当代西方文化学入门 Passage Two

Passage Two

1.A subject position is that perspective or set of regulated and regulatory discursive meanings from which the text or discourse makes sense.It is that subject with which we must identity in order for the discourse to be meaningful.In identifying with this subject position,the text subjects us to its rules;it seeks to construct us as a certain kind of subject or person.For example,in the context of advertising:

Addressing us in our private personae,ads sell us,as women,not just commodities but also personal relationships in which we are feminine:how we are/should be/can be a certain feminine woman,whose attributes in relation to men and the family derive from the use of these commodities....A woman is nothing more than the commodities she wears:the lipstick,the tights,the clothes and so on are“woman”.

Winship[55]is arguing that advertising constructs subject positions for women that place them in the patriarchal work of domesticity,child care,beautification and“catching men”.Women are to be mothers,housewives,sexually attractive,and so forth.The issue is not whether such imagery is“true”or“false”but what kinds of people it seeks to construct and with what consequences.

2.Among the more powerful and influential representations of women within western culture is that of the“slender body”.This discourse has become a disciplinary cultural norm.Slenderness and a concern with diet and self-monitoring are preoccupations of western media culture with its interest in a“tighter,smoother,more constrained body profile”.Consequently,adverts target bulge,fat or flab and the desirability of flat stomachs and cellulite management.As Bordo[56](1993)argues,the slender body is a gendered body for the subject position of the slender body is female.Slenderness is a contemporary ideal for female attractiveness so that girls and women are culturally more prone to eating disorders than men.

3.Paradoxically,advertising culture offers us images of desirable foods while proposing that we eat low-calorie items and buy exercise equipment.In the face of this contradiction,the capacity for self-control and the containment of fat is posed in moral as well as physical terms.The choice to diet and exercise leading to the production of a firm body is a symbol not only of gendered identity but also of the“correct”attitude.The failure to exert such control,symbolically manifested in obesity and anorexia,is disciplined through,among other things,television talk shows that feature portrayals of“eating disorders”of the struggles of the obese to lose weight.“The Oprah Winfrey Show”[57],for example,has placed the presenter's struggle with weight gain at the center of its strategy to humanize her.(Rewritten from Chris Barker,Cultural Studies:Theory and Practice,pp.310-311)

Questions for Understanding

1.According to the essay,what is a subject position?

2.Why does Winship say that“A woman is nothing more than the commodities she wears”?

3.In what way is the slender body a gendered body,according to Bordo?

4.What are the consequences of advertised slenderness?

5.How does“the capacity for self-control”become a moral issue in the context of contradictory advertisement?



[2]outside of the academy,“学院派之外的”,“非主流的”。后现代社会的特征之一就是学院派和非学院派、主流与非主流之间的界限被打破,而文化学研究的重点恰恰是非主流的文化现象。





[7]美国学者Judith Butler认为性别具有表演性(performativity)。


[9]sexed bodies:有生理性别特征的身体。



[12]male and female:男性和女性,这是两个生理意义上的术语,与上段文字中的masculinity和femininity不同。




[16]chromosomal XY male:染色体为XY的男性。通常人们认为,染色体是区分男性、女性的重要标志。男性的染色体为XY,女性的染色体是XX。文中提到的孩子虽然染色体是XY,但其外生殖器官却没有标志为男性性征的阴茎。

[17]an imposed gender:强加的性别身份。这个例子可以很好地说明生理性别(sex)和社会性别(gender)的区别。




[21]a rite of passage:成长过程中的仪式。



[24]英语中有一句俗语:“To throw out the baby with the bath water”意思是指过分激烈的改革、变革或行动,在扫除不必要的因素时把本来至关重要的东西也同时抛弃了。这里作者借用这句俗语指那些反对同性恋行为的人在驳斥同性恋关系的同时往往会摒弃两性关系的本质。



[27]a unitary construct:一种单一的建构。

[28]a wealth of:大量。



[31]Virginia Woolf,维吉尼亚·伍尔夫(1882~1941),英国现代派小说家、散文家、女性主义理论家,以其意识流小说《达罗维夫人》(Mrs.Dalloway,1925)、《到灯塔去》(To the Lighthouse,1927)、《海浪》(The Waves,1931)等著称于世。

[32]Mary Eagleton,玛丽·伊格尔顿,当代著名理论家,著有《女性主义文学理论》(Feminist Literary Theory)、《女性主义文学批评》(Feminist Literary Criticism)等著作。

[33]Simone de Beauvoir,西蒙·德·波伏娃(1908~1986),法国作家、哲学家、女性主义理论家。

[34]Maggie Humm,玛吉·哈姆,东伦敦大学女性研究学者,编著有《女性主义读本》(Feminisms:A Reader)、《当代女性主义文学批评手册》(A Reader's Guide to Contemporary Feminist Literary Criticism)、《女性主义理论词典》(Dictionary of Feminist Theory)、《女性主义与电影》(Feminism and Film)、《女性主义批评实践》(Practising Feminist Criticism)等。


[36]Bloomsbury,指1905年起定期在艺术家维尼萨·贝尔(Vanessa Bell)和他妹妹维吉尼亚·伍尔夫位于布卢姆斯伯里的家中聚会的一群艺术家、作家和知识分子。他们的艺术品位、文学主张和崇尚的生活方式使这群知识分子成为英国历史上一道独特的风景线。


[38]Jean-Paul Sartre,让-保罗·萨特(1905~1980),法国著名小说家、存在主义哲学家。他的主要哲学著作有《想象》、《存在与虚无》、《存在主义是一种人道主义》、《辩证理性批判》和《方法论若干问题》,文学作品有中篇小说《恶心》、短篇小说集《墙》和长篇小说《自由之路》等。







[45]ideological indoctrination:意识形态的教化作用。




[49]a blanket oppression:一种普遍的压迫现象。






[55]上段引文出自J.Winship所著Sexuality for Sale。

[56]观点出自S.Bordo所著Unbearable Weight:Feminism,Western Cultureand the Body。

[57]“The Oprah Winfrey Show”是美国著名脱口秀节目,1999年开办以来逐渐成为最受观众喜爱的电视节目之一。主持人是著名黑人演员Oprah Winfrey。