

Skipping one line between paragraphs;

Numbering paragraphs so that readers can see clearly which the first level is and which the second or third level of the report is;

Numbering Systems for Reports


Using bullet points or underlining key parts.

Types of Business Reports

There are many situations that call for the writing of reports, and there are many reasons why people write reports. As a result, there are many types of reports, depending on how we sort them.


In many instances, the boundaries of report categories overlap; distinctions are not always clear-cut. Take Cindy’s report as an example, it may be defined as a short report in length, a memo report in format, an informal report in formality, an analytical report in function, an investigative report in content and inductive report in organization.

New Words and Expressions

methodology: n. 方法

crucial: adj. 至关重要的,关键性的

preprinted: adj. 预先印好的

to-file: adj. 归档的

feasibility: n. 可行性

preliminary: adj. 预备性的,初步的

deductive: adj. 演绎的,推理的

inductive: adj. 归纳的

overlap: v. 部分重叠,交叠

preconception: n. 先入之见,成见

slimming-down: n. 缩减,裁员

redundancy: n.(因劳动力过剩而造成的)裁员,解雇

pension: n. 养老金,抚恤金,退休金

offset: v. 抵消,弥补,补偿

ventilator: n. 通风设备,通风口

illumination: n. 照明,光源

Useful Sentences

1. Introduction

This report presents...

The report carries the information on...

The purpose/aim of this report is to...

The report aims to...

The report is based on...

The purpose of this report is to... investigate, evaluate, study...

The objective of this report is to... recommend, analyze, give...

The aim of this report is to... provide feedback, estimate, assess...

2. Methodology

Work in the... is as follows.

Although the current statistics show that...

Having made a close of the survey, I found...

Our research reveals...

3. Findings

It was found/discovered/felt that...

It was generally the case that...

Many members of staff suggested that...

A number of people mentioned that...

Several changes were put forward.

Several staff members expressed the view that...

It was proposed that...

We attribute the facts to the following factors...

The figures show...

It could be counted in this way...

Let’s examine the facts in this way...

The key findings are outlined below.

The following points summarize our key findings.

4. Conclusions

It was generally the case that...

There were several...

To sum up, ...

Based on the discussion, ...

It is clear that...

No conclusions were reached regarding...

It was agreed that...

5. Recommendations

So I’d like to put forward my opinion on the matter...

My opinion, for your reference, is...

In my opinion, ...

I strongly hope...

It would be advisable to...

It is essential to...

We strongly recommend that...

Check Yourself

Task 1

Correct the errors in the following sentences.

1. Two-thirds of the staff was happy with their bonus.

2. One sixth of the staff went home early.

3. Regarding the training opportunities, just 49% of the staff said that they were satisfied.

4. Opportunities for promotion were important to one half of the staff.

5. Two-fifth of respondents are satisfied with the opportunities for promotion.

6. Less than 30 replies were received.

7. Three quarters of the test subjects did not understand Question 10.

8. Only one-quarter of the test subjects completed the task successfully.

9. The population of Hong Kong is 6,732,129.

10. 106 people replied to the questionnaire.

11. Just over a hundred/More than a hundred people replied to the questionnaire.

Task 2

Formal and Written Language

Instead of casual and conversational tone adopted in a face-to-face talk, a business report tends to be of a formal, objective and rigorous style, which is characterized by the following language devices:

● passive voice (intended for an objective tone by avoiding mentioning the person)

● formal or professional terms instead of oral expressions

● noun phrases

● preposition phrases

● non-finite verbs

● long sentences with clauses (which should be of a moderate number; otherwise, the style will be lengthy and over-complicated)

Compare A and B in each pair of the following sentences in busin ess reports and choose the one with proper style.

1. A. It is suggested that the company should consult with a reliable auditing company before entering into any negotiation with Décor Co.

B. I suggest consulting with a reliable auditing company before we enter into negotiation with Décor Co.

2. A. We achieved impressive sales volumes in the European Region. Trading profit was 30% up over a previous year. We opened an office in Russia as the first step into this uncovered market.

B. Impressive sales volumes were achieved in the European Region, with trading profit 30% up over a previous year. An office was opened in Russia as the first step into this uncovered market.

3. A. Because people give more and more importance to reducing the time of supply chains, there are more and more cross-docking.

B. The increased emphasis on time reduction in supply chains has led to growth of cross-docking.

4. A. Since this training is a voluntary one, the number of the clerks who are attending the two training sessions is not great enough. Unless this training is made compulsory, this will continue to be a problem.

B. Two training sessions are not being well attended because this training is on a voluntary basis. Unless this training is made compulsory, attendance will continue to be a problem.

