1.5.1 Chapter 2 Inquiries and Replies

Chapter 2 Inquiries and Replies


Use proper tone in asking questions;

Learn to compose inquiry letters and their replies;

Get to know when to use direct approach to convey messages.

Getting Started

Intern Student—Cindy Wu’s Story

Asking Questions

I like asking questions; even when I was a college student, I often asked my teacher many questions. This habit benefits me a lot and makes me learn a lot. Now even my“Boss” Ms. Lin knows my good habit! So this afternoon, when I came to the office, Ms. Lin came up to me and said, “Cindy, here is a good chance for you to ask questions! One of our old customer and also our friend now is interested in ‘Hansen’ bicycles made by a German bicycle company. This time, while he ordered some of our products, he asked me to buy some ‘Hansen’ bicycles from China, as Hansen Bicycle Company has a branch in China. So, write a letter of inquiry in the name of our customer so as to get some information about their bicycle varieties, prices, specifications and their special discount, etc. if possible, we can place an order with them and buy some for our customer.”

A piece of cake! I think this time I can do a good job and make Ms. Lin satisfied.

I didn’t think long before I produced something like this:

Dear Sir,

We are one of the leading bicycle dealers in Dubai, and we have an office in Zhuhai, China. We sell many brands of products. Some are domestic, some are foreign. Our company has been established for almost ten years. We have a good reputation in this line.

Our customers are very interested in your bicycles for both men and women, and also for children. I would appreciate it very much if you could send me your catalogue and price list for bicycles.

If you allow us a special discount, we would like to place an order with you.

Looking forward to your reply

Best regards,


Listen to Mr. Tutorial

Cindy is right as she knows an inquiry is to ask questions, and Cindy is also very clever. When she writes the inquiry, in order to keep some commercial secret, she says,“We have an office in Zhuhai, China.” Of course we know this is a white lie, they just want to buy some bicycles for their customer. But facing the competition, they have to do something like that. We are glad that Cindy has got some working experience.

Furthermore, in her inquiry she adopted the full block style in writing this letter. First, she made a brief introduction to her company. Then she asked some questions she wants to know. On the whole, Cindy’s inquiry is not bad. But the biggest problem with this letter is exactly this paragraph of self-introduction with wordy expressions (“Some are domestic, some are foreign”).

As we know an inquiry is very often used in business for various purposes. For example, asking about the price of some goods, asking for a free sample or asking for some information, etc. So at the beginning of Cindy’s letter, a brief introduction to her company may help the reader understand more about their company. But the reader has to finish this introduction before coming to the questions being asked. This is a waste of time for business people. An inquiry should begin with the questions directly.

So clearly state what it is that you are inquiring about and what you would like the recipient of your letter to do. Make your inquiry as clear and specific as possible.

And then you may briefly explain the purpose of your letter or what you hope to accomplish. Such an explanation may prompt the recipient of your letter to act more quickly.

Try to add one more paragraph to this inquiry:

In the circumstances please indicate whether you will allow us a special discount. This would enable us to maintain the low selling prices, which have been an important reason for the growth of our business. In return we would be prepared to place orders for a guaranteed annual minimum number of bicycles, the figure to be mutually agreed.

Compose Your Message

Inquiries and Replies

We write an inquiry when we want to ask for more information concerning a product, service or other information about a product or service that interests us. In business writing, inquiries are usually made by the buyers to invite a quotation and/or an offer for the goods he wishes to buy or simply to ask for some general information about these goods. Generally, a detailed inquiry includes the name and descriptions of the commodity, quality, quantity, terms of price, terms of payment, terms of shipment, packing methods, etc.

Inquiries should be brief, specific, courteous and reasonable. Sometimes you need to mention the size of your order, as large orders may obtain a more favorable quotation.

In return, the answers to inquiries should be prompt, courteous and helpful. To an old client, say how much you appreciate it. To a new customer, say you are pleased to receive it and express your hope of a lasting friendly business relationship. In case the goods enquired for are currently out of stock, the supplier should inform the enquirer when they will be available and, by taking this opportunity, introduce some other products as substitutes so as to create a good impression, which hopefully will result in more business.

The General Structure of Inquiry Letters

1) Making a brief self-introduction or a brief statement of your purpose for writing;

2) Making your specific inquiry: explain what kind of goods you require and what you want the recipient to do;

3) Expressing your hope for a reply.

