1.5.1 Unit 9 Preparation

Unit 9 Preparation

Warm-up Questions

1. What preparations do you think should be made before an overseas trip?

2. If you are to visit a place or a country which you are not familiar with, what should you do beforehand?

3. What questions do you think the officer may ask at a visa interview?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Calling before leaving

A: May I speak to Mr. Wilson?

B: Speaking. Who’s calling please?

A: This is Joe from Anhui YongFeng Chemicals Co., Ltd.

B: Oh hello Joe. Nice to hear your voice again. I’m looking forward to more dealings with you, for, you know, your last shipment was so well received here.

A: Thank you, Allan. As a matter of fact, we are planning to meet you in your country.

B: Good news for me. When are you arriving?

A: The Air China flight I’m taking is due to arrive in New York at 11:15 a.m. on Jan 20, if everything goes smoothly.

B: Shall I pick you up at the airport or book a room for you?

A: No, thank you. Our company has had everything well arranged and we’ll be taken to the hotel directly after arrival. Thank you all the same. Err, what about our meeting on the 21st?

B: Let me check my schedule. Oh, I won’t be free until 3:00 p.m. on the 23rd. Is that too late for you?

A: Not at all. Let’s make it 3:00 p.m. on the 23rd, then.

B: And why don’t you have an excursion if time permits? I’d like to be your guide, as you did when I was in China.

A: Great! I have been dreaming of seeing the Statue of Liberty for a long time.

B: No problem. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the beauty here.

A: Terrific! Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

B: You are welcome. Do call me after your arrival. See you!

A: See you!

Dialogue 2

At the Visa Office

A: Do you speak English?

B: Yes, sure.

A: What’s your name?

B: My name is Joe Huang.

A: Where are you from?

B: I’m from Hefei City, Anhui Province.

A: Have you ever been to nations aside from China?

B: Yes. I once went to Singapore in 2010.

A: Are you married?

B: Yes.

A: Do you want your wife to go with you?

B: No, because it’s a business trip, not a personal travel.

A: Do you have any relatives in the United States?

B: No.

A: How long will you stay in the USA?

B: I’ve planned to stay for two weeks, no more than fifteen days.

A: What was your major?

B: International Business and Business English.

A: How long have you prepared your visa interview?

B: I spent nearly two months preparing the documents.

A: What kind of computer do you use?

B: iPad.

Dialogue 3

At the Visa Office

A: What will you do in the USA?

B: Visit agents and customers.

A: What’s your product sold to the USA?

B: Pigment carbon black, for ink and paint use.

A: Have you got stable business partners in the USA already?

B: Yes, we’ve an agent in Atlanta, covering the whole eastern United States.

A: How about the business your partner is doing?

B: Quite good. We’ve successfully set up cooperation with 7 world-famous companies, including Akzo Nobel (Dulux paints).

A: What’s your purpose to visit them this time?

B: To solve the problems for end users.

A: What do you do in your company?

B: I’m a sales manager in charge of American market.

A: What is the name of your company?

B: YongFeng Chemicals Co., Ltd.

A: How long have you worked with YongFeng Chemicals?

B: More than five years.

A: Be specific.

B: Five years and eight months.

A: Could you show me your documents?

B: Sure, here they are.


1. shipment: 发货,运载的货物

2. schedule: 时间表,安排表

3. excursion: 短程旅行

4. the Statue of Liberty: 自由女神像

5. iPad: 苹果平板电脑

6. agent: 代理人,代理商

7. pigment carbon black: 色素炭黑

8. Akzo Nobel: 阿克苏诺贝尔公司(全球最大的涂料生产商,世界500强公司之一)

9. Dulux paints: 多乐士涂料,多乐士漆

10. in charge of: 负责,主管

Useful Expressions

1. Who’s calling please? 请问是哪位?

 Who is that speaking, please? 请问是哪位?

 To whom am I speaking? 请问是哪位?

2. As a matter of fact 实际上,事实上

 In fact 实际上,事实上

 As it is 实际上,事实上

3. Our company has had everything well arranged. 我们公司已经安排妥当了。

 Our company has arranged everything well. 我们公司已经安排妥当了。

 Our company has made good arrangement for us. 我们公司已经为我们安排妥当了。

4. Let’s make it 3:00 p. m. on the 23rd, then. 那么我们就定在23日下午3点会面,可以吗?

 Let’s set the time at 3:00 p. m. on the 23rd. Is that alright?


