1.4.1 Unit 4 Agenda

Unit 4 Agenda

Warm-up Questions

1. Is agenda-setting important for a businessman? Why?

2. How can you make a good impression on the customer over the phone?

3. If you can’t meet your customer on time as the appointment has settled, how should you do?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Setting the business agenda

A: Good afternoon, Mr. Smith. Would you like me to give you the rundown of your itinerary now?

B: Yes. Please come in, Annie.

A: Mr. Smith, you will arrive at Pudong Airport on July 10th and I have booked you into the Holiday Inn Hotel in Shanghai.

B: Wait, Annie. Didn’t you tell me yesterday that you would book the Hilton Hotel for me?

A: Yes, but I am sorry to say that it’s fully booked, so I have chosen another in the same class for you. Will it be OK?

B: Fine, thanks. Please go on.

A: During the next two days, you will go to the Convention Hall to visit the fair. On July 13th, you will have a meeting with Mr. Zhou in the morning and Ms. Huang in the afternoon. Here are their addresses and telephone numbers. The next day you will fly back home.

B: Very good, Annie. In addition, please send a fax to Yongfeng Company informing Chris Zhou about my schedule, so that he may contact me during my stay in China.

A: Of course, sir. I will send it right away.

Dialogue 2

Making an appointment

A: Hello, this is D&S Ink Company. Can I help you?

B: Hello. This is Chris Zhou. May I speak to Mr. Dawson?

A: Hold the line please. I will put you through.

C: Hello, Mike Dawson speaking.

B: Good morning, Mr. Dawson. This is Chris Zhou from YongFeng Chemicals.

C: Oh, good morning. What can I do for you?

B: Well, as you probably know, we are launching a new range of carbon black. I am going to visit your office next week and I wonder if you would be interested in discussing this new model.

C: Yes, I would certainly be interested.

B: Good. Would Wednesday morning be convenient?

C: Ah, Wednesday is a bit difficult. I am tied up all day. How about Thursday?

B: Thursday would be fine. Can you let me have an hour or so sometime in the afternoon?

C: Yes. I think that would be possible. Say 3:30.

B: Excellent. I am looking forward to seeing you on Thursday afternoon. Goodbye.

C: Goodbye.

Dialogue 3

Postponing an appointment

A: Good morning, Chemicals Import & Export Company.

B: Hello, this is Chris Zhou. I’d like to speak to Mr. Smith.

A: Mr. Smith is in a meeting now. May I help you?

B: I am calling about the appointment with Mr. Smith for this evening. Something has just come up, so I am afraid the appointment will have to be rescheduled.

A: I can handle that for you. Maybe we can make another arrangement.

B: You are so kind. Thank you. Do you think tomorrow afternoon is suitable?

A: I am afraid there is a bit of a problem. In fact, he has booked up the whole week except

tomorrow morning.

B: Tomorrow morning. Um…you see, I have made an appointment with Mr. White for tomorrow morning. In order to meet Mr. Smith, I will have to cancel the appointment with Mr. White, I am afraid.

A: I am terribly sorry, Mr. Zhou. But Mr. Smith is really busy this week.

B: I understand. When do you think I can come and see him tomorrow morning?

A: Please let me check. Tomorrow morning…Yes, he will be free from 8:00 tomorrow morning. Do you think it’s convenient for you?

B: Yes, that’s quite all right for me.


1. agenda: 日程表,议事日程

2. rundown: 概要,扼要报告

3. itinerary: 旅程,旅行计划

4. Convention Hall: 会议厅

5. launch: 发行,投放市场

6. range: 系列,范围

7. be tied up: 忙得不可开交的,(人)脱不了身的

8. reschedule: 重新安排时间,重新编排时间表

9. handle: 对待,处理

10. cancel: 取消

Useful Expressions

1. Would you like me to give you the rundown of your itinerary now?


 May I briefly report the schedule for your business trip now?


 I have drafted a schedule for your business trip next week. Would you like to have a look now? 我已经草拟好您下周出差的日程表。您现在要看看吗?

2. I have booked you into the Holiday Inn Hotel in Shanghai. 我已经为您订了上海假日酒店。

 I have booked a single room for you in Suzhou Hotel.


 I have reserved a suite for you in the Hilton Hotel. 我已经为您在希尔顿酒店订了一个套间。

3. …, it’s fully booked. ……,该酒店已订满。

 All the single rooms are taken. 所有的单人间都已住满。

 There are no vacancies at this time. 目前没有空房。

4. In addition, please send a fax to Yongfeng Company informing Chris Zhou about my schedule. 另外,请发一份传真给勇锋公司的克里斯·周,将我的日程通知他。

 Besides, please send an email to Chris Zhou telling him about my schedule.


 By the way, please send a fax to inform Chris Zhou about my schedule.


5. May I speak to Mr. Dawson? 我可以和道森先生通话吗?

 Is Mr. Dawson available, please? 道森先生在吗?

