1.6.3 Unit 15 Packing

Unit 15 Packing

Warm-up Questions

1. What is packing in international trade?

2. Is packing of great importance in trade?

3. How can packing be classified?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Discussion on the packing of the product

A: Mike, what about the package of the Pigment Black? You know, the pigment black is one of the pollution origins and can easily bring dust. We take it as a very important aspect for consideration.

B: Do not worry. Our pigment black is well packed and protected. According to our sales experience, our package is good enough to protect the goods.

A: That is good. So what are the details?

B: Usually our packing for the types you are interested in is 20kg per craft bag, 30 bags on one shrinked wrapped pallet, and 12 mt/20FCL.

A: Sounds good. Can you show some pictures of your package to me?

B: Of course. Please have a look at the pictures in our catalogue.

A: Well, it looks wonderful. We prefer the package with 4 paper bags protected around.

B: No problem. We can arrange it as you request.

A: Thank you.

B: You are welcome.

Dialogue 2

Inspecting the packing

A: Good morning, Mr. Zhou.

B: Good morning. Welcome to our company. It is years since our last transaction.

A: Yes. And I’m glad to have the chance to do business with you again. The main purpose of my visit today is to look at the packing of our glassware, as it has so much bearing on sales.

B: We always pay special attention to packing, as it ultimately affects the reputation of our products.

A: I agree with you there, Mr. Zhou. Nowadays competition has become sharper than ever before. In order to keep on one’s feet on the market, the merchandise is forced not only to give value, but also to look attractive.

B: You said it. We have here a sample packing. Have a look and see if it is satisfactory to you.

A: Oh! The design looks novel and fashionable, and the color is bright. They just fit the European taste. Now I feel assured.

Dialogue 3

Advice on the packing of shirts

A: How are you going to pack these shirts?

B: As a rule, we use a polythene wrapper for each shirt ready for window show.

A: I hope the packing will be attractive in appearance. Nowadays competition from similar products is very keen. Special attention should be given to packing to increase the value of products.

B: Thank you very much for your suggestion. You see, fashion changes very fast. In order to keep up with fashion and meet customers’ taste, we are always ready to make improvement in our packing.

A: I’ve recently received some latest designs for packing from a friend in France. Would you like to take them for your reference in package design?

B: We are very much obliged for your kind consideration.

A: By the way, what’s your outer packing?

B: We use cardboard boxes for outer packing.

A: I’m afraid cardboard boxes are not strong enough for sea voyage. Why not use wooden cases instead?

B: We can do as you request if you prefer wooden cases. But wooden cases will be clumsy to handle and more expensive in cost. And then, shipment has to be postponed.

A: I still insist on wooden cases for outer packing for it looks superior in quality and is favored by the upper end of the market in our country. I don’t mind higher price or delayed shipment as long as they are reasonable.

B: OK, we will take your advice and try to send you the outer packing design as soon as possible.

A: Great. Thanks.


1. pollution origin: 污染源

2. craft bag: 复合袋,工艺包

3. shirked wrapped pallet: 外用塑料缠绕膜包上的托盘货物

4. 12mt/20FCL: 每20尺的满箱柜子装货12公吨

5. catalogue: 产品目录,货物价目表

6. bearing: 关系,联系

7. ultimately: 最后,根本上

8. reputation: 声望,名誉

9. fashionable: 流行的,时髦的

10. polythene wrapper: 胶纸封套

11. sea voyage: 海运

12. postpone: 延期,推迟

Useful Expressions

1. What about the package of ...? ……的包装是怎样的?

 How are you going to pack the order? 我们订购的货如何包装?

 What’s your outer packing? 你们外包装用什么材料?

