1.4.2 Unit 5 Meeting

Unit 5 Meeting

Warm-up Questions

1. What kind of voice makes a person sound secure?

2. How close should you stand to your customers when you meet them?

3. What body languages can tell that you are listening attentively?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Meeting at the airport

A: Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from Chemicals Import & Export Company?

B: Yes, I am. And you must be Mr. Zhang.

A: Yes, I am here to meet you today. Welcome to Hefei.

B: Thanks for meeting me at the airport.

A: My pleasure. I am delighted to meet you. I have heard so much about you from Mr. Zhou.

B: Glad to meet you, too. I have been looking forward to visiting your country. And now I am here.

A: The more you know about our country, the more you will like it. I am sure you will have a pleasant stay here.

B: I am expecting so.

A: Mr. Zhou is having a meeting now. He will come to see you later at the hotel.

B: OK. Do you know where the baggage claim area is?

A: Yes, it’s down there at Gate No.5. How many pieces of luggage do you have?

B: Two suitcases.

A: Here we are. Could you point them out?

B: Yes. The blue one and that black one.

A: Let me help you with your luggage.

B: Thank you very much.

A: You are welcome. Here comes our car. Please get in.

B: Thank you.

Dialogue 2

Meeting at the railway station

A: Excuse me, but who is Mr. Anderson?

B: I’m Anderson, Michael Anderson from London.

A: I am Li Jianguo from Yongfeng Chemicals.

B: Nice to meet you, Mr. Li! Thanks for meeting me at the railway station.

A: You are welcome. Very pleased to meet you, too. Have you gone through all the formalities required at the station?

B: I don’t think I have much to do here, as I have already gone through all the entry formalities in Guangzhou.

A: Well, when did you leave London?

B: I left London by the British Airways on Monday, and stopped at Hong Kong for two nights on business, and then I took the plane to Guangzhou.

A: Then you must be rather tired after such a long trip.

B: Not very. I travel a lot, and I am quite used to trips like this.

A: Mr. Anderson, where is your luggage?

B: I gave them to the travel agency in Guangzhou. The Travel Service will send them to the hotel and the attendants in the hotel will deliver them to my room.

A: That’s fine. Now, if all is ready, we’d better go to the hotel.

B: I’d like to. Let’s go.

Dialogue 3

On the way to the hotel

B: Nice and bright morning!

A: The wind will probably get up later.

B: I hope it keeps fine for the weekend. I want to go sightseeing. You know, I always feel excited after landing in a new place.

A: It must be a great experience.

B: Yes, but I am a stranger here, Mr. Li. I don’t speak Chinese and I know nothing about your etiquette.

A: You needn’t worry about anything. We will do our best to make your stay here a pleasant one.

B: It’s very nice of you. Where shall I be staying?

A: You will be staying at the Hilton Hotel.

B: Is the hotel conveniently located?

A: Yes, it is located downtown. We shall get there soon. It is only about a fifteen-minute ride.

B: Mr. Li, what about tomorrow’s arrangement?

A: I will pick you up at the hotel at 8:30 in the morning. Our general manager will be meeting you in our company at 9:00. In the afternoon you both will attend a news conference. Is that all right?

B: That’s all right.

A: Here we are, Mr. Anderson.

B: Good. It’s really a wonderful place.


1. pleasant: 舒适的,令人愉悦的

2. baggage claim: 行李提取处

3. suitcase: 行李箱

4. formalities: 正式手续

5. entry formalities: 入境手续

6. travel agency: 旅行社

7. deliver: 送,移交

8. get up: (风、火等)变得猛烈

9. etiquette: 礼仪

10. downtown:闹市区

Useful Expressions

1. Excuse me, but are you Mr. Smith from Chemicals Import & Export Company?


 Excuse me, but which of you gentlemen is Mr Smith? 请问,你们哪位是史密斯先生?

 Excuse me, but aren’t you Mr. Smith from London? 请问,您是伦敦来的史密斯先生吗?

 Excuse me, you are Mr. Smith from London, aren’t you?


2. Thanks for meeting me at the airport. 谢谢你到机场接我。

 Thank you for coming to meet me at the airport. 谢谢你到机场接我。

 It’s very nice of you to come out here to meet me. 你到机场接我,真是太好了。

3. I am sure you will have a pleasant stay here. 在这里您一定会过得很愉快的。

 I believe you will enjoy the time of staying here. 在这里您一定会过得很愉快的。

 I believe you will be very happy during your stay here.


4. Let me help you with your luggage. 我来帮您拿行李吧。

 Let me take them for you. 我来帮您拿吧。

 Let me carry the luggage for you. 我来帮您拿行李吧。

5. I am Li Jianguo from Yongfeng Chemicals. 我是勇锋化工的李建国。

 I am a staff member from the Machinery Corporation. 我是机械公司的职员。

 I am an interpreter from the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.