Sample Study 1

Inquiry about Home Textile Products

Dear Sirs,

We owe your name and address to the Canadian Consulate in Shanghai who has informed us that you are one of the largest exporters of textiles in Shanghai and that you wish to extend export business to our market.

Briefly explain how you get the requested information.

You will be pleased to note that we are importers of home textile products, having over 20 years’ experience in this particular line of business.

Make a brief self-introduction to establish a good image.

At present, we are keenly interested in home textiles made in China and will be pleased if you kindly send us your latest price list and catalogue for all kinds of home textiles specifying sizes and designs. If possible, please also send us your sample book.

Briefly explain why you are writing and request the action.

For your information, we would like to state that we usually pay for our imports by sight L/C which, we feel sure, will be agreeable to you.

We anticipate your early reply.

Express your appreciation for taking the action requested.

Yours truly,


The General Structure of Replies to Inquiry Letters

1) Acknowledging receipt of the inquiry letter: usually thank the customer for their interest in your products and confirm that you can/cannot help;

2) Giving answer to the specific inquiries or instructing where to find the needed information;

3) Giving reasonable explanation if refusing to give an answer to the inquiry;

4) Making courteous remarks about keeping good relationship.

Sample Study 2

Reply to Inquiry about Home Textile Products

Dear Sirs,

In response to your letter of June 15th enquiring for home textiles, we wish to inform you that the sample book, price list and catalogue asked for in your letter have been airmailed to you separately. We believe that these will give you all the details you require. Should you need anything not mentioned, we shall do everything necessary to procure the needed items for you.

Acknowledge receipt of the inquiry letter and inform of the requested action has been taken.

Your payment terms by L/C at sight are acceptable to us. In order to ensure punctual shipment of the goods to be ordered, please see that the covering L/C reaches us at least 30 days before the stipulated time of shipment.

Give reasonable explanation for specific requirement.

By the way, we wish to inform you that all-cotton home textiles have become very popular on the world market because of their durability and reasonable prices and it has been difficult for us to meet the increasing demand. However, if you place your orders before the 10th of July, we will assure you of our prompt shipment.

We look forward to your reply soon.

Inform of the necessity of prompt order and make courteous remarks about keeping good relationship.

Yours faithfully,

Whitman Yang

Writing Tips

For an inquiry letter

Begin your letter by stating who you are and giving your status or position (such as student, researcher, interested consumer, etc.), and tell how you found out about the individual or entity that you are writing to.

Clearly state what it is that you are inquiring about and what you would like the recipient of your letter to do. Make your inquiry as specific as possible.

Briefly explain the purpose of your letter or what you hope to accomplish, such an explanation may prompt the recipient of your letter to act more quickly.

Include the date by which you need the information, services, etc. that you are requesting, and indicate that you await the reader’s response.

For responding to an inquiry letter

Specifically indicate the inquiry that was made, as you understand it.

Express your appreciation for the person’s interest.

If possible, personally respond to the inquiry. And include your response letter with any brochures, catalogs, reports, or other helpful information available.

If appropriate, clearly describe any action you feel the person should take and the reason(s) for such a recommendation.

If you cannot personally answer the person’s question, let him/her know that you have contacted the person who can and that he/she will shortly be in touch with the reader. If this is not possible, express your regret for being unable to help the reader, and try to find out for him/her the contact information for someone who can help.

If appropriate, include additional information about your organization, the products or services you sell, or the subject matter of the inquiry, beyond the scope of the original inquiry.

Close by saying that you would be happy to help the reader in the future if he/she needs further assistance or by wishing him/her well in his/her endeavor or project, etc.

Write Your Message

Situation: Suppose you are a large dealer in textiles, and you learned from Messrs John and Smith of New York (a name of company) about an exporter of all cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases. Now you write a letter to them and ask them to send you details of their various ranges of products. And ask them to state their terms of payment and the discount they can allow on purchases of quantities of not less than 100 dozen of individual items. Quote the price including insurance and freight to Guangzhou.

Ways of Thinking

1. Giving reference

Where you get the information that they are exporters of all cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases?

2. Making your specific inquiry

(Requesting a Catalogue, Brochure, Etc. )

We would like you to...