2. We take it a very important aspect for consideration. 我们非常重视这一点。

 We take this very seriously. 我们非常重视这一点。

 We attach much importance to it. 我们对此非常重视。

3. Sounds good. 听起来不错。

 Sounds great. 听起来很棒。

 It sounds a good idea. 这主意听起来不错。

4. We can arrange it as you request. 我们可以按照你方的要求去做。

 We can do it as requested. 我们可以按照要求做的。

 We must do as required. 我们必须得按照要求做。

5. Welcome to our company. 欢迎来我公司。

 You are welcome to our company. 欢迎来我公司参观。

 Your visit to our company is welcome. 欢迎来我公司参观。

6. …, as it has so much bearing on sales. 因为它十分关系到产品的销售。

 It has a lot to do with sales. 这事关销售。

 It is closely related to sales. 这与销售密切相关。

7. I feel assured. 我放心了。

 Just rest assured. 尽管放心好了。

 Be assured that we provide you with quality products. 请放心我们给你方提高优质产品。

8. Nowadays competition from similar products is very keen. 如今同类产品的竞争激烈。

 Competition in the market is fierce. 市场竞争激烈。

 It is a competitive society. 这是一个竞争的社会。

9. We are very much obliged for your kind consideration.


 We appreciate your kind consideration. 我们非常感谢你这么细致的考虑。

 It is very kind of you to do so. 你这么做真是太感谢了。

10. Shipment has to be postponed. 装运不得不延迟。

 Shipment has to be put off. 装运必须延期。

 Shipment will be delayed. 装运将被延误。

11. to be favored by 受……喜爱

 to be liked by 被……喜爱

 to be popular with 受……喜爱

12. as soon as possible 尽快

 with the least possible delay 尽快

 Speaking Practice

 Task 1: Interpretation

1. Would you please tell me how you will pack our order?

2. We take quality a very important aspect for consideration when purchasing.

3. We can make designs of the package exactly as you request.

4. Please rest assured that we will not disappoint you in quality of the products.

5. We are very much obliged for what you have done for us.

6. 一个产品要想立足市场,必须注重质量。

7. 欢迎你在方便的时候再次来我公司访问。

8. 产品的质量事关企业的生存。

9. 如果你坚持用木盒包装,装运期将不得不延迟。

10. 请尽快回信告知能否接受我们的要求。

Task 2: Role-play

A is a visitor from the USA and he has come to Hefei to visit Anhui Hande Artistic Lamps Factory to check the packing for his order. B is the general manager of the factory. Make a

conversation between A and B on the packing of the products to be shipped to the USA.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. What elements should be taken into consideration about packing?

2. Do you agree that packing has a bearing on sales of the products? Give you reasons.

3. Nowadays, some manufacturers spend more money on packing than the value of the products. What’s your opinion of this phenomenon?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking

Crucial Packaging

Packaging is a very important marketing strategy to glamorize your product in order to attract consumers’ attention. Most consumers judge a product by its packaging before buying. So it is logical to say attractive packaging is crucial in order to get the first time buyers to buy your products. Without attractive packing, who would buy it in order to try it? Your first step into the market is crushed if the packaging is ugly.

Having attractive packaging doesn’t mean you should neglect quality either. In fact, you have to make high quality products in order to have repeated sales. Converting first time buyers into loyal customers should be the main goal of your business and quality is the key to it.

Quality packaging with a smooth touch or even fragrant smell could trigger the impulse to buy. A lot of detail is focused on the packaging to highlight its superior quality which is true most of the time. Some companies even spend more on packaging than the product itself, which has guaranteed increased sales and profits.

Designing the layout of the packaging is another crucial element to entertain the customer to become attracted to it just by sight and touch alone. The design of the product and packaging can play a crucial role in attracting customers due to its uniqueness from the rest of the product. Make your packaging design different from the rest to make it stand out more from the displays.

Art entertains the eyes of the customers and it is a brilliant way to let the mind experience the product through their imagination. Many customers like to try new things and the only way to buy something that is worth their investment is through the depiction of the art or image of the packaging. Be creative in your art packaging to help better impress potential customers to buy your product.

Creative packaging helps break the customer’s fear of a bad purchase. It also opens the door for your product to be tried at least once from first time users. Use your creative energy to create packaging that nobody can resist. Packaging is a crucial element that cannot be neglected.


1. According to the passage, why is packaging an important marketing strategy?

2. Compared with packaging, should quality of product be attached less importance? Why?

3. How can we make products stand out from displays?

4. Why should we be creative in art packaging?

5. Can you elaborate the importance of packaging with your own experience?


Packing Containers

carton 纸板箱      case 箱

chest (茶叶)箱     wooden box 木箱

tincan 锡罐       sack 袋

polybag 塑料袋      gunny bag 麻袋

keg 小圆桶        barrel 琵琶桶,圆桶

drum (金属)桶     bundle 捆

bale 包         basket 筐,篓

Packing Terms

packing charges 包装费用     packing list 装箱单

packing instructions 包装指示  neutral packing 中性包装

export packing 出口包装     inner packing 内包装

packing suitable for sea voyage 适合海运的包装

seaworthy packing 适合海运的包装