1.10.3 3.中西文化的差异性特点




西方文化认为“Man is born evil.”(人之初,性本恶)



西方文化属于动态文化,主张求动、求变,注重规则,强调在竞争中和谐。例如,“First come,first served.”等观念,在语言表达方面体现为坦率、直白。

例如,“湖里有好多鱼”,在英语中的表达为“The lake is alive with fish”。因为按常理理解,汉语句子“湖里有好多鱼”暗含了湖里的鱼是活鱼,如果违反常理湖里的是死鱼,则往往要强调说“湖里有好多死鱼”。

同理,“他很自豪”在英语中的表达是“He is burst with pride”。








Kokeach说:“Value is a learned organization of rules for making choices and for solving conflicts.”(价值观是一种后天获得的原则性集合体,它可以帮助人们做出抉择,化解冲突。)价值观是由文化环境决定的,属于哲学范畴,可以分为个人价值观和文化价值观,其中文化价值观可以引导人们进行认知和交流。对文化价值观的了解可以帮助人们领会他人的行为和含义。






【案例1】 On a sunny day in March 2010,Li Lan,an 18-year-old Chinese girl,was flying to Tokyo on a Boeing 747.She was very excited because this was her first trip to Tokyo and the first time she had traveled such distance alone.She had an uncle who had lived in Japan for 10 years,but she was worried that he may not be at the airport to meet her when she arrived.

The girl sitting alone in the seat next to Li Lan was Angela,an American who was also 18 years old.She told Li Lan this was a vacation and her first trip to Japan,too.She also said she had previously traveled alone to several different countries on vacations.Li Lan was very surprised to hear this.

Finally the plane landed at the airport,and the girls were at the arrival gates of Tokyo International Airport.Li Lan was thrilled to see her uncle's family waving their hands at her.In the meantime,she felt sorry for Angela who had to walk out of the airport alone,holding a map and disappearing among the strangers.

【案例2】 In September 2010,Esmeralda Simpson,an English scholar,was coming to Zhejiang Medical College in China for one year.Since it would be a new exciting experience for her,she read books about China,and even bought a guidebook before she left England.

When she arrived at Xiaoshan International Airport in Hangzhou,she was greeted by Minghua,a young teacher from the college,who had just been assigned to this city from another province.Minghua would be responsible for Esmeralda's daily affairs during her stay in Hangzhou,including sightseeing.

Since Minghua was also new to the city,she was very excited about the sightseeing opportunities with Esmeralda during their weekends.However,it turned out that it was Esmeralda who was the tour guide for the two of them.She would use her guidebook to plan their trips to different scenic spots in the city.

Minghua was surprised to find out that Esmeralda knew so much about China,even more than she did.