Or: Would (Could) you please send me...

3. Making a brief self-introduction

We are a large dealer in textiles...

4. Requesting further information

I would also like to know ...

Could you tell me whether...

5. Expressing your hope for a reply

Read for Reference

Writing about the Good-news and Neutral

Messages in Direct Approach

The direct approach means arranging the ideas in a direct order. Usually you provide readers with the most important information right at the beginning and provide details later. This approach is good for good-news and neutral messages.

The direct approach is used when you anticipate the readers’ response to be positive or neutral. Readers usually respond positively to good-news messages that say “yes” or build goodwill. Readers will react in a neutral manner, with little or no emotion, to routine letters.

The direct approach can be used on many occasions: writing inquiries, responses to inquiries, orders, and order acknowledgements; granting requests, credit, etc. and writing thank-you letters or building goodwill messages.

The direct approach gives the reader the sense of immediacy. By taking your reader directly to the issue in question, you save his time.

Here’s a basic writing plan for the direct approach that you could use:

1. Begin with the main point

When you are seeking or offering information, state it right away. It would be more efficient to write “Please send...” directly. Such beginnings as “We beg to ask your favor of...” only deters the reader, not a good way to start.

2. Present necessary explanations

If you wish to provide your reader with more information, you can explain whatever is necessary immediately after the main point.

3. Cover the remaining part of the objective

When you have more than one question, arrange them in order of importance. It is better to number or itemize your questions or inquiries.

Your answer to the questions should also be numbered or itemized correspondingly, so that your reader can have a clear picture.

4. End with goodwill

This is the same as bidding farewell. End with a positive, friendly statement to build goodwill. Such endings like “A prompt reply will be appreciated”, “Thank you in advance for your cooperation”, “Looking forward to your early reply” are often used in writing request letters.

Writing Routine Request Letters

A routine request letter is a common document that goes between businesses or between businesses and customers asking for information about services or products, or for actions to be taken. It is routine because information exchanges happen daily in business. It is usually written in the typical order. Besides the information being asked, it usually also involves getting the reader to respond with an action that satisfies the request. The action taken can benefit either the writer or the reader, and sometimes both.

A routine request letter usually consists of three parts:

1. State the central message directly (what you ask for)

In this opening part, you should pay attention to your attitude or the tone of your request to make it easier for the reader to accept. Though you may assume the reader will answer positively to your request, you should never make the request sound like an order. You should also be specific and brief about the request. In other words, you need to get to the point quickly. You are writing the request to have the reader make a favorable decision and respond as soon as possible. Therefore, irrelevant information should be left out.

2. Provide some reasons or explanations (give details of what you ask for and explain)

In the body, you should make necessary explanation or give more details about the request. This is usually some relevant background information to help the reader make a favorable decision. If you are to benefit from a positive answer, you should explain further how the benefit will be used. If possible, it is best to explain that the reader can also get some benefits by giving a positive answer, which may encourage the reader to do so.

3. End your request positively (ask for a specific action: offering more information or sending a free sample, for example)

In the end, you should specify the action to be taken, and possibly with the time limit, for a positive answer to your request. This is to provide additional help for the reader to make a favorable decision. Of course, other information is also needed including your contact and the best time for contact, i.e. how and when you can be reached. Finally the ending part should close with an expression of appreciation or goodwill.

New Words and Expressions

order acknowledgement: 订单确认函

grant credit:贷款发放通知

deter: v. 阻止,使……踌躇

comply: v. 顺从,答应

appreciation: n. 感激

Useful Sentences

A. Enquiry

Opening for Enquiry

We were given your name by....

You have been recommended to us by....

Your articles have been recommended to us by....

As we have learned from..., you are manufactures of ....

We saw your ad in the current issue of....

We have heard that you have put a new... on the market.

We visited your stand at the... exhibition.

We have seen your ad in... and we are interested in....

Your firm has been recommended to us by...., with whom we have done business for many years.

Reasons for Enquiry

We are a... company based in...

We are interested in...

We need/are in the market for...

We have received many enquiries from our customers for...

Our stocks of... are running low.

We would like to expand our range of...

We have a considerable demand here for...

Asking for Price

I should be grateful if you send me...

Please send your current/latest catalogue/price list/brochure.

We would like you to send us some samples/patterns.

