1.4.4 Unit 7 Visit

Unit 7 Visit

Warm-up Questions 1. How will you arrange the visit when a foreign customer comes to your company? 2. What should be introduced to your customer when you are showing him or her around

your factory?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

In the factory

A: Hi, Mr. Saba, welcome to our plant.

B: Thank you, Tony.

A: Mr. Saba, I will show you around. You could have a look around and any question is free for you.

B: Tony, what is that machine in the corner?

A: A good question! It is the ending process of our producing line, called “Auto-filmer” which is specialized to keep stable packaging with firm films in case of tearing bags.

B: Exactly. Thank you very much.

A: Why not have a look at our QC department and R&D team? Come on.

B: OK.

A: To adjust the test standard to international level, we even imported the machines from Europe.

B: How to ensure the stability of quality?

A: We always put quality as the first consideration. Before each shipment, we make contrast test on samples from cargo with the samples approved at your side. In case the difference is out of tolerance, the cargo will not be used for shipment.

B: That’s what we want! The product gives you an edge over your competitors, I guess.

A: Yes! Based on our strict test system, YongFeng has enjoyed a widely high reputation all over the world.

B: Thanks, Tony. Now I feel more confident to cooperate with YongFeng.

A: I hope we could work together in the future.

B: So do I. The purpose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilities of our cooperation.

Dialogue 2

City sightseeing

A: Are you doing anything special today?

B: No plan yet but all up to you.

A: Great. I’ve prepared a good trip for you to our city. What is your idea?

B: Tony, it’s wonderful. I really feel warm and lively once I arrived in Hefei, which makes me comfortable. I love this city!

A: Really? No words can make me feel better than your high admiration of my hometown. Thank you, Mr. Saba.

B: So, any details about our trip?

A: It’s better to see than to talk here.

B: Haha… right! Let’s go.

(On the way)

B: Could you please introduce this street which looks very prosperous?

A: Yes. Everybody in Hefei City knows this street very well. It is “Huaihe Walking Street”, which was rebuilt in 1993 to improve the living environment of the citizens. You can see many famous brands in the shopping mall. It’s a happy place for young people, not only for shopping but also for entertaining.

B: I know it’s the modern sign for cities. The situation is the same all over the world.

A: Fully agree. Generally speaking, Huaihe Walking Street is an energetic model of Hefei with full passion and fashion.

B: Tony, thank you for your specific sharing. Now I love Hefei more.

A: I’m glad to hear that. Oh, that is a tea shop. Do you want to get some tea?

B: Good, most of my friends like green tea. I must have a look.

Dialogue 3


B: Tony, I’d like to buy some authentic Chinese tea for my friends. What do you recommend?

A: Mr. Saba, which kind of tea would you like to buy, Tie Guan Yin, Huangshan Maofeng or something else? They are all favorable teas for Chinese. You can select any one from them.

B: I have no idea since I’m not familiar with Chinese tea.

A: OK. Tie Guanyin tastes mellow with a strong fragrance. Its unique flavor is praised by Chinese tea farmers as the bestowal by Guanyin, goddess of mercy in Chinese fairy tales. Huangshan Maofeng is one of the most famous teas in Anhui Province. It offers a gentle, fresh flavor, and a sweet pleasant aftertaste.

B: Well, I’d like to buy one kilogram each. Can I receive a discount in price?

A: OK! Mr. Saba, just a moment please, I will check with the owner. You know, brother, a Chinese buyer is more competitive than a foreigner in bargaining.

B: Thanks, Tony. You are so kind.

(A few minutes later…)

A: I have confirmed with the owner and he promises to give you a big discount because he regards you as a respected customer from overseas.

B: Oh! Thanks!

(Saba shakes hands with the owner and says “XIEXIE”)


1. plant: 工厂,车间

2. film: 薄膜,膜

3. specialized: 专业的,专门的

4. stability: 稳定性

5. admiration: 赞赏,钦佩

6. prosperous: 繁荣的,兴旺的

7. authentic: 真正的,正宗的

8. favorable: 有利的,赞许的,讨人喜欢的

9. bestowal: 赠与,给与

10. aftertaste: 回味,余韵

Useful Expressions

1. You could have a look around and any question is free for you.


 I will show you around. Please feel free to ask me if you have any question.


 Let me show you around. If you have any question, don’t hesitate to consult me.


