1.7.1 Unit 18 Clearance

Unit 18 Clearance

Warm-up Questions

1. Do you know what customs clearance is?

2. Can you tell the general procedure for customs clearance?

3. What documents do you need to prepare for clearance?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Bruce, from YongFeng Chemicals, is calling his client Arash to update with the latestinformation for the cargo.

A: Hello! Arash, how are you?

B: Hi, Bruce, I am fine. You sound quite excited, anything fantastic?

A: You bet! I’ve got good news for you!

B: Really? What is it?

A: I am calling just to inform you that our cargo is ready, and is well reserved in stock.

B: Wow, that is really good news for me. Thanks for your efforts.

A: And we have booked a vessel at the end of this month. It seems everything goes very smoothly.

B: Thanks again, Bruce. It is all owing to your high work efficiency.

A: It’s so nice of you to say so.

B: By the way, once the vessel sails out, how much time will you need to get the full set of documents prepared, since I hope you can send them to me as soon as possible?

A: For the full set of documents, I think there will be another one or two weeks, if everything goes well.

B: Very much appreciated.

A: As for the documents you have mentioned, I think it will be necessary for us to check what documents you will need for customs clearance.

B: It is really thoughtful of you. Let me see, the full set of documents will include the Bill of Lading, the commercial invoice, the packing list, the copy of contract and the Certificate of Origin.

A: OK, please rest assured that I will get them ready and send them to you as soon as possible.

B: Thanks a lot. And I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon.

A: You are welcome! And keep in touch!

B: Bye!

A: Bye-bye!

Dialogue 2

The next day, Arash consults her local customs and finds she will need another two important documents to clear the cargo. So she is calling Bruce again.

A: Hello! YongFeng Chemicals! What can I do for you?

B: Hi! Is that Bruce? This is Arash!

A: Hi, Arash! I didn’t expect you to call me so soon. Is everything OK?

B: This morning I phoned our customs. They said I would need another two documents to be cleared.

A: What are they?

B: One is Certificate of Inspection (CIQ) and the other is an official Certificate of Fumigation. Without these two documents we cannot clear the goods.

A: CIQ and the Certificate of Fumigation, I have noted them down. We will arrange them as you want.

B: Thanks a lot. You are so helpful.

A: That’s all right. By the way, are these two documents needed by all your end users?

B: All customers need the Certificate of Fumigation, but only trading companies need CIQ. As for our customs regulations, without CIQ we will not clear the goods from the customs.

A: Thanks. I’ve got it.

B: You’re welcome! Hope to receive them from you as soon as possible.

A: I will do my best. Bye!

B: Bye-bye!

Dialogue 3

15 days later, Arash’s cargo has been loaded and the vessel has sailed out. Bruce is calling to inform her.

A: Hello, Arash!

B: Hi, Bruce! How are you doing?

A: Great! I am glad to tell you that our vessel has already sailed out.

B: Terrific! And how about the documents?

A: I have got all the documents you need.

B: Thanks a lot. Since all the documents are ready, please send them to us as soon as possible.

A: I will send them to you today. Please check all the documents in the attachment file.

B: Thanks.

A: Hope we have a long standing business relationship.

B: We do hope so, too.


1. fantastic: 极好的,难以置信的

2. reserved: 预订的,包租的

3. customs clearance: (海关)清关,结关

4. Bill of Lading (B/L): 提货单

5. commercial invoice: 商业发票

6. packing list: 装箱单

7. Certificate of Origin: 原产地证明

8. Certificate of Inspection (CIQ): 检验证明书

9. Certificate of Fumigation: 熏蒸证书

10. end user: 终端用户

Useful Expressions

1. update her the latest information for the cargo 提供此批货物的最新情况

 offer her the latest information for the cargo 告知此批货物的最新情况

 inform her of the latest progress of the goods 通知她此批货物最新的进展情况

2. Our cargo is ready. 货已备好。

 We have finished your goods preparation. 我们已经完成备货。

 Your consignments are prepared. 货已备好。

3. It is all owing to your high work efficiency. 正是因为你工作效率高才得以完成。

 Thanks to your high efficiency. 多亏你的高效率。

 It is all due to your high work efficiency. 正是因为你工作效率高才得以完成。

4. How much time will you need to get the full set of documents prepared? 你备齐所有的单据需要多长时间?

 How long will it take you to prepare the full set of documents? 备齐所有的单据需要花多长时间?

 How long will you prepare the full set of documents? 备齐所有的单据需要花多长时间?

5. It is really thoughtful of you. 你真的是太周到了!

 You are so considerate. 你太周到了!

 You are a real thoughtful man. 你真是个周到的人!

