1.31 Reading Material 15 Marriage Culture of Naxi Peopl...

Reading Material 15 Marriage Culture of Naxi People

The Naxi minority practise monogamy in their culture.Family members with blood relations are not allowed to be involved in a marriage relationship.Most Naxi young couples get married at the age of 20 years old.The couple must have their parents consent before marriage and usually the social status both families are well matched.Engagement comes before marriage in the Naxi culture.

Engagement in Naxi language is known as “ReBan”which also means “offering liquor”.Previously match-making was arranged at a very young age.At a tender age of five or six,the boy's parents would engage a matchmaker to present liquor to the girl's family and ask for the hand of the girl.If the girl's parents agreed to the proposal of marriage,the boy would have to be engaged to the girl when she reached the age of 10.Thereafter at every traditional festivals,the boy's family would send“offering liquor”as present to the girl's family.When the time comes for their wedding,the bridegroom would go to the bride's family to meet her.The bride's family would close their doors until the bridegroom could answer the questions posted to him by the bride's guests.Before the bride leave her family,she pay respect to her ancestors and then tearfully bid goodbye to her parents.Before the bride entered the groom's house,she would have to cross a saddle on the right side of the gate.This symbolizes that she had become a member of the groom's family.