1.6.5 Chapter 10 Memos

Chapter 10 Memos


Learn to compose appropriate memos;

Learn to write effective subject lines for a memo;

Learn to write appropriate section headings.

Getting Started

Intern Student—Cindy Wu’s Story

A Reminder

Every year, after October, we welcome our busy season of harvest. This year we are going to hold a product promotion in two weeks. Everyone of our overseas department is busy making preparations. And one of the most important things is to collect exhibition samples for promotion. We have informed the product department, but they haven’t yet sent us the samples. So this morning, Ms. Nagle asked me to write a memo to remind them of providing all the exhibition samples.

I knew the format of memos, but I cannot remember the writing techniques clearly. So I asked Ms. Nagle to show me a sample memo for reference. Then I started, half an hour later, I came up with something like this:


To: Manager of product department

From: Joan Nagle

Date: September 30, 2013

Subject: Samples

As our product promotion will be held in two weeks, all the exhibition samples SHOULD be really ready and be turned in to the overseas department BEFORE October 9.

Listen to Mr. Tutorial

After reading Cindy’s memo, we can see that she knows the format of a memo. As a document for communication within an organization, a memo is much simpler in format compared with a letter. Cindy, as a new comer, has tried her best to finish her task well: She starts the message directly and to the point, closes the message with a call to action. But we still ask her to pay more attention to the following points:

1. Subject line is an essential part of a memo; it summarizes the general topic of the memo. Usually we write a memo with an informative subject heading which contains a verb form, as it can more specifically and clearly describes the purpose of the memos and help readers understand the memo’s purpose at once.

For example, we use “Proposal for Security System Training” instead of “Security System Training”. As for Cindy’s subject heading, we suggest her using deadline for exhibition samples.

2. Don’t overuse highlight devices, such as all CAPITAL LETTERS, underlining, Boldfaces and italics for the main points of your memo. It seems that you are shouting to your coworkers. And that’s offensive!

3. Get personal. Use words like I, you, and we. It’s a lot more human to say, “I would like you to do this.” To get action, write in the active, not the passive voice.

Compose Your Message

Memo Writing

The term “memo” (short for memorandum) is used to describe the standard format of internal communication, which an organization uses for its own staff. Business memos are written to inform or request and act like business letters written internally.

Memos accomplish their goals by informing the reader of such new information as policy changes, price increases, decisions of the leadership, changes in the personnel, or what the addressee should do; or persuading the reader to take an action, such as attending a meeting, changing a current production procedure, etc.

Memos are usually brief, friendly and courteous.

Components of Memos

1. Memo headings

Begin the memo with a heading segment, following this format:


TO: (receiver’s name and job title)

FROM: (sender’s name and job title)

DATE: (date of issuing the memo)

SUBJECT: (specifically what the memo is about)

To: This section contains the name of the receiver. Make sure you address the receiver by her or his correct name and job title. Spell everyone’s names properly and don’t use informal nicknames.

From: This section contains the name of the sender and his or her job title(sometimes), which confirms that you take responsibility for the contents of the memo.

Date: To avoid confusion between the British and American date systems, write the month as a word or an abbreviation; e.g. “January” or “Jan”.

Subject: Subject line is the most important element of the headings. It summarizes the main idea of the message. In letters the subject line is optional, but in memos, it is required. But be specific and concise in the subject line.

2. Memo messages

Most memo messages contain three parts: 1)an opening that gives the main idea of the message; 2) a body that elaborates the main idea, and 3) a closing.

1) Opening: In the opening section, state the purpose of the memo, the context and problem or the specific assignment or task. Use direct opening to catch reader’s eyes.

For example:


2) Body: The body of a memo elaborates the main idea, supplies the reasons, details, or explanations that support the main idea. Carefully design the layout of the memo to save your readers’ time when they go through it. Use numbers, bullets, headings, or tables to manage the information for the reader.

3) Closing: End a memo with an urge for action if the memo requires some action or decision. This information includes what you expect the readers to do, when to finish, or how. If no action or decision is required, end the memo with a simple concluding thought like “I sincerely appreciate your cooperation,” “What are your ideas on this proposal?”etc.

Sample Study


Writing Tips

Address the reader by her or his correct name and job title. Job titles can be omitted when the writer and the reader are familiar with each other.

Be specific and concise in the subject line.

Avoid using long and complex sentences that contain too much information.

Begin with the information that is most important.

Use headings, section headings, bullets or lists to make the memo easy to read.

Be careful to make lists parallel in grammatical form.

Strive to make memos clear, complete, concise, consistent, correct and courteous.

Do not add a complementary close (e.g. Yours faithfully, Yours sincerely). Do not sign memos at the bottom.

Always proofread and edit the memo before sending it.

Write Your Message

Situation: Suppose you are the Training Manager (Adam Field) of your company. As your company is thriving quickly, you find some of the employees are not good at computer skills and this influences their work badly. Therefore, it is very important to have an In-service Computer Class. Now, write a memo to the department mangers and inform them that:

1. A training course will be arranged on computer to improve the staff’s ability of computer use.

2. There will be two groups: intermediate level and advanced level.

3. All teaching materials will be provided but students will be expected to do homework and preparation outside working hours.