6. Please rest assured that I will get them ready. 请放心,我会准备好的。

 Don’t worry. I will get them prepared. 别担心,我会准备好的。

 You may rest assured that I will take care of them. 请您放心,我会准备好的。

7. I would need another two documents to be cleared. 清关我还需要另外两个证书。

 To clear the cargo, I am in need of another two documents. 我还需要另外两个证书才能清关。

 Another two documents are required for customs clearance. 清关还需要另外两个证书。

8. Without these two documents we cannot clear the goods.


 Lacking these two documents, the clearance could not be finished. 缺少这两个证书,我们就无法清关。

 We have to get these two documents; otherwise we cannot clear the goods. 我们必须有这两个证书,否则无法清关。

9. as for our customs regulations 根据我们海关有关规定

 in accordance with our customs formalities 按照我们海关有关规定

 on the basis of our customs regulations 根据我们海关有关规定

 in conformity with our customs rules 依据我们海关有关规定

10. Our vessel has already sailed out. 我们的货船已经出发了。

 Our vessel has already set off. 我们的货船已经出发了。

 Your consignment is on its way to the destination port. 你们的货物已经在去目的港的路上了。

 Our vessel has already started out. 我们的货船已经出发了。

11. I have got all the documents you need. 我已经备好了你需要的所有单据。

 All documents you need are ready. 你需要的所有单据已经准备好了。

 I have prepared all the documents that you need for clearance. 我已经备好了你清关需要的所有单据。

12. Please check all the documents in the attachment file.


 We will attach all the documents and please check them. 我们随信附寄了所有的单据,请收到后仔细检查。

 Please check up all the documents attached to the mail. 请仔细检查随信附寄的所有单据。

13. Hope we have a long standing business relationship. 希望我们能够长期合作。

 Hope we have a bright future to our mutual benefit. 希望我们在互利互惠方面有更加光明的前景。

 Wish both of us flourishing business. 希望我们都生意兴隆。

Speaking Practice

Task 1: Interpretation

1. It is all owing to your high work efficiency.

2. Hope we have a long standing business relationship.

3. Please rest assured that I will get all the documents ready.

4. Please check all the documents in the attachment file.

5. Without these two documents we cannot clear the goods.

6. 根据我方海关规定,没有检验证明书的货物是不能清关的。

7. 我打电话通知你方货物已经准备好了,现在已经在仓库里。

8. 所有的单据备齐需要花多长时间?

9. 你们的货物已经在去目的港的路上了。

10. 希望我们前景光明,互惠互利。

Task 2: Role-play

A is a Singapore import agent who imports a consignment of sportswear from B’s company which is based in China. And now the cargo is loaded and ready for sailing to Singapore. A is calling B to ask for the documents and papers for customs clearance.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. What do you think is the most important when you arrange all the documents for clearance?

2. Are you familiar with customs regulations for export in China? If yes, can you list some of them?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking

The World Trade Organization

In brief, the World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only international organization dealing with the global rules of trade between nations. Its main function is to ensure that trade flows as smoothly, predictably and freely as possible.

The result is assurance. Consumers and producers know that they can enjoy secure supplies and greater choice of the finished producers, components, raw materials and services that they use. Producers and exporters know that foreign markets will remain open to them. The result is also a more prosperous, peaceful and accountable economic world. Decisions in the WTO are typically taken by consensus among all members and they are ratified by member’s parliaments. Trade friction is channeled into the WTO’s dispute settlement process where the focus is on interpreting agreements and commitments, and how to ensure that countries’ trade policies conform to them. That way, the risk of disputes spilling over into political or military conflict is reduced. By lowering trade barriers, the WTO’s system also breaks down other barriers between peoples and nations.

At the heart of the system—known as the multilateral trading system—are the WTO’s agreements, negotiated and signed by a large majority of the world’s trading nations, and ratified in their parliaments. These agreements are the legal ground—rules for international commerce. Essentially, they are contracts, guaranteeing members important trade rights. They also bind governments to keep their trade policies within agreed limits to everybody’s benefit. The agreements were negotiated and signed by governments. But their purpose is to help producers of goods and services, exporters, and importers conduct their business.

The goal is to improve the welfare of the peoples of the members.


1. What is the function of the WTO?

2. What does the WTO bring to the whole world economy?

3. What is the core of the WTO system?

4. Were the agreements signed by the exporters or importers? If not, who?

5. What can the WTO bring to our country’s international trade?


Terms Concerning the Customs

customs house 海关,海关大楼     customs broker 报关行,海关经纪人

customs documents 海关文件      customs duty 关税

customs invoice 海关发票       bonded warehouse 保税仓库

clearing fee 出港手续费        clearing notice 出港通知书

condemned goods 没收货物       consumption tax 消费税

contraband 违禁品           declaration for export 出口申报单

declaration for import 进口申报单   delivery order 提货单

differential duty 差别关税      drawback 退税

dutiable goods 应纳税的货物      entrance fee 入港手续费

evasion of duty 逃税         excise duty 国内消费税

tax exemption 免税          import tariff 进口关税

most favored nation clause 最惠国条款 national tariff 国定税率

specific duty 从量税         transit duty 过境税