2. We always put quality as the first consideration. 我们总是把质量放在首位。

 We always give top/full/first priority to quality. 我们总是把质量放在首位。

 We always put quality in the first place. 我们总是把质量放在首位。

 All that we’ve done is to guarantee the quality. 我们所做的一切都是为了保证质量。

3. out of tolerance 超出公差,超过规定

 out of specification 超过规格

 beyond the limit 超出限度

4. The product gives you an edge over your competitors.


 Your product makes you superior to your competitors.


 The product makes you more competitive than other suppliers.


5. The purpose of my coming here is to inquire about possibilities of our cooperation.


 I come here to seek possibilities of our cooperation.


 I’ve come here in person to explore the possibility of our cooperation.


6. up to you 由你决定,听从你的安排

 It’s all up to you. 一切听你的安排。

 at your disposal 听你的,由你决定

7. None words can make me feel better than your high admiration of my hometown.


 I’m so glad to hear that you speak highly of my hometown.


 I can’t be more excited as you love my hometown. 你喜欢我的家乡,这让我太高兴了。

8. It’s better to see than to talk here. 眼见为实。

 Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。

 What you hear may be false, but what you see is true. 眼见为实。

9. Huaihe Walking Street is an energetic model of Hefei with full passion and fashion.


 Being passionate and fashionable, Huaihe Walking Street is a lively sign of Hefe.


10. You can select any one from them. 你可以随意挑选。

 You can select whatever you like. 你可以随意挑选。

 You can pick out anything you like. 你可以随意挑选。

 11. Tie Guan Yin tastes mellow with strong fragrance. 铁观音入口柔和,香气浓郁。

 Tie Guanyin offers a gentle and fragrant flavor. 铁观音入口温和芳香。

 Tie Guanyin is the tea name, which has a legend.


12. A Chinese buyer is more competitive than a foreigner in bargaining.


 Chinese buyers do better in bargaining than foreigners. 中国买主比外国买主更会还价。

13. give you a big discount 给你很大的折扣

 offer/grant you a discount 打折

 give you a favorable price 给出优惠价

Speaking Practice

Task 1: Interpretation

1. There are plenty of worthwhile places for you to see.

2. I’d like to know if the price shown here includes everything.

3. Can you tell me the basic situation of the factory?

4. It will really give you a sense of how magnificent ancient Chinese culture was.

5. All products have to go through five checks during the manufacturing process.

6. 你能告知我方你们的日程表,以便我们安排你们参观吗?

7. 保修期长达18个月,我们还给你保证书。

8. 参观使我们对你们的产品范围有了很好的了解。

9. 我们今天的日程安排是观光旅游。您有什么特别想看的地方吗?

10. 齐云山是道教(Taoism)的发祥地之一,有许多历史遗迹。

Task 2: Role-play

A is a businessman from YongFeng Chemicals Co., Ltd. B is a buyer from Italy who comes to YongFeng for a visit. A shows B around the company and tells B something about the company’s size, departments, production, and etc.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. How would you deliver appropriate and accurate messages to your customer during a factory visit?

2. Which places do you think are ideal for foreign customers to have a visit?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking

Marketing is important to pass on your message to you target market. When you start out your business, you need to effectively market your products and services to achieve your goals. But equally important to promoting your business are the words you use to describe your one-of-a-kind offer. It’s not about merely putting the words, but giving the right words to make your target audience know more and finally buy from you.

Your choice of words can encourage and influence your target clients’ buying decision. Be sure to use the appropriate descriptive words to send the right message to the right people. Consider using words like:quality, natural, new, the best, which are great positive words for your products.

The key to attract your target audience is to accompany your descriptive words with solid facts. Your marketing campaign can benefit much from facts that say it straight and clear. Our society is becoming tired of hype, so when you use these words, make sure you follow them with solid facts.


1. Why is marketing very important?

2. What kind of words should you use to send the right message to your target audience?

3. What is the key to attract your target audience?


A Factory Visit

workshop 车间,工厂      warehouse 仓库

showroom 陈列室,展示厅    laboratory 实验室,研究室

office block 办公楼      assembly line 流水线

accessory 附件,零件      sample 样品

brochure 有插图的小册子    catalogue 目录,目录册

literature 印刷品,宣传品   reject 被拒绝的物品(因不合格)

automatic 自动的,自动化的   associate 合伙人

agent 代理人,代理商      subcontractor 转包商,第二承包商

shift 轮班,轮班工作时间