 I am a department chief from the Chemical Corporation. 我是化工公司的部门主管。

6. Have you gone through all the formalities required at the station?


 Have you finished all the formalities required at the station?


 What formalities do you need to go through at the station? 在火车站您有什么手续要办?

7. Then you must be rather tired after such a long trip. 经过长途旅行,您一定很累了。

 You must feel fatigue after such a long trip. 经过长途旅行,您一定很累了。

 I guess you are tired after a long journey. 我猜想经过长途旅行,您一定很累了。

8. The Travel Service will send them to the hotel and the attendants in the hotel will deliver them to my room. 旅行社会把行李送到宾馆,宾馆的服务员会送到我的房间的。

 My luggage will be sent to the hotel by the Travel Service. 我的行李将会被旅行社送到宾馆。

 My luggage will be delivered to my room. 我的行李会被送到我的房间。

 The Travel Service will take care of my luggage. 旅行社会照管我的行李。

9. You know, I always feel excited after landing in a new place.

 You can’t imagine how strange one feels after landing in a new place.


 You can’t guess the feeling of a stranger after landing in a new place.


10. We will do our best to make your stay here a pleasant one.


 We will try our best to make your trip here a nice one.


 We will do our utmost to let you enjoy yourself here.


 11. Is the hotel conveniently located? 宾馆交通便利么?

 Is the hotel far from the airport? 宾馆距离飞机场远吗?

 Is the hotel close to the downtown? 宾馆距离闹市区近吗?

12. Mr. Zhang, what about tomorrow’s arrangement? 张先生,明天我们是如何安排的?

 What shall we do tomorrow? 明天我们做什么?

 What’s the schedule for tomorrow? 明天我们有什么安排?

Task 1: Interpretation

1. I am from the Global Trading Company.

2. Hello, but are you the gentlemen from BFT Corporation?

3. Is that all I have to do for the entry formalities?

4. It seems I am just in time for my business trip here. I hope it keeps fine for the weekend.

5. Besides business, this time I plan to stay a weekend or a few days in some places of interest.

6. 我是机械进出口公司的张明,我是来接您的。

7. 我能向您介绍我们的经理吗?他是来接您的。

8. —您旅途愉快吗?


9. 首次来访,每件事对我来说都很新鲜。

10. 我们会尽所能,让您在这里过得愉快。

Task 2: Role-play

Suppose you are an interpreter who accompanies Mr. Zhou to meet Mr. Anderson at the airport, whom you have never seen before.

Make a self-introduction and introduce Mr. Zhou to Mr. Anderson.

Have a talk with your guest about his journey and other things.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. When you introduce someone, what information should be mentioned about him?

2. What basic skills of communication should you master?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking

Before the foreign guest arrives, you should reserve a room at a hotel for him. Usually the hotel must be comfortable, air-conditioned and the most important is that each room must be equipped with a private bathroom, because western guests usually insist on having a shower every day. When the foreign guest arrives, you can either meet him at the airport or at the railway station in person or send a representative to meet him. Never let him go to your company by himself. Upon the arrival, foreigners usually like to go to their hotel rooms right away, so you should send your guest to his hotel room immediately. On the way to the hotel, you can have some casual and friendly talks with him, but you should never try to get down to business right away. At the hotel, help him to go through formalities and tell him about the next day’s program.

Usually, you should let the guest walk on the right. It is polite for you to open the door for him and let him go through the door first. It is offending to call a young lady “madam”, and you should not ask her about her age, salary and some other private matters. You can’t smoke unless you are permitted. Make sure that you are clean and tidy. On a formal diplomatic occasion, it is best to dress in black or blue. Don’t be humble or pushy, but show respect for him and his customs. You must be punctual and keep your promise. When shaking hands, you can use a little strength, but not too tightly. You should always use “please”, “thank you” in your talks. Get ready to help your guest whenever he has troubles.


1. What should you prepare before your guest arrives?

2. Can you give some tips on what to do after a visitor arrives at the airport or railway station?

3. How can you address a female guest?

4. If you are on a formal diplomatic occasion, what aspects should you pay attention to?

5. If your cultural background clashes with your guest’s, how do you deal with the differences?


Posts of Front Desk

Front Desk Manager 前台经理      Assistant Front Office Manager 前台副经理

Front Office Supervisor 前台领班   Lobby Assistant Manger 大堂副经理

Duty Manager 值班经理         Reservation Manager 预订部经理

Night Manager 夜班经理        Supervisor of Business Center 商务中心领班

Reception Clerk 前台接待员      Bellman 行李员

Floor Attendant 楼层服务员      Switchboard Supervisor 总机领班

Bell Captain 大堂服务领班       Guest Relation Officer 宾客关系专员

Clerk 文员              Cashier 收银员

Operator 接线员            Hotel Greeter 迎宾员

Airport Representative 机场代表    Porter 门房,行李员

Hotel Concierge 宾馆门房       Doorman 门童

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