Please send us full details about your products.

Please quote your prices for these articles/goods/products.

Kindly quote us your lowest prices for...

Please quote your best/most competitive/lowest price.

Please quote your price gross/net/FOB(离岸价).

We would like to know if you are prepared to grant discounts.

Please let us know the minimum quantity for a trial order.

We shall be glad to receive an offer from you on...

Please send further details/information about you...

Please include information about packing and shipping.

We should like to know your earliest date of delivery.

What would be your earliest delivery date?

Would you please let us know what discount you give for large quantities?

Giving References

For information about our company please refer to/contact...

Please let us know your terms of business.

Please let us know if you can supply from stack.

Please offer quantities that can be supplied from stock.

In order to make us familiarized with your products, we shall appreciate your giving us the technical details of them.

Closing and for Further Business

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

We look forward to your prompt reply.

Your early reply will be appreciated.

Your prompt attention to the above will be appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your help.

If the goods come up to our expectations, we would expect to place regular order. If the samples meet with our approval we intend to place substantial orders.

If your price is competitive and your goods are up to standard, we shall order on a regular basis.

If you can let us have a competitive quotation, we trust small business will result in a large business.

B. Replies to Inquiries


Thank you for your letter of... in which you asked about/inquired about our range of plastic goods.

We thank you for your letter of..., and are pleased to enclose a detailed quotation for you.

It is a pleasure to receive your letter of..., and we are enclosing...

We thank you for your interest in our range of lightweight luggage.

In regard to your request of May 28, we are pleased to send you by separate parcel a copy of our sample products.

Answering Request from the Inquirer

Enclosed is our catalogue, describing the product, the catalogue provides you with complete information on...

We are pleased to enclose/fax you our latest price list for the goods/catalogue you inquire about.

We are pleased to inform you that our quotation is...

We can allow you a special discount of 2% for/on orders exceeding... in value (on repeat orders, on prices quoted, off net price)...

If your order is valued at..., we would allow you a special discount of...

The price we offer compares favorably with quotations you can get elsewhere.

Prices are quoted on CIF Eastern Coast basis.

Suggesting Alternatives

The goods you inquired for in your letter are out of stock now, but we can offer you a substitute which I think is equal in... and...

We are very regretful that we are unable to supply what you required in quality, with the same physical characteristics but we supply you the products of...

This new model of machine has all the qualities of the one you asked for, and it has added advantages of being lighter, stronger and more durable.


Please contact me if you need any further information.

Please reply as soon as possible since suppliers are limited.

I hope this information will help you.

Your early reply will be appreciated.

Your prompt attention to the above will be appreciated.

Any orders you place with us will have our prompt attention.

We are looking forward to your trial order.

Check Yourself

Task 1

Multiple choices

1. The first sentence of an information request is usually a(n)

a. question or a polite command.

b. sincere expression of appreciation.

c. explanation describing why you are making the request.

d. introduction of yourself.

2. Which of the following is a polite command that is punctuated properly?

a. I would like you to send me your latest brochure immediately.

b. Will you please answer the following questions?

c. Your latest brochure would be greatly appreciated.

d. Will you please answer the following questions?

3. Which of the following is the best opening sentence for a routine request letter?

a. I have always been interested in Microsoft’s products.

b. Please answer the following questions about your spreadsheet software.

c. My name is Alex, and I have been put in charge of purchasing new spreadsheet software for my company.

d. Any of the above would effectively open a routine request letter.

4. Which of the following would be the most effective closing statement in a routine request letter?

a. Because we need to adopt a new spreadsheet software package by November 30, I would appreciate receiving the information by October 15.

b. Thank you in advance for sending me the information about your spreadsheet software.

c. If you want our company to consider ordering your spreadsheet software, please respond by October 15.

d. I would appreciate receiving your response to these questions as soon as possible.

5. Which of the following is the best opening sentence for an order letter?

a. I am interested in the following items from your spring catalog.

b. Do you have the items listed below in stock?

c. I just received your spring catalog and found several items that I’m interested in.

d. Please send me by UPS the following items from your spring catalog.

