1.6.4 Unit 16 Delivery

Unit 16 Delivery

Warm-up Questions

1. What modes of transport can you list in international trade? What are their advantages and disadvantages?

2. Which documents may be expected from the exporter after the goods are shipped on board?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Linna from YongFeng is talking with James on appointing a forwarder

A: Hello, may I speak to James?

C: Please wait.

B: Hello. Who’s speaking?

A: Good morning, James. This is Linna from YongFeng Chemicals for Carbon Black.

B: Hi, Linna. How are you?

A: I’m fine, thank you. Long time since we received your last mail! How are you doing, James?

B: I’m doing fine, Linna. Sorry for my late reply as I just come back to work today from holiday.

A: Oh, I see. Have you received my mail about your appointed forwarder? As the cargo has been prepared, once we get your confirmation about forwarder, we will book space immediately and ship soon.

B: Sorry, Linna, I haven’t seen your mail yet. But Linna, we don’t change our forwarder. You can refer to our last order and it has detailed information.

A: Well, then I will follow your previous information. We intend to book space on next Friday. Is that OK for you?

B: That’s OK, Linna.

A: Thank you for your confirmation, James. We will arrange follow-up work as soon as possible.

B: Thank you for calling, Linna.

A: Thank you too. Haha… There must be lots of work for you to do after a holiday. Please take care.

Dialogue 2

Request for early delivery

A: Now let’s discuss the delivery. When is the earliest time you can effect shipment?

B: According to the manufacturer’s schedule, the earliest possible date of shipment would be the beginning of May.

A: That’ll be too late. You know, this is our seasonal product. So we’ve got to market it before the end of April in order to keep up with the season. Besides, our Customs formalities will take quite a long time. Can you do something to advance the shipment?

B: The problem is that our factories have a lot of back orders on hand. I’m afraid it’s difficult to improve on the time.

A: But March delivery means a lot to us. If we place our goods on the market at a time when all importers have sold theirs at profitable prices, we shall lose out. So, if the goods cannot be shipped in March, we shall be compelled to cancel this order.

B: How is this then? We’ll negotiate with our manufacturers again and request them to advance shipment, if not to March, at least to the beginning of April. That is to say, to advance shipment by 30 days or more. But then the workers will have to work three shifts for it. This is the best we can do at present. I’m afraid.

A: Just let it be the beginning of April at the latest. But you must make sure of it. My letter of credit will be issued as soon as I get home. Other terms and conditions will remain the same.

Dialogue 3

Mr. Zhou is having a talk with Bob on partial shipment and transshipment

A: Speaking of your order No. 128, Bob, I’m afraid we can’t ship the whole lot at one time.

B: Why? Has anything gone wrong with the order?

A: No. Just because it is too difficult for us to get all these 5 million tons of cement prepared within such a short time.

B: What do you propose then? You’re not suggesting dropping the order, are you?

A: Not in the least. What do you think of partial shipment?

B: But our customers are in urgent need of these goods. So it will be better to ship them all at once.

A: Bob, it is in your interest that we put forth such a proposal, if partial shipment is allowed, we can ship whatever is ready to fill the urgent need of your end users instead of waiting for the whole lot to be ready.

B: Reasonable. In that case, I agree to partial shipment. But we do hope you can make a direct shipment.

A: We’ll do what we can. But will you consider allowing transshipment if there is no direct shipment?

B: I’m afraid not. You know, Mr. Zhou, transshipment takes much more time. What’s more, there is likely to be more damage to the goods in transit.

A: Then let’s solve the problem this way. I will contact the shipping company again and ask them to make delivery half a month in advance. This will ensure the consignment to reach you in time for customers’ requirement.

B: Marvelous! Make delivery half a month in advance, and I’ll agree to your suggestion.


1. appointed forwarder: 指定的货代公司

2. confirmation: 确认,证实

3. refer to: 查阅,参考,(向某人)查询

4. follow-up: 随访,跟进

5. delivery: 交货,交付

6. customs formalities: 海关手续

7. back orders: 待执行的订单

8. profitable: 有利可图的

9. lose out: 输掉,失败

10. advance: 提前

11. partial shipment: 分批装运

12. propose: 建议,打算

13. transshipment: 转船,转运

Useful Expressions

1. How are you doing? 你好吗?

How are you keeping? 你好吗?

 How is everything? 一切好吗?

