1.4.5 Unit 8 Farewell

Unit 8 Farewell

Warm-up Questions

1. What do we usually do when foreign visitors are leaving?

2. What wishes are expressed to foreign customers when we are seeing them off at the airport?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Farewell party

A: Mr. Saba, you are leaving Hefei the day after tomorrow. We would have the pleasure of inviting you to a dinner party.

B: Oh, really? Thank you.

A: We really want to play host. This is your invitation card. We look forward to seeing you then.

B: It’s so kind of you. I’ll be most delighted to go. See you then.

(The party has begun.)

A: It’s our honor to have you here, Mr. Saba.

B: Thank you very much for preparing such a splendid dinner specially for me.

A: That’s our pleasure. Please try some Maotai. It’s well known in China.

B: Yes, thanks.

A: We’ll be sorry to see you leave. Is there anything I can do for you before your departure?

B: No, thank you for all the things you have done for me. You and the others have been very considerate and helpful.

A: Don’t mention it. We are happy to help you. Mr. Saba, what has impressed you most during your stay in Hefei?

B: Many things have impressed me deeply: the long history of China, the hospitality of the Chinese people, the food we are eating now, and so on. Of course, our successful business

talk has impressed me most. Chinese businessmen are more flexible than before.

A: You are right. We really appreciate the cooperation with you. Now I propose a toast to ourfriendship! Cheers!

B: Cheers!

Dialogue 2

Presenting a gift

A: Here is a special local product of China. I hope you will like it.

B: You are so kind.

A: It’s just a small gift. Before you leave, we’d like you to accept it as a souvenir of China.

B: Thanks a lot. May I open it now?

A: Please. I wonder if you like it.

B: Wow, what is it? It looks cute.

A: Little tiger shoes of Chinese style. You know, it is a pair of lovely Chinese traditional shoes for little kids especially for babies.

B: What’s the meaning of tiger?

A: Strong and healthy. Hope you like it.

B: Thank you for sending me such a beautiful and precious gift.

A: I’m glad you like it. I hope it will bring a good memory for you.

B: Thank you for your consideration. I’ll treasure it forever. And I hope we will have more chances to cooperate with each other.

Dialogue 3

Seeing off

A: Thank you very much for coming to the airport to see me off, Tony. Your great country and your hospitality have left a very deep impression on me, and what’s more, your working attitude and your way of doing business have changed my opinions of the Chinese people.

B: Really? I’m glad to hear that.

A: That’s true. And this trip has been a very productive one for me.

B: Thank you again for your visit. You are playing a very important role in the cooperation. We hope we can hear from you soon.

A: Believe me, Tony. I will try my best to promote this transaction.

B: Thank you. I really hope that we’ll have more business to do and more opportunities to meet each other.

A: It’s very kind of you to say so. You are really very helpful and thoughtful.

B: I’m very happy for having worked with you for a few days. Hope to see you again.

A: I believe we will have opportunities to meet each other in the future.

B: OK. I think it’s time for you to check in. If you run into any difficulty, we’ll be here to

assist you immediately. Wish you a safe and pleasant journey home! A: Thank you. Bye-bye.


1. splendid: 极好的,豪华的,壮丽的

2. considerate: 体贴的,考虑周到的

3. hospitality: 好客,热情招待

4. flexible: 灵活的,可变通的

5. souvenir: 纪念品,礼物

6. precious: 宝贵的,珍贵的

7. impression: 印象,感想

8. productive: 多产的,富有成效的

9. transaction: 交易

10. assist: 帮助,协助

Useful Expressions

1. We would have the pleasure of inviting you to a dinner party. 我们想请您参加一个晚宴。

 have the pleasure of doing 很荣幸做……

 We would have the honor/privilege of inviting you to a dinner party.


 It’s our honor to invite you to a dinner party. 我们想请您参加一个晚宴。

2. play host 尽地主之谊, 招待

 It’s my treat./Be my guest./I’ll treat./I will pay the bill./It’s on me. 我请客。/我做东。

3. It’s our honor to have you here. 您能来是我们的荣幸。

 We feel honored to have you here. 您能来是我们的荣幸。

 It’s our pleasure that you come to the dinner. 您能来是我们的荣幸。

4. We’ll be sorry to see you leave. 与您告别,我们深表遗憾。

 It’s pitiful that you are leaving now. 我们很遗憾你要走了。

 We feel regretful that you are going to leave. 我们很遗憾你要走了。

5. What has impressed you most during your stay in Hefei?


 What is the most impressive thing during your stay in Hefei?