6. Which of the following is the best closing for an order letter?

a. I look forward to receiving these items.

b. Please charge these items to my account and ship them to me by May 15.

c. Thank you in advance for shipping these items to me on time.

d. If you need any other information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

7. Which of the following is an effective opening sentence for an information response letter?

a. Pursuant to your letter of April 5, this is to advise you about our travel packages to Hawaii.

b. This is to inform you that we have received your letter of April 5 asking for information about travel packages to Hawaii.

c. Yes, we offer a variety of travel packages to Hawaii.

d. We can’t wait to help you plan your next trip to Hawaii.

8. Which of the following would be the most effective closing statement in an information response letter?

a. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to call.

b. Call us at 1-800-GO-HAWAII to start planning your Hawaiian vacation today.

c. Thank you for your interest in our travel packages.

d. I hope this information is of use to you.

9. Which of the following would be the most effective opening statement in a customer order response letter?

a. Your order will be shipped on January 25 via UPS and should arrive on January 28.

b. Thank you for your recent order.

c. We have received your order dated January 12.

d. Unfortunately we will not be able to fill your entire order immediately.

10. Which statement best illustrates resale?

a. The computer you have selected for your law office is used by many other family-practice attorneys.

b. We will be able to deliver your new computer by August 1.

c. In addition to computers, we also offer a laser printer that produces professional quality documents.

d. If any other attorneys in your field need an excellent computer, I hope you will suggest ours.

Task 2

1. Arrange the following parts of a routine inquiry message in the correct order.

A. necessary explanation

B. series of additional questions

C. goodwill close

D. direct request or question objective

2. Arrange the following parts of a routine response message in the correct order.

A. extra related ideas

B. cordial, friendly ending

C. necessary negative information

D. series of requested answers

E. single answer or statement of compliance with the request

Task 3

Translate the following sentences.

1. We shall be able to place considerable orders with you, if the quality of your goods is good and the prices are moderate.

2. We are in the market for umbrellas and shall be glad to receive your best possible quotation, indicating origin, detailed specifications, packing and quantity available, etc.

3. We are in receipt of your letter of July 17, 2008 asking us to offer 10,000 metric tons of the subject sugar for shipment to Japan and appreciate very much your interest in our product.

4. You can see in the enclosed catalogue that we specialize not only in domestic appliances but also in products for industrial use as well.

5. 如货值超过5 000英镑,可按所报价格给3%回扣。

6. 一旦收到贵方订单,我们将立即发货。

7. 愿样品及时送到你公司并盼早日来订单。

8. 我方还想了解该产品每种颜色和图案的最低出口量。

Task 4

Put the following sentences into the right order to make a reply to an enquiry ab out selling men’s shirts.

1. If your shirts agree with the taste of our market, we feel confident of placing a trial order with you.

2. We have received your letter of March 13 enquiring about the possibility of selling your men’s Shirts, “Hubao” Brand in our market.

3. Therefore, it will be appreciated if you will let us have your best firm offer, preferably by fax, and rush us samples by airmail.

4. There is always a ready market here for men’s shirts, provided they are of good quality and competitive price.

5. In reply, we wish to inform you that we are well-connected with major dealers in the line of textiles.

Task 5

Fill in the blanks of the following letter with the words given, and change the form where necessary.

sound, prompt, moderate, purchase, individual, arouse, vary, indicate

Dear Sirs,

Your advertisement for cotton tablecloth and embroidered beddings 1 our attention. Would you please send us details of your 2 selections, including sizes, colors and prices (FOB San Francisco) and also 3 the different qualities of materials used?

When you quote, please stated your terms of payments and discounts that you would allow on  4 of no less than 200 dozen of  5 items. We would also like you to send us samples of each category by airmail so we can make a 6decision.

As we are a large dealer in textiles in the US and there is a promising market in our region for 7 priced beddings, your 8 attention will bring you a big business with us.

Hoping to hear from you soon.

Yours faithfully,

Task 6

In Write Y our Message, you ar e asked to write a r equest f or quotation about cotton bed-sheets and pillowcas es. Now writ e a reply to this r equest based on the fol lowing situation.

You receive the enquiry and enclose your illustrated catalogue, samples and price list. For their regular purchases in quantities of not less that 100 dozen of individual items you would allow a discount of 2%. But payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C at sight. Furthermore, because of their softness and durability, all cotton bed-sheets and pillowcases are rapidly becoming popular, if they place an order not later than the end of this month, you can ensure prompt shipment.