1.5.2 Unit 10 Travelling

Unit 10 Travelling

Warm-up Questions

1. What scenic spots have you been to in China? Describe them.

2. If you have a chance to go abroad, which places of interest have you dreamed of visiting? Why?

3. Do you know what things are not allowed to take through the customs if you go abroad? Can you guess the reasons?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

At the airport

A: When do you have flights to Turkey?

B: We have a flight at 22:45 p.m.

A: What time does it get to Turkey?

B: 5:45 a.m. next morning. It’s a red-eye flight.

A: I’ll take this flight.

B: Coach or first class?

A: Coach, please. Here’s my credit card.

B: Thank you for taking this airline. This is your ticket.


A: Excuse me. Where can I check in?

C: Where are you going, madam?

A: I’m going to Turkey by Flight TK021.

C: We are checking in here. May I have your ticket? And your luggage, please?

A: Here you are.

C: This is your luggage check. You must show it when you disembark at your destination, and here is your boarding pass and your ticket.

A: Thanks.

C: Now could you wait until your flight is called? There are about twenty-five minutes to go.

A: I’m a little nervous. I have never been on a plane before.

C: There is nothing at all to worry about. Once you’re up in the air, it’s just like sitting in your own living room. It’s going to be a very pleasant fight.

A: All right, good-bye.

Dialogue 2

On the airplane

A: Dinner time. What would you like, madam? We have pasta and rice.

B: Pasta please.

A: OK. Here you are.

B: Thank you.

A: Any drink you like?

B: Do you have hot water?

A: Sorry madam, we don’t have hot water, but we have hot black tea and coffee. Would you like some?

B: OK, black tea, please.

(Calling with the service lamp)

A: Excuse me. What can I do for you, madam?

B: Could I have a blanket? I feel a little cold.

A: Please wait a moment and I will get one for you.

B: Thank you very much. By the way, do you have any Chinese newspaper?

A: Sorry we don’t. How about reading an English version?

B: No, thanks. I may prefer to watch Chinese films.

Dialogue 3

At the Customs

A: May I have you passport please?

B: Sure. Here is my passport.

A: What is the purpose of your visit?

B: Business visit.

A: How long will you stay in Turkey?

B: 7 Days.

A: Where will you be staying?

B: I will be staying in Pera Palas.

A: Will any one here pick you up?

B: One of our company agents here.

A: Very good. Please go to the next line for customs inspection. Enjoy your time in Turkey.


A: Do you have anything to declare?

B: I’m not sure. Are these vases subject to customs duties?

A: How much do they cost?

B: Less than 50 euros.

A: You are allowed 100 euros duty-free, so you don’t have to pay any duty on your vases. Anything else besides these?

B: No, except the two bottles of whiskey and a carton of cigarettes. Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cigarettes?

A: No. The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes for duty-free.

B: Oh, thank you very much.


1. red-eye: 长途夜航航班

2. check-in: 登机手续

3. luggage check: 行李提取单

4. disembark: 登陆,上岸

5. English version: 英文版本

6. Pera Palasv佩拉宫饭店

7. declare: 报关,申报纳税

8. duty-free: 免税的

9. euro: 欧元(复数euros)

10. whiskey: 威士忌

Useful Expressions

1. What time does it get to Turkey? 飞机何时到达土耳其?

What’s the arrival time in Turkey? 飞机何时到达土耳其?

What time will the plane arrive in Turkey, please? 请问飞机何时到土耳其?

2. Coach or first class? 经济舱还是头等舱?

Economy class or first class? 经济舱还是头等舱?

Tourist class or business class? 经济舱还是商务舱?

3. Here is your boarding pass and your ticket. 这是您的登机牌和机票。

This is your boarding pass and your ticket. 这是您的登机牌和机票。Take your boarding pass and your ticket, please. 请拿好您的登机牌和机票。

4. be up in the air 飞到空中be in the sky 在天空中above the clouds 在云端

5. What would you like, madam? 您想要点什么(食物),女士?What kind of food would you like, madam? 您想要点什么,女士?Would you like some? 您想要点吗?

6. What can I do for you, madam? 需要我帮忙吗,女士?May I help you, madam? 需要我帮忙吗,女士?Need a hand, madam? 需要我帮忙吗,女士?

7. How about reading in English version? 英文报纸可以吗?What about reading in English version? 英文报纸可以吗?Is English version all right? 英文报纸可以吗?