4. Send the names of all interested staff by noon on Wednesday September 10. And an informal test will be carried out during the second week of September so as to decide which class is best for them.

Ways of Thinking

1. Finish the heading of the memo at first.

● Make sure you address the sender or reader by his or her correct name and job title.

● Be specific and concise in your subject line. Use an informative subject line that contains a verb form, as it clearly describes the purpose of the memo and help readers know the memo’s purpose at once. For example, try “Photo ID & Security System Installation”instead of “Photo ID & Security System”; try “Staff Meeting to Discuss Summer Vocation Schedule Staff Meeting” Instead of “Staff Meeting”.

2. In your introductory paragraph, address your readers and let them know why you are writing the memo. Speak to the readers directly.

3. In the body paragraph(s), focus on some specific details or secondary information (For easy reading, put important points into lists rather than paragraphs when possible.)

4. After the readers have absorbed all of your information, close your memo with a courteous ending that states what action you want your reader to take, and work out the deadline for them to follow.

Read for Reference

What Is a Memo?

A memo is a written document that stays inside the company; if it goes outside, it’s a letter. A memo is also short. Most experts say two pages should be tops, after which a memo starts to turn into a report. If you can boil down even a two-page memo to two paragraphs that take up only a half page and still convey the same facts, you get an A+ in business.

A memo is generally less formal in format or tone than a letter. That is to say, when memos are sent to co-workers and colleagues, you do not have to include a formal salutation or closing remark. Of course, a memo can be formal in case the message is highly serious, or it is sent, for example to the president.

Equally important, memos are written to get someone to do or understand something—be it to spend money, meet a deadline, constructively criticize, or say yes or no.

Types of Memos

According to the functions, memos can be classified into three types, namely, the request and reply memos, confirmation memos, and procedural and informative memos.

Request and reply memos

Request memos may be the most common interoffice memorandums in larger companies. They are used to obtain approval for attending a meeting, using less paper, for a change in procedures or organizations, for increased salaries, for a special investigation, and so on. Reply memos respond to requests by providing a feedback on an issue, or a reaction to a situation.

Confirmation memos

Confirmation memos are to confirm or remind people of what has been decided or informed before as it may be subject to misinterpretations or disregarded by some people.

Confirmation memos are especially important when the subject involves money or an important change in individual responsibilities or changes in organization, systems, and general company policies.

Procedural and informative memos

Procedural and informative memos are known as directive memos. They usually flow downward from the management to the individual employees, they state company policies and procedures for the colleagues to follow.

Skills for Writing Effective Memos

Successful memos generally share the features listed below:

1. Conversational tone

The tone of memos tends to be conversational because both the writer and reader are familiar with each other. Therefore, you may use ordinary words, first-person pronouns, and occasional contractions, like don’t, I’m, or we’ll. Yet, this does not mean you should be casual with your writing.

2. Conciseness

As an efficient form of internal communication, memos contain only what you intend to convey. Often you do not have to provide background information when you are certain the reader knows about the subject discussed in the memo, nor do you need to make as much goodwill effort as you do in letters to your business partners outside of the organization.

Avoid wordy expressions and sentences. For example, don’t use “because of the fact,” or “I am writing this memo to inform you that...”

3. Visual signaling

Effective memo writers highlight important words, phrases, points, and sections with

numbers or bullets listed vertically

Memo writers often list their points vertically with numbers or bullets. They capitalize the word at the beginning of each line. They don’t use full stop unless the statement is a complete sentence. And each item on their list starts with the same part or speech, say, adjectives, verbs, or nouns.

boldface or italics

Boldface or italics are used to draw reader’s attention. They are useful in slowing down readers, for cautions, warnings, or emphases.

headings and subheading

Memo writers use headings and subheadings to show the hierarchical organization of a message and to help readers know the main idea of a section and decide which sections to read.

4. Short paragraphs

Limit each paragraph to five lines or less. Put each reason in a separate paragraph rather than bunch them up in a forbidding 20-line block of type.

New Words and Expressions

boil down to: 归结为,归结起来

interoffice: adj. (公司或其他组织的)各办公室间的

bunch: vi. 形成一串,形成一组

forbidding: adj. 冷峻的,令人生畏的

Useful Sentences

As we discussed...

Request for cost information concerning...

I want the following information.

This is to remind you that...

Please note that...

Please notice that...

As you know we are considering the possibility of...

I’d like to have the information by...

If you need additional information, please contact me at...

Thank you for your support.

Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

We would appreciate if you could...

Please pass this information to...

In response to...

This memo responds to your request that...

...will be helpful in...

Check Yourself

Task 1

Multiple Choices

1. Which of the following subject lines would be most effective?

a. Meeting

b. June Task Force Meeting Agenda

c. The Task Force Will Meet in June

d. Important—Please Read

2. Which of the following statements about the beginning of a memo is most accurate?

a. In most routine messages, the main idea should be revealed immediately.

b. Since the purpose of the memo is summarized in the subject line, do not restate it in the first sentence.

c. To be courteous, start with something like I am writing this memo to inform you that...

d. Open politely with a reference to the weather.