 How about 3:00 p. m. on the 23rd, then? 那么我们就定在23日下午3点会面,可以吗?

5. Terrific! 太好了!

 Great!/Wonderful!/Excellent! 太好了!

6. Have you ever been to nations aside from China? 你以前出过国吗?

 Have you ever been to nations apart from China? 你以前出过国吗?

 Have you ever been abroad? 你以前出过国吗?

7. I’ve planned to stay for two weeks, no more than fifteen days.


 I’m planning to stay for two weeks, no more than fifteen days.


 I will stay for two weeks, no more than fifteen days, according to my plan.


8. I spent nearly two months preparing the documents. 我花了近两个月的时间准备这些文件。

 I spent nearly two months on the documents. 我花了近两个月的时间准备这些文件。

 It took me nearly two months to prepare the documents.


9. What will you do in the USA? 你去美国有何贵干?

 What are you going to America for? 你去美国有何贵干?

 What is your purpose for the visa? 你这次签证有何贵干?

10. Have you got stable business partners in the USA already?


 Have you established stable business partnership in the USA already?


 Have you set up stable business partnership in the USA already?


11. How about the business your partner is doing? 你的合作伙伴近来生意如何?

 What about the business your partner is doing? 你的合作伙伴近来生意如何?

 How’s your partner’s business been recently? 你的伙伴近来生意如何?

12. Be specific. 请说详细点。

 Please tell me in details. 请说详细点。

 Please tell me more specifically. 请说详细点。

Speaking Practice

Task 1: Interpretation

1. Good morning, sir. My name is Li Nan from Peking University. I’m here for the interview for my visa application.

2. Glad to meet you. What are you going to America for?

3. I’d like to study for a doctorate.

4. Will you settle down permanently in America?

5. No, I will come back as soon as I obtain my degree.

6. 我想到贵国继续深造。

7. 我获得了全额奖学金。

8. 你的护照多长时间内有效?

9. 本护照有效期到2014年5月30日截止。

10. 在到期之前,我将申请延期。

Task 2: Role-play

Wang Li is a sales representative from Zhejiang Wunong Trading Company, which specializes in exporting agricultural products and local specialties. He plans to go to Singapore to visit one of their company agents. Now he applies for his visa. Act out a conversation between him and the visa officer.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. What’s your opinion about the old English saying “The grass is always greener than the other side of the hill”?

2. Nowadays, more and more people return back to China upon the completion of overseas study. What do you think of this phenomenon?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking


Americans take time and schedules very seriously. They make schedules for everything, and they make them quite far in advance. However, in China, at our university if I ask when a holiday is, even one week before, people still aren’t sure. Yet I can look on the website of an American university and tell the exact schedule of classes for the year 2012. American schedules include daily activities, classes, meetings, things they need to do, etc., so they are usually quite complex. For this reason, foreigners should be made aware of schedule changes as early as possible. They have probably made plans for any free time you have given them, and they will need to rearrange it.

For example, if you are guiding a trip and you tell them they have an hour to rest, they will plan to have the entire hour. They might go to the store or somewhere else, feeling that if they are back within the hour there is no problem. If you call them 30 minutes later and tell them it’s time to go, they won’t be ready, and they will probably be angry.

Americans will do their best to stick to a schedule, and they will expect others to do the same. They will become frustrated if meetings, dinners, etc. do not start on time. This is probably heightened in a foreign country because they don’t know the details of what’s going on. This often makes them feel lost. Of course, sometimes delays are unavoidable. In this situation, if you take time to explain, they will really appreciate it. You can say something like,“I’m sorry, our meeting will start 20 minutes later because the bus bringing one of our colleagues is late.”Explanation will show them that you are not being careless, and they will respect you more. Also, they will feel respected if you include them in the discussions leading up to the meeting.


1. Do Chinese take schedules like Americans? What’s your idea of schedule?

2. If the day for an important meeting with a foreign guest must be changed, when should you tell the guest, and what should you say?

3. Are schedules and times very important to business? Why?

4. How do you think the different ideas of China and America affect their business?

5. What can we learn from this passage?


Visa Information


passport 护照         surname 姓

first (given) name 名     date 日期

expiry 失效日期        sex 性别

birth date 出生日       marital status 婚姻状况

nationality 国籍       passport No. 护照号

control No. 编号       for stay of 停留期为

issued at 签发地       issue date 签发日期

visa type/class 签证种类   diplomatic passport 外交护照

official passport 因公护照  regular passport 普通护照