1.5.4 Unit 12 Visiting Clients

Unit 12 Visiting Clients

Warm-up Questions

1. What’s the relationship between you and your clients?

2. How do you maintain a long-term cooperation with your clients?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Making an appointment

A: Hello. ABC Trading Corporation. Can I help you?

B: Hello. This is Chris from YongFeng Chemicals Co., Ltd. I’m calling to see if we can make an appointment with your general manager tomorrow morning?

A: Hold on, please. I’ll check his agenda. I’m afraid he won’t be available tomorrow morning. He is rather busy these days. This week is all booked up.

B: I see. But you know I come from China. I arrived in Canberra yesterday and will return to China next Tuesday. I have something important to discuss with him. Could you arrange it for me sometime early next week?

A: Let me see what I can do. Just a moment please.

B: Thank you.

A: Well, Mr. Chris, would next Monday afternoon be convenient for you?

B: All right. What time exactly?

A: Come between three and five, if that suits you.

B: OK, that’s settled then.

A: I’ll make a note of that. Would you like me to confirm your appointment?

B: Yes, please. You can contact me any day at Canberra.

A: Then look forward to seeing you.

B: Thank you very much. See you.

Dialogue 2

Calling on a client

A: Good morning. May I help you, Sir?

B: Good morning. I would like to see your general manager, please.

A: Do you have an appointment?

B: Yes, I have.

A: This way, please.

B: Nice to meet you. I am Chris. This is my name card, please.

C: Nice to meet you too. Take a seat, please. I’m James.

B: Thanks. Thanks for your time and I’m very glad to visit you in your esteemed company.

C: You are welcome.

B: My main purpose of coming here this time is to know your exact requirements of our products, and answer your questions face to face. Of course, maybe I can’t solve all the issues here, but I’ll report your requirements and give feedback as soon as possible.

C: Thank you. I do appreciate this way of communication to discuss our current and further cooperation. Here is a report about the effect on your products for your reference.

B: Let me see. I’ll submit it to our manager for discussion as soon as I return. You’ll be informed immediately once I get the results. I can assure you, Mr. James, I’ll handle it with great attention. Look forward to our long-term cooperation and warmly welcome you to our company at your convenience!

C: Thanks for your visit and I do believe a lot of business will be put through between us.

B: So do I. Bye for now, take care!

C: Bye.

Dialogue 3

Inviting by telephone

A: Hello, this is Chris from YongFeng Chemicals Co., Ltd. I want to speak to your general manager.

B: Hold on, please. I’ll connect him.

C: Hello, this is James Smith, the general manager.

A: Hi, Mr. Smith. This is Chris from China. We have the pleasure of inviting you to visit our company and plant. It’s the best opportunity for you to know our production quality.

C: I’m sorry, but I’m fully occupied this month.

A: How about next month?

C: Yes, that’s fine. How long will the visit take?

A: About one week. We have developed many new products. Maybe you can find what you want.

C: Sounds great! What kind of service do you offer if I visit your company and find interested products?

A: We will arrange everything for you and give you a discount. We hope whole-heartedly that you can come.

C: Very well. I will be most delighted to go.

A: Thank you! See you then.

C: See you.


1. appointment: 约定,任命

2. available: 有空的,空闲的

3. Canberra: 堪培拉(澳大利亚首都)

4. submit: 呈递,提交

5. confirm: 确认, 证实

6. esteem: 尊敬,认为

7. issue: 问题,发行

8. feedback: 反馈,回复

9. plant: 工厂,植物

10. occupy: 使忙碌,占据

Useful Expressions

1. I’ll check his agenda. 我来查一下他的日程安排。

 I’ll check his schedule. 我来查一下他的日程表。

 I’ll check his diary. 我来查一下他的记事簿。

2. Would next Monday afternoon be convenient for you? 下周一下午您方便吗?

 Are you available next Monday afternoon? 下周一下午您有时间吗?

 Is it convenient for you to come next Monday afternoon? 您下周一下午方便来吗?

3. That’s settled then. 就这样定了。

 That will be fine. 可以。

 That’s all right. 可以。

4. Have you had a previous appointment? 你事先都约好了吗?

 Have you made an appointment? 你事先约好了吗?

 Did you make an appointment beforehand? 你事先约好了吗?