3. Most memos should end with

a. a summary of the message.

b. a closing thought.

c. action information, dates, and deadlines.

d. any of the above.

4. End dating is

a. setting a deadline for a requested action to be completed.

b. putting the date at the bottom of a letter, under your typed name.

c. writing an earlier date on a memo so that it looks as if you wrote it earlier.

d. the last step before getting married.

5. Which form of punctuation is usually used to introduce a list?

a. dashes (—)

b. semicolon (;)

c. colon (:)

d. hyphen (-)

6. Which of the following would be best presented in a bulleted list?

a. A list of steps telling how to operate the fax machine.

b. A procedure for filing a workers’ compensation claim.

c. A ranking of applicants for an administrative assistant position.

d. A list of organizational goals that have not been prioritized.

7. Which of the following would be the most effective opening statement in a routine request memo?

a. I am writing this memo to make a request for brochures.

b. My name is Caitlin and I work in the Accounting Department. We need to order some brochures.

c. According to the latest company newsletter, you have published a new marketing brochure.

d. Please send 150 copies of the new marketing brochure to the Accounting Department.

8. Which of the following would be the most effective closing statement in a routine request memo?

a. Because the computers need to be installed before the first day of classes, please send a technician to complete this installation by August 31.

b. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in sending a technician to install these computers by August 31.

c. I trust that, if you want us to be able to serve our students effectively, you will send a technician by August 31.

d. I would appreciate receiving your response to this request as soon as possible.

9. Which is the most effective opening sentence for a memo that responds?

a. Pursuant to your request, I take great pleasure in responding to your inquiries.

b. Regarding your memo of June 30 in which you ask a number of questions.

c. Here are the answers to the questions raised in your memo of June 30.

d. Thank you for your request.

10. When responding to a memo that requests information, what is the best way to provide this requested information?

a. Order your responses from the most important to the least important.

b. Order your responses from the least important to the most important.

c. Order your responses in the same sequence as the request.

d. All of the above could be used effectively.

Task 2

Please translate the following sentences.

1. Please report to Huge Lim, the Transport Manager, as soon as possible.

2. Although I am certain that everything is in order, it is advisable to have a double check.

3. I need to know what instructions there are for the latest project.

4. Please call my secretary on extension 703 to fix a mutually convenient time.

5. This memo will present the decisions made at the meeting with Guangzhou’s head office.

6. 我已经详细调查了上周发生的事故。

7. 你的收件箱里有一封新的备忘录。

8. 公告栏上张贴着一张备忘录的复印件。

9. Jasmine,明天中午之前请务必把这份文件分发给所有员工。

10. 此项规定立即执行:上班时间严禁用QQ聊天。

Task 3

Fill in the blanks in the foll owing memo with the words given in the box, and change the form where necessary.

complete   design    prove   automatic   pension

prove     deposit   retire    exempt


To: John Smith

From: Mary Waters

Date: March 30, 2014

Subject: New Pension Plan Confirmation

Please contact the HR Department for detailed information about the new 1 plan 2 for different age groups.

This plan provides you with a convenient and 3 method to save money for your 4 . Note the advantages of this form of savings.

The money you put into the account is  5 from your income tax.

The company will, as the government requires,  6 in your account the same amount of money as you do.

Your money is readily available when you retire.

You need to decide how much you want to save each month within the limit of each age group and  7 the forms at the HR Department. Once the form is completed and signed, your pension plan becomes 8 .

I will answer any questions you have.

Task 4

Compose a memo with sentences given in the box. The heading has been given.

1. In order to receive sick pay, I need to send in my doctor’s note.

2. Please confirm that the cost of the medicine is covered by the company health scheme.

3. I attach the doctor’s note.

4. Thank you.

5. I was sick yesterday, and therefore I couldn’t come to work.

6. Sick leave certificate.


To: Julia Zhang, Human Resources Manager

From: Maria Xia, Marketing Manager

Date: August 4, 2013






Task 5

Read the following memo and decide if it is well-written. If not, revise it.


Date: June 1, 2014

To: Department Managers

From: Waldo Hightower

Subject: HIRING

As summer approaches, we have been thinking about hiring new employees. This is to inform you that we have scheduled three employment interviewing sessions. Your presence is required at these sessions to help us avoid making poor selections.

Please mark your calendar for the three times. The first meeting is June 3 in the conference room. The second meeting is June 9 in Office 22 (the conference room was scheduled). On June 15 we can finish up in the conference room. In view of the fact that your projects need talented new team members, I should not have to urge you to attend and be well-prepared.

Please examine all the candidates’ résumés and send me your ranking lists.

Task 6

Write a memo according to the given situation.

You, John Smith, Program Director, have just learned that an American delegation is going to pay a visit on May 12. The next morning, a presentation is to be given by the senior staff in your company and a discussion will also be held between American delegates and among the staff. Write a memo to encourage all the available staff to join and ask those interested to tell you about it before May 7.