 I’d like to speak to Mr. Dawson, please. 我想和道森先生通话。

6. We are launching a new range of carbon black. 我们正准备将我们的新型炭黑投放市场。

 We have a new range of carbon black to launch.


 Our new range of carbon black is going to be launched.


7. Would Wednesday morning be convenient? 星期三早上方便吗?

 Would Wednesday morning be all right for you? 你星期三早上方便吗?

 Do you think Wednesday morning is convenient for you? 你认为星期三早上方便吗?

8. Say 3:30. 三点半如何?

 What about 9:20? 九点二十如何?

 Shall we say 10:30? 十点半如何?

9. This is Chris Zhou. 我是克里斯·周。

 Chris Zhou speaking. 我是克里斯·周。

 This is Chris Zhou speaking. 我是克里斯·周。

10. I can handle that for you. 我可以为您处理。

 I can deal with it for you. 我可以为您处理。

 I can manage it for you. 我可以为您办这件事。

11. He has booked up the whole week except tomorrow.


 He has been tied up the whole week. 他这一周都很忙。

 The whole afternoon is booked up. 整个下午都排满了。

 He has been engaged the whole afternoon. 他整个下午都很忙。

12. I will have to cancel the appointment with Mr. White, I am afraid.


 I am afraid I will have to reschedule the appointment with Mr. White.


 I will have to postpone the appointment with Mr. White, I am afraid.


 Speaking Practice

Task 1: Interpretation

1. What do you think of this schedule?

2. Have you booked the flight to Beijing?

3. I would like to speak to Frank Lambert, director of the Purchasing Department.

4. Could I meet you sometime this week to talk about our annual seminar to be held in Shanghai?

5. I am afraid I will be tied up tomorrow at ten. Could we make it tomorrow at nine?

6. 我们已经草拟了一份未来六天的日程表。

7. 我已经为您在黄山宾馆预订了一个单人间。

8. 我已经给苏州方面发了传真,告诉他们你将在明天上午11点到达。

9. 请帮我接通市场部,好吗?

10. 我打电话来是通知你,到苏州的行程都已经安排好了。

Task 2: Role-play

A is the General Manager’s personal secretary. B is a sales representative from Star Computer Company. Act out a dialogue to set a schedule for B’s appointment with the General Manager about the sale agency agreement.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. What are good telephone manners?

2. Can you tell the advantages and disadvantages of using a mobile phone?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking

How to Make a Business Appointment

Making a business appointment is the first step in selling your business’ products or services. You are selling yourself and the meeting itself is more than anything else. Calling another business to schedule your first appointment can be stressful, but as long as you are properly prepared and confident in your approach, you will feel more relaxed and the experience will go more smoothly.


1. Prepare your opening statement. This is your main sales pitch for the appointment. You should type a short script that introduces you and your company, and briefly describes why you want an appointment.

2. Speak in a positive tone with “interest-grabbing” sentence that will grab the listener’s attention. Your “interest-grabbing” sentence is something that offers the customer a major benefit to them.

3. Ask for a meeting. Request the appointment ensuring you give a choice of times so the prospect cannot say “yes” or “no”, e.g., “I’d love to get together with you so we will be sure how to work for you. When would be a good time for you next week, Monday or Tuesday?”Sometimes, you do have to qualify the person to find out whether your product or service would even be of use to the prospect. You would ask no more than three questions after the“interest-grabbing” sentence, repeat back what they said to indicate that you were listening and then go for the “close”.

There are times when people, who already have a current supplier of your type of product or service, will accept an appointment if you say; “Mr. Jones, I would like to drop by for six or seven minutes so you know who I am and what we can do for you. I realize that you might not need our services right now but, at least, you will be well informed to make decisions in the future. When would be a good day next week for you, Monday or Tuesday?” People generally do not like having their time consumed so, six or seven minutes is not threatening and you are taking away the fear of being sold as you have acknowledged the fact that they may not need you right now.


1. In which aspects can you prepare for making an appointment?

2. What is “interest-grabbing” sentence? How should you say it out?

3. Why should you give a choice of times when you request the appointment? Can you give some examples?

4. If people already have a current supplier of your type of product or service, how should you say to make them accept your appointment?

5. In your opinion, what is the most important thing for you to be equipped in order to make a successful appointment?


Some Airlines

Air China 中国国际航空公司

China Eastern Airlines 中国东方航空公司

China Southern Airlines 中国南方航空公司

China Southwest Airlines 中国西南航空公司

China Northern Airlines 中国北方航空公司

China Northwest Airlines 中国西北航空公司

China Air Cargo 中国航空货运公司

Air Canada 加拿大航空公司

Canadian Airlines International Ltd. 加拿大国际航空有限公司

Airbus Industrie 空中客车航空工业公司(法国)

American Airlines Inc. 美利坚航空公司

British Airways 英国航空公司

Deutsche Lufthansa, A. G. 汉莎航空公司(德国)

European Air Transport 欧洲航空运输公司

Boeing Commercial Airline Group 波音商用飞机集团