5. Thanks for your time and I’m very glad to visit you in your esteemed company.


 Thanks for sparing your time and I’m very happy to visit your company.


 Thank you for your time and it’s my great honor to visit you in your reputable company。


6. I can’t solve all the issues here. 在这里我不能解决所有问题。

 I can’t solve all the problems. 我不能解决所有问题。

 I can’t settle all the problems. 我不能解决所有问题。

7. I’ll handle it with great attention. 我会认真对待此事。

 I’ll deal with it carefully. 我会认真处理此事。

 I’ll treat it seriously. 我会认真对待此事。

8. Hold on, please. 请稍等。

 Wait a moment, please. 请稍等。

 Just a minute, please. 请稍等片刻。

9. We have the pleasure of inviting you to visit our company and factory.


 It’s my great honor to invite you to visit our company and factory.


 We feel overwhelmingly flattered if you can come to visit our company and factory.


10. I’m fully occupied this month. 这个月我一直很忙。

 I’m very busy this month. 这个月我很忙。

 I’m afraid I won’t be available this month. 恐怕这个月我都没空。

11. Maybe you can find what you want. 或许能找到你想要的产品。

 Maybe you can find what you are interested in. 或许能找到你感兴趣的产品。

 Maybe you can find your target product. 或许能找到你心仪的产品。

Speaking Practice

Task 1: Interpretation

1. I’m calling to set up a meeting with your dean, Mr. Hu.

2. I think this type of cooperation suits us perfectly.

3. We would highly appreciate your technical cooperation.

4. It is our great pleasure to have Mr. Wang with his delegation visit us today.

5. I hope you can get a picture of what our business is from my introduction.

6. 我查一下他的日程安排,看看能否给您安排一下。

7. 我这次来是想与贵方探讨一下建立合资企业的事情。

8. 我们已经研发出了新技术、新产品,将会使您感到满意。

9. 如果贵公司希望产品在国际市场上具有竞争力,就必须掌握先进技术。

10. 在贵公司的盛情邀请下,我们打算下个星期去参观。

Task 2: Role-play

A is a sales manager of a cell phone company. B is an investor from France. A is assigned to visit B to establish business relationship and seek long-term cooperation. A decides to make an appointment and pay a visit in person to discuss the details of their cooperation.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. What do you think of doing business online?

2. Are you inclined to start your own business after graduation or not? Why?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking

Business Manners

Business visits tend to be extremely punctual. If you arrive late for a business appointment, it will reflect badly on you. So try to arrive on time, or even a little earlier. If you know that you will be arriving late, you should telephone ahead to let them know of the delay. If a business meeting takes place over a meal, business discussions are usually expected to begin after everyone has ordered their meal and sometimes till everyone is seated.

Socializing tends to occur after the business is concluded, not before. This is in contrast with the practice in many other countries, where the purpose of the meal is to socialize and get to know each other before any business is discussed. Many American companies have women in management positions. So don’t be surprised if the person who meets you is a woman, not a man. They are just as competent as their male counterparts. If you feel uncomfortable, focus on the business at hand and ignore the fact that your partner happens to be a woman. Do not, however, ask personal questions as you might be with a male colleague. In particular, do not ask whether she is married or has children. When businessmen or businesswomen meet, they usually introduce themselves by shaking right hands. When you shake hands, don’t crush their fingers, neither hold their hand too lightly. A firmly handshake is the best. Business cards are not normally exchanged upon meeting. If you need a colleague’s contact information, it is okay to ask them for their cards. It is also okay to offer someone your card. But there is not an elaborate ritual of exchanging cards as in other cultures.


1. What is important when you pay a business visit?

2. When does socializing tend to occur in American culture?

3. If you meet a businesswoman, what questions should be avoided?

4. What do you think of the business manners discussed in the passage?


Positions in a Company

CEO (chief executive officer) 总裁,行政主管   president 总裁

chairman 主席                   general manager 总经理

director 总监                   supervisor 主管

administrator 管理者               board 董事会

assistant 助理                  secretary 秘书

accountant 会计                  staff 员工

buyer 采购员                   receptionist 接待员

analyst 分析师                  interpreter 口语翻译

legal adviser 法律顾问              management consultant 管理顾问

sales representative 销售代表           executive secretary 行政秘书

merchandising manager 采购经理          market research analyst 市场调查分析员