 What leaves the deepest impression on you during your stay in Hefei?在合肥逗留期间,什么留给您的印象最深?

6. Here is a special local product of China. 这是中国特产。

 special local product/local specialty 地方特产

 Here is a small gift for you. 我有一件小礼物要送给您。

 I have a surprise for you. 我有个惊喜给您。

7. We’d like you to accept it as a souvenir of China.


 Please accept this little present as a souvenir from our company.


 We hope you accept it as a token of our friendship.


8. Thank you for sending me such a beautiful and precious gift.


 I appreciate that you give me such a beautiful and precious gift.


 I’m grateful that you give me such a beautiful and precious gift.


9. Thank you for your consideration. 非常感谢你周到细致的照顾。

 Thank you for your generous help. 感谢你慷慨的帮助。

 Thank you for all the trouble you have taken. 给你们添了很多麻烦,太感谢了。

 I really appreciate all of your hospitality. 我真的很感谢你的热情款待。

10. leave a very deep impression on sb. 给……留下了深刻的印象

 give/make a deep impression on sb. 给……留下了深刻的印象

 strike/impress sb. 给……留下了深刻的印象,打动……

11. This trip has been a very productive one for me. 这次旅行对我来说有很大的收获。

 This trip has been very fruitful for me. 这次旅行对我来说有很大的收获。

 This trip has been very rewarding and successful. 这次旅行很成功。

12. promote the transaction 促成交易

 close the deal 成交

 conclude the business 成交

13. I’m very happy for having worked with you for a few days.


 It’s my pleasure to have worked with you for the past few days.


 It’s a pleasant thing for me to have worked with you for the past few days.


14. If you run into any difficulty, we’ll be here to assist you immediately.


 We are ready to help you anytime you have trouble.


 When you encounter difficulties, we’ll not hesitate to help you. 如果你遇到困难,我们会毫不犹豫地帮助你。

Speaking Practice

Task 1: Interpretation

1. I’m sorry you are unable to stay in China a little longer.

2. It’s a token of my appreciation for our business and friendship.

3. Will you be so kind to say “Thank you” to Mr. Qin and other friends for me?

4. Hope you will come to America for a visit some day.

5. I suppose you’ll have to be at the airport by 8:30 at the latest so as to go through the customs before the plane takes off.

6. 请收下这个小礼物,这是我们公司给您的纪念品。

7. 我们必须在起飞前一小时到达机场。

8. 您的来访将促进我们双方的友谊和了解。

9. 我想说这一行程对我来说不仅非常愉快而且很有收获。

10. 我代表我的公司再次感谢你们对我的慷慨帮助。

Task 2: Role-play

B is a buyer from Italy. He is going to leave China after visiting A’s company. A sees B off at Hefei Xinqiao Airport and gives him a Chinese painting as a souvenir.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. What present will you give when seeing off a foreign client?

2. Do you think the exchange of visit will help to promote the transaction? Why?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking

Gift-giving in Business

Gift giving in business has its own set of protocols. As a general rule, a small gift from your home country is appreciated. A gift that is tied to the particular interest of the individual is especially appreciated. Gifts for children are also well received. Because many gifts carry symbolic meanings (for instance, clocks imply one’s end in the mind’s eye of some Chinese people), it is always best to seek the advice of a cultural informant before selecting gifts. The giving of large gift, or payments for special services, should only be undertaken after the consultation of the legal department in the home and host culture. The provisions of the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act hold an employee liable for acts committed on behalf of his or her employer. Companies can be fined up to $2 000 000 and individuals can be fined up to$100 000 and imprisoned up to 5 years. Individual fines cannot be paid by the company.


1. What kind of gifts is appreciated in business?

2. Why shouldn’t we give a clock as a present to a Chinese friend?

3. What should we do before selecting gifts?

4. How will individuals be punished if they break the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act?


Receiving & Seeing Off Clients


foreign affairs office 外事办公室    delegation member 代表团成员

big name 重要人士,名人         host country 东道国

exchange of visit 互访          good visit 友好访问

home away from home 宾至如归       gracious hospitality 友好款待

a complete success 圆满成功       give a farewell dinner 饯行

check in 办理登记(登机)手续      board the plane 登机

take care 保重              bon voyage 一路顺风

friends from afar 远道而来的朋友

give a dinner for a visitor from afar 为远方来客接风