1.6.5 Unit 17 Inspection and Quarantine

Unit 17 Inspection and Quarantine

Warm-up Questions

1. What is commodity inspection? Why is it necessary?

2. What is the difference between inspection and quarantine?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

A General talk on inspection

A: Mr. Wang, would you tell me how and by whom the commodity inspection is conducted before shipment?

B: Our inspection is to be conducted by AQSIQ, which enjoys international reputation for impartiality.

A: When will the inspection be conducted?

B: Usually the inspection will be conducted within 5 days before shipment.

A: How do they make test and analysis of the goods?

B: They will use the standard and the method laid down in the contract. It could also be ISO or another internationally accepted method if the standard and the method are not mentioned in the contract.

A: How about the reinspection?

B: It’s the international practice that the reinspection should be made within 10 days upon the arrival. If any discrepancy is found, claim must be raised within 30 days. However, claims which fall within the responsibility of the shipping company and underwriters shall not be entertained.

A: Who is to carry out the reinspection?

B: In order to carry out the contract smoothly and avoid unnecessary disputes, it’s best to name the inspection agency which shall be approved by both sides and be stipulated in the contract.

A: What if the results from the two inspections do not coincide with each other?

B: We’ll have a group of specialists and surveyors from both sides to clarify which is correct.

A: We hope we can resolve the differences through friendly consultation.

B: I hope so as well.

Dialogue 2

Linna and Jocelyn are on the telephone

A: Hi, Linna, this is Jocelyn.

B: Yes, Jocelyn. Any request?

A: For our latest order, we need your attention to the documents. We need a certificate issued by CIQ after their pre-shipment inspection.

B: That’s no problem. We used to do this and are familiar with this procedure.

A: Great. Meanwhile, we need a CO (Certification of Origin) legalized by the Embassy.

B: Is it essential?

A: Yes, it’s required by our customs.

B: As you know, we’re operating L/C and the shipment has been done. It will take at least 20 days for the CO legalization. If we wait for the CO, we won’t be able to hand the documents to bank before the expiry date.

A: Shall we revise the L/C on expiry time?

B: If the embassy legalization is not a must, we’d suggest not making it this time.

A: We’ll be punished by the customs for a fine of about 200 dollars if we have no legalized CO.

B: But L/C amendment requires totally 80 dollars. And CO legalized by the embassy will cost 260-280 dollars. Thus, as long as the punishment does no discredit to your company, we prefer to take the fine of 200 dollars this time.

A: Sounds reasonable. But please remember to do the CO legalization in future orders.

B: Sure. Thanks for your understanding.

Dialogue 3

Further talk on inspection and quarantine

A: There is still a minor point to be cleared up.

B: Yes?

A: Mr. Li, as our transaction involves frozen meat, we have to make sure the sanitary standards are up to the requirements of the French government.

B: Ms. Smith, our Inspection Bureau will issue a Veterinary Inspection Certificate to show that the shipment is in conformity with export standards.

A: Well, in that case, I need to make sure that your standards are the same as ours. In addition to the Certificate you mentioned, could you have another one showing the goods to be free from radioactive contamination? You see, some of our clients are very sensitive about this.

B: Your request is understandable. Well, I’ll get in touch with the Inspection Bureau and see what they have to say.

A: That’s good. Thanks for everything, Mr. Li.

B: Don’t mention it. Glad to be of any help.


1. inspection: 检验,检查

2. quarantine: 检疫,隔离

3. AQSIQ: 中华人民共和国国家质量监督检验检疫总局(Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China)

4. manufacturer: 制造商,厂商

5. discrepancy: 不符,矛盾

6. entertain: 考虑,受理

7. stipulate: 规定,保证

8. surveyor: 检验员,测量员

9. CIQ: 中国出入境检验检疫局(China Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau)

10. legalize: 使合法化,公认

11. sanitary standard: 卫生标准

12. Veterinary Inspection Certificate: 兽医检验证书

13. radioactive contamination: 放射性污染

Useful Expressions

1. …, which enjoys international reputation for impartiality.(该局)以公正享誉全球。

 …, which is well-known/famous/reputed for its impartiality. 该局以公正享誉全球。

2. the standard and the method laid down in the contract 合同中规定的标准和方法

 the standard and the method stipulated/put down in the contract 合同中注明的标准和方法

3. It’s best to name the inspection agency. 最好提出检验机构的名称。

 It would be best to name the inspection agency. 最好提出检验机构的名称。

 It would be a good idea to name the inspection agency. 合同中注明检验机构的名称是个不错的主意。

4. We need your attention to the documents. 我们需要你方关注单证问题。

 We want you to pay attention to the documents. 我们希望你们留意单证问题。

 We want to remind you of the documents. 我们想提醒你方注意单证问题。

5. Shall we revise the L/C on expiry time? 我们应该修改信用证的有效期限吗?

 Shall we amend the expiry time of the L/C? 我们应该修改信用证的有效期限吗?