2. We will book space immediately and ship soon. 我们将订舱发货。

 We will be responsible of booking shipping space. 我们将负责订舱。

 Please ship our order as soon as possible. 请尽快发来我们所订货物。

 Please effect the shipment at an early date. 请尽早交货。

3. Let’s discuss the delivery. 我们讨论一下交货的事吧。

 Let’s talk about delivery. 我们谈谈交货吧。

4. keep up with the season 赶上销售季节

 catch the shopping/selling/high/busy season 赶上销售季节

5. March delivery means a lot to us. 三月份发货对我们很重要。

 March delivery means everything to us. 三月份发货对我们很关键。

 March delivery is of great importance to us. 三月份发货对我们来说很重要。

 March delivery matters a great deal to us. 三月份发货对我们来说事关重大。

6. The workers will have to work three shifts for it. 工人将三班轮流工作。

 The workers have to work on an 8-hour shift. 工人们八小时轮班工作。

 The workers will take their shift to work. 工人们按班轮流工作。

7. Other terms and conditions will remain the same. 其他贸易条款不变。

 Other terms and conditions remain unchanged。其他贸易条款不变。

 Other terms and conditions remain the same as previously stated. 其他贸易条件按照先前所述。

8. speaking of your order No. 128 谈到你们的第128号订单

 talking of your order No. 128 谈到你们的第128号订单

 as for your order No. 128 关于你们的128号订单

9. What do you propose then? 那么你有什么建议吗?

 What’s on your mind? 你怎么想的呢?

 What’s your idea? 你有什么主意吗?

10. But our customers are in urgent need of these goods. 我们的顾客急需这批货物。

 Our customers need the goods urgently. 我们的顾客急需这批货物。

 Our customers are badly in need of the goods. 我们的顾客迫切需要这批货物。

11. Reasonable. 有道理。

 There is a point there. 说得对。

 What you said makes sense. 你说的有道理。

12. what’s more 此外

 moreover/furthermore/in addition/besides 此外,而且

13. This will ensure the consignment to reach you in time. 这样就能保证货物准时到达你方。

 This will make it guaranteed for the goods to arrive at your end promptly. 这将保证货物及时到达你方。

 This will guarantee a prompt delivery. 这将保证能及时发货。

Speaking Practice

Task 1: Interpretation

1. Please refer to our last mail to you for more information.

2. When is the earliest time you can effect delivery?

3. We need the goods urgently in order to catch the selling season.

4. The proposal we put forth is in your interest.

5. The workers are working three shifts to ensure prompt delivery.

6. 关于交货时间,你有什么建议吗?

7. 我认为货物最好一次性装运,而不是分批装运。

8. 转船可能会造成货物在转运过程中出现更多的损坏。

9. 请尽快开立相关信用证以便我们备货。

10. 如果你们不能答应及时交货,我们不得不取消订单。

Task 2: Role-play

A is a businessman from Anhui Arts & Crafts Co., Ltd., and he is now talking face to face with B, a buyer from Italy about an order of toys for Christmas season on issues such as shipping space booking, delivery time, partial shipment and transshipment.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. Why do you think transshipment is not preferred in international trade?

2. Is delivery time of great importance to the buyer? Why?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking

Transport in International Trade

After conclusion of a business, the supplier delivers the goods to the buyer in accordance with the time of shipment, the ports of loading and unloading, and the means of conveyance stipulated in the contract. This practice has to be fulfilled by transportation.

There are a lot of means of transportation: by road or rail, by sea or air. And in recent years, combined transport which is a road-sea-rail carriage has developed. On the basis of“safety, expedition, veracity and economy”, buyers and sellers would choose a reasonable means to transport the goods according to the principle in the trait of the goods, the amount of goods, the nature of goods, the conditions of the ports of loading and unloading, and the international politic situation.

When goods are loaded on board a ship, the shipping company will issue a bill of lading to the shipper. It is only a receipt of the goods but also a contract for performance of certain services upon certain conditions. The bill of lading, together with the insurance policy and commercial invoices, constitutes the chief shipping documents. In the mean time, the seller should promptly advise the buyer of its effectuation. And the buyer will have to effect insurance on the shipment upon receipt of the shipping advice from the seller.

In the case of an export business covering a large amount of goods, it is necessary to make shipment in several lots by several carriers sailing on different days, which is called partial shipment. When there are no or few ships sailing direct to the port of destination or the amount of cargo for the certain port of destination is so small that no ships would like to call at the port, transshipment is necessary. Of course, partial shipment and transshipment should be allowed by the buyer in advance.

The container service is also widely used nowadays. The use of containers provides efficient forms of transport by road, rail and air though its fullest benefits appearing in shipping, where cost may be reduced greatly.


1. What’s combined transport? Why do you think this type of transport has developed?

2. What principle is usually followed when people decide on what means of transport to choose in international trade?

3. Under what circumstances, is partial shipment or transshipment necessary?

4. What do you know about container service? What are the benefits of it?

5. Can you tell something about the latest development of transport in international trade?


Delivery Terms

busy/high season 旺季      low/dead/off/dull season 淡季

shopping season 销售季节     in season 上市,旺季

out of season 淡季        make/effect shipment 装船

arrange shipment 安排装船    expedite shipment 加速装船

extend shipment 延期装船     advance shipment 提前装船

postpone shipment 延迟装船    shipping time/date 装船日期

make/effect delivery 发货    take delivery 提货

loading port 装货港       unloading port 卸货港

port of shipment 转运港     port of destination 目的港

shipping advice 装船通知     shipping document 货运单据

shipping instructions 装船说明  shipment by direct steamer 直达轮装运

transshipment 转船        shipped in one lot 一次性装运

partial shipment 分批装运