5. A. The final accounts process is ongoing, with a targeted deadline of 14 May 2009.

B. We are processing the final accounts. The deadline is expected to be on 14 May 2009.

Task 3

The following is a report in memo format. Fill in t he blanks with appropriate headings given in the box.

Staff     Opinion  Introduction    Background  Request

Advantages Cost


To:   S M Chan, General Manager

From:  Samantha Ng, Office Manager

Date:  May 14, 2013

Subject: Purchase of a Microwave Oven

1. __________________________

At the monthly staff meeting on Tuesday, 10 May, 2013, you requested information about the possible purchase of a microwave oven. I would now like to present these details.

2. __________________________

Since the move to the new office in Kowloon Bay, staff has difficulty in finding a nearby place to buy lunch.

3. __________________________

Providing a microwave oven in the pantry would enable staff to bring in their own lunchboxes and reheat their food. Also, staff members are less likely to return to work late after lunch.

4. __________________________

A survey found that staff would like to use the microwave oven.

5. __________________________

Details of suitable models are given below:


6. __________________________

If this meets with your approval, we would appreciate it if you could authorize up to$3,000 for the purchase of the microwave oven.

Task 4

Identify the follow ing se ntences and write I for intr oduction, F for findings, C for conclusion, and R for recommendation.

______ 1. My goal was to acquire hands-on training and to learn new techniques for electric packaging for our Telemetry Department.

______ 2. The main power input to the office photocopier is worn by constant contact with a filing cabinet.

______ 3. The motor-driven linear actuators should be purchased and installed as soon as possible.

______ 4. We should make movies featuring the sound effect that viewers can only enjoy in movie theaters.

______ 5. Based on a projected property-holding time of eight years, the payback period is far too great and would incur investment loss.

______ 6. The purpose of this report is to determine the feasibility of a self-generated, high-frequency AC power source fluorescent lighting.

______ 7. In investigating the accident scene, I discovered that the crane-truck’s sign-face saddle was anchored to the truck-bed.

______ 8. An investment of ¥366,300 for new motor-driven actuators will increase production at a rate of ¥1,068,700.

______ 9. Beijing will start a daily report mechanism on food safety during the “Good Luck Beijing” International Tournaments officially set to kick off on Aug. 8, a test run for the food safety monitoring system designed for the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

______10. ABC Company should concentrate its sales campaign on high school seniors who are going to take the College Entrance Exams.

Task 5

Read the selection from a report and fill the blanks with A, B, C or D from the choices given below.


This report  1 the findings of a survey of graduate employment carried out in 2013. The main aim of the survey is to gather information on the experiences of graduates in their first year of full-time employment. The report writing task  2 analyzing the gathered data, drawing conclusions and making recommendations.  3 that the recommendation will be helpful to new graduates as they prepare to join the labor market. The findings of this report  4 with the aid of graphics and are followed by conclusions and recommendation.

Procedure and Method

The baseline data for this report 5 by means of a questionnaire survey of a large sample of Hong Kong university graduates in March 2013. The questionnaire 6 into three main sections: personal information, job hunting strategies, and views about current job. In addition to the survey, interviews  7 with small groups of recent graduates in their first year of full-time employment. The survey sample consisted of 680 females and 710 males who 8 proportionately from the areas of Humanities, Business Studies and Engineering. Of the 1,390 questionnaires distributed, 1,130  9 and of theses 1,105  10 accurately enough to justify analysis.

1. A. presents    B. was presented   C. were presented   D. presented

2. A. is involved   B. involved   C. has involved    D. is involving

3. A. I hope     B. We hope      C. It was hoped   D. It is hoped

4. A. presented   B. are presented    C. is presented   D. present

5. A. gathered   B. were gathered    C. was gather    D. gather

6. A. divided    B. is divided   C. has divided   D. was divided

7. A. hold     B. held   C. were held   D. are held

8. A. drew B. draw  C. were drawn   D. are drawing

9. A. were returned  B. returned  C. are returning    D. return

10. A. completed    B. were completed C. were completing   D. complete

Task 6

There is a report on m arket share of milks in the city XY Z. The intr oduction and the survey has been made, now try to make:

1) “analyses” according to the survey;

2) “conclusions” from your analysis;

3) “recommendation” from your conclusion.

The market research was made in last June, and it was focused on the types of milk instead of their manufacturers as it was designed for our next year’s production.

Our team went to the major let-outs in the city of XYZ during the first two weeks of June and kept recording the stock every day. The recording shows:

1. full milk takes up 34.2%, almost at the same level of last year;

2. light milk 11.4%, increased by 1.9% since last year;

3. skimmed milk 3%, while last year it was 0.6%;

4. yogurt 37.8%, increased 4.3%;

5. fruit milk 11.7%, decreased 3%;

6. others 1.9%.