 Shall we make a change on the expiry time of the L/C? 我们应该修改信用证的有效期限吗?

6. …the punishment does no discredit to your company… 这惩罚不会有损贵公司信誉……

 The punishment does not discredit your company. 这个惩罚不会有损贵公司名誉的。

 Nothing should be done to discredit our company. 任何有损公司名誉的事情都不该做。

7. The sanitary standards are up to the requirements. 卫生标准符合要求。

 The sanitary standards meet the requirements. 卫生标准达到要求。

 The sanitary standards must reach the requirements. 卫生标准必须达到要求。

8. The shipment is in conformity with export standards. 货物符合出口标准。

 The goods conform to the export standards. 这批货物符合出口标准。

 He conformed the plans to the new specifications. 他使各项计划都符合新的规格要求。

9. be free from radioactive contamination 没有受到放射性污染

 The goods have not been contaminated by radiation. 货物没有遭到放射性污染。

10. get in touch with 联系

 I’ll have to get in touch with the manufacturers. 我们必须与制造商联系。

 We’ll try to contact the manufacturers. 我们将试着与制造商联系。

11. Don’t mention it. 不用谢。

 You’re welcome. 不用谢。

 That’s all right. 不客气。

Speaking Practice

Task 1: Interpretation

1. Claims not within the responsibility of the exporter will not be entertained.

2. The manufacturer enjoys very good reputation for the quality of their products.

3. An institution for arbitration should be named and laid down in the contract in case any dispute arises.

4. Inspection can be conducted either before shipment or after the arrival of the goods at the destination.

5. What should we do if the two inspections do not coincide with each other?

6. 你方应该保证出口产品达到合同中规定的标准。

7. 我们希望这起事故不会影响贵公司的良好声誉。

8. 你们能否出示一份证书,证明产品没有受到辐射污染?

9. 我们应该尽量顺利履行合同,避免不必要的纠纷。

10. 如果出现任何争议,双方应该通过友好协商来解决。

Task 2: Role-play

A is from ABC Company which deals with Chinese toys and is having a conversation with B who is from a Trading Company in the USA. They are trying to solve some disputes on the inspection criteria.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. What contents could be covered in a commodity inspection?

2. How should the disputes be solved when problems are found to be with the goods during inspection?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking

Inspection of Export Commodities

In practice, before delivery, the manufacturers shall make a precise and comprehensive inspection of the goods with regard to its quality, specifications, performance and quantity or weight, and issue an inspection certificate certifying the technical data and findings of the inspection.

For export commodities which are subject to inspection by the commodity inspection authorities, the consignor should apply for inspection in the places and within the time limit specified by them. The inspection authorities shall accomplish the procedures for inspection and issue a certificate without delaying the prescribed time for shipment. The goods which don’t need legal inspection should also be arranged to inspection agencies for inspection to obtain certificates in accordance with contract and/or L/C for payment. Other goods should be inspected by relevant authorities or production department, supply department or foreign trade companies themselves.

Export commodities which have been inspected and passed by the commodity inspection authorities and for which an inspection certificate has been issued by the same authorities shall be declared for export and shipped out of the country within the time limit. It should be noted that the valid dates of different certificates differ from each other, and the goods whose certificates are overdue should be applied for reinspection.

Export commodities which are included in the list of commodities should be checked and released by the customs upon presentation of the inspection certificate or the seal of the inspection authorities affixed to the customs declaration.


1. Why should some goods that don’t need an inspection legally also be arranged for an inspection?

2. For the goods to be exported, when and where should an inspection be applied for?

3. Under what circumstances should reinspection be applied for?

4. What should be presented to the customs when the export goods are to be checked and released?

5. What do you think of the commodity inspection in export?


Commodity Inspection Certificates

Inspection Certificate 检验证书

Inspection Certificate of Quality 品质证明书

Certificate of Analysis 分析证明书

Inspection Certificate of Weight 重量证明书

Sanitary Inspection Certificate 卫生检验证书

Veterinary Inspection Certificate 兽医检验证书

Plant Quarantine Certificate 植物检疫证明书

Inspection Certificate on Damaged Cargo 验残检验证书

Inspection Certificate on Tank 验船证书

Certificate of Measurement & Weight 重量及尺码证书

Inspection Certificate of Quantity 数量检验证书

Inspection Certificate of Origin 产地检验证书

Inspection Certificate of Health 健康检验证书

Inspection Certificate of Value 价值检验证书