8. I may prefer to watch Chinese film. 我更喜欢看中文电影。I would rather watch Chinese film. 我更喜欢看中文电影。I may prefer watching Chinese film. 我更喜欢看中文电影

9. What is the purpose of your visit? 你的旅行目的是什么?What is your purpose of this visit? 你这次旅行的目的是什么?Business or pleasure? 公务还是观光?

10. Do you have anything to declare? 您有什么要申报的吗?What are you declaring? 您要申报什么?Don’t you have anything more to declare? 您还有其他要申报的吗?

11. be subject to 受支配,从属于pertain to 关于;从属于;适合subordinate to 服从;从属于

12. Do I have to pay duty on the liquor and cigarettes? 我得付烟酒税吗?Are the liquor and cigarettes dutiable? 我得付烟酒税吗?How many cigarettes and bottles of whiskey can I bring with me?我可以携带多少香烟和威士忌?

Speaking Practice

Task 1: Interpretation

1. What’s the weight limit allowed for each passenger?

2. Show me your baggage checks.

3. Have you anything dutiable?

4. Are you here for business or for sightseeing?

5. What’s the fare to Turkey, economy class?

6. 先生,您想点什么饮料吗?我们备有咖啡、红茶、果汁、牛奶、水和葡萄酒。

7. 汽水之类的饮料是免费的。

8. 我没带应交税的东西。

9. 放松点,女士。你感到晕机吗?

10. 我的座位调不好。请问这椅子要怎样才能放平呢?

Task 2: Role-play

Xiao Wu works in the sales department of a famous Chinese stationery company named Chenguang Trade Company which manufactures products that kids and students need. Now he will visit one client in Canada by plane. Creat a conversation on the plane.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. Do you like to travel by train or by air? Why?

2. What qualities do you think a good stewardess should possess? If there is a picky customer on the plane, how should she handle this situation?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking

The Customs Clearance Procedures

A. After you have gone through the passport checking points, please take all of your belongings including your checked baggage, and choose the right channel to pass through the customs.

B. Please make sure you know the regulations regarding how to pass through China Customs before choosing the channel. The passengers will take all the legal responsibilities resulted from choosing a wrong channel.

C. If you have anything to declare, please finish the declaration in a written format at the counter marked “GOODS TO DECLARE”. Declaration of any other forms or in any other places will be regarded as invalid.

D. Please show your valid identification when you go through the customs inspection area.

E. If you have carried anything dutiable according to laws and regulations, customs officers will request you to pay. Please keep the bill, and go to the customs appointed bank to pay your duties and taxes.

F. Cargo or goods, exceeding the limited quantity or not having been cleared, will be kept by the customs temporarily, and you may have to pay for the storage fees accordingly. Guidance to Relevant Regulations

“The Customs Law of the People’s Republic of China” states:

— The luggage or goods carried by travelers shall be limited to reasonable quantities forpersonal use and subject to customs control.

— Owners of all incoming or outgoing articles shall declare to customs honestly and accept inspection by customs.

— The value for incoming and outgoing dutiable articles is determined by customs according to regulations.

— Customs duties on incoming and outgoing articles must be collected prior to Customs release.

— Articles which have been registered with the customs, or allowed to enter or leave the territory temporarily with a tax exemption, are required to be taken out or brought in by the same passenger, who originally carried them into or outside the territory.


1. If you have something to declare, what should you do first?

2. What should you show when you go through the customs inspection area?

3. If your goods exceed the limited quantity, what will the customs do?

4. How can you pass the customs smoothly?

5. What do you think of the importance of the customs?


Airport Signs

Airport Terminal 航站楼,机场候机楼   Transfer Correspondence 中转处

Exit 出口 Transit 过境

Ticket Office 购票处           Departure Lounge 候机室

V.I.P. Room 贵宾室            Departure Gate 登机口

Arrivals 进站,到达           FLT NO. (flight number) 航班号

Taxi Pick-up Point 出租车乘车点     Airline Coach Service 航空公司大巴服务处

Boarding 登机              Duty-free Shop 免税店

Currency Exchange 货币兑换处       Luggage Claim 行李领取处

Luggage Locker 行李房,行李暂存箱    Luggage Tag 行李牌