1.3.3 Unit 3 Chatting

Unit 3 Chatting

Warm-up Questions

1. How can you get along well with your customers?

2. What kinds of topics are good for chatting between you and your customers?

3. Can you tell some cultural differences between the eastern and the western countries?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Talking about the weather

A: What a beautiful day!

B: Yeah. It is not like what the weathercast said at all.

A: Do you often have such nice weather this time of the year?

B: Generally speaking, it is nice and mild. But it is rather changeable. Sunny in the morning, and may be windy at noon. You can never tell.

A: I wonder what the weather is going to be like tomorrow.

B: They said fine and a little cloudy.

A: Wonderful. I hope it would stay this way till the end of my visit.

B: I hope so. What’s the weather like in your country now?

A: It varies from place to place. Down in the southwest, the weather is gorgeous. But in the midwest, you may expect a lot of rain. And it can be freezing up north.

B: Maybe that’s why you people often talk about the weather.

A: Yeah. Mentioning the weather is the best way to start off a conversation with someone, especially with a stranger.

B: Right. That will make people open their mouths and say something one way or the other.

Dialogue 2

Talking about hobbies

A: Mike, What’s your favorite sport?

B: Basketball. I can’t live without basketball.

A: Do you often play basketball in your spare time?

B: Well, sometimes. Usually I watch basketball games on TV.

A: Did you watch the game yesterday?

B: Do you mean the NBA finals?

A: Yeah! Dallas Mavericks vs. Miami Heat!

B: Wow…of course! I am a big fan of the NBA! Especially the Mavericks! What about you?

A: Well, actually I am the fan of Heat, and I think Wade will bring the championship again this year for Miami.

B: Ha-ha…I think the Mavericks will win the final series and gain the championship this year, because Dirk is more mature than he was in the year 2Tips, and he works more like a leader now. He deserves the championship.

A: Indeed, though I am a fan of Miami, Dirk works nice this year. Let’s wait and see who will finally win the game…

Dialogue 3

Talking about changes

A: Mike, what would you like to drink? Coffee or tea?

B: Tea for me, please.

(Tea is offered to Mike.)

B: Thank you, Chris. I am surprised that you don’t offer us cigarettes any more and few of the Chinese hosts smoke during this visit. I remember during my previous visits to China, we were offered cigarettes everywhere we went and nine out of the ten Chinese we met smoked. And you were a chain smoker yourself.

A: I am glad you have noticed the change. I quit smoking last year, and I feel I am an entirely different person now.

B: Good, Chris.

A: Thank you, Mike. Have you found other changes since your last visit?

B: Too many to mention. I see more hotels are being built all around here.

A: We expect more foreigners to invest here.

B: And the city is undergoing a lot of changes. All the streets seem so busy.

A: Yes. Especially during rush hours, the traffic is extremely heavy.

B: No wonder you have built a lot of pedestrian overpasses.

A: Transportation is still quite a problem to be solved.

B: That’s something common with most big cities.


1. weathercast: 天气预报

2. mild: 温和的

3. changeable: 多变的,变化无常的

4. NBA finals: NBA总决赛(National Basketball Association国家篮球协会)

5. Dallas Mavericks: 达拉斯小牛队

6. Miami Heat: 迈阿密热火队

7. Wade: Dwyane Wade 德维恩·韦德(效力于迈阿密热火队)

8. Dirk: Dirk Nowitzki 德克·诺维茨基(效力于达拉斯小牛队)

9. nine out of ten: 十之八九

10. a chain smoker: 一支接一支抽烟的人,老烟枪

11. rush hour:(上下班)交通拥挤时间,高峰时间

12. pedestrian overpass: 过街天桥

Useful Expressions

1. What a beautiful day! 多好的天气!

 It’s a nice day today. 今天天气真好。

 What a fine weather today. 今天天气真不错。

2. I wonder what the weather is going to be like tomorrow. 不知道明天天气怎么样?

 How will the weather be tomorrow? 明天天气怎么样?

 What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气如何?

3. I hope so. 但愿如此。

 Let’s hope so. 但愿如此。

 Let it be so. 但愿是这样。

4. …, the weather is gorgeous. 风和日丽的天气。

 …, the weather is glorious. 妙不可言的天气。

 …, the weather is fair. 晴空万里的天气。

5. What’s your favorite sport? 你最喜欢什么运动项目?

 What sport do you like best? 你最喜欢什么运动项目?

 Could you tell me your favorite sport? 你能告诉我你最喜欢的运动项目吗?

6. Do you often play basketball in your spare time? 你业余时间常常打篮球吗?

 Do you often play basketball in your free time? 你业余时间常常打篮球吗?

 Do you often play basketball when you are free? 你有空的时候常常打篮球吗?

7. I am a big fan of NBA. 我是NBA的超级粉丝呢。

 I fancy NBA. 我很喜欢NBA。

 I have crush on NBA. 我很喜欢NBA。

 I am a super fan of NBA. 我是NBA的超级粉丝。

8. He works more like a leader now. 他现在更加具有领袖气质了。

 He has some quality of leader now. 他现在具有领袖气质。

 He really has a leader temperament now. 他真的具有领袖气质。

9. What would you like to drink? Coffee or tea? 你想喝点什么?咖啡还是茶?

 Would you like something to drink? 你想喝点什么吗?

 Would you like to have coffee or tea? 你想喝咖啡还是喝茶?

10. I am an entirely different person now. 现在我有种脱胎换骨的感觉。

 I have reshaped myself. 我已经脱胎换骨了。

 I feel totally different from I was. 我感觉自己和过去大不一样了。

11. The city is undergoing a lot of changes. 这个城市正在经历许多变化。

 The city has changed a lot. 这个城市改变了许多。

 A lot of changes have happened to the city. 这个城市改变了许多。

12. The traffic is extremely heavy. 交通拥挤不堪。

 There are traffic jams everywhere. 到处都是交通堵塞。

 There is a lot of traffic on the streets. 路上交通非常拥挤。

13. Transportation is still quite a problem to be solved. 交通仍然是个有待解决的问题。

 How to ease the heavy traffic is a big problem to be solved.


 The government is thinking about how to solve the problem of heavy traffic.


 Speaking Practice

 Task 1: Interpretation

1. It is just like what the weatherman said.

2. It is supposed to get hotter this afternoon.

3. What’s your hobby?

4. I believe Ma Lin will beat his opponents and gain the championship.

5. No wonder you couldn’t wait to build a subway.

6. 好大的雨啊!

7. 希望一直到周末天气都这样好。

8. 我认为姚明现在越发具有领袖的气质了。

9. 去年我开始坚持体育锻炼,现在我感觉像脱胎换骨一样了。

10. 环境保护仍然是个亟待解决的问题。

Task 2: Role-play

A is a businessman from Jinsheng International Trading Co., Ltd.

B is A’s customer from the United States, and he is in A’s office. Before the business negotiation, they are having a small talk over some interesting topics. With the small talk, they get to know each other better.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. Is a small talk important for a successful business? Why?

2. Besides some basic business qualities, what other qualities will help to make an excellent businessman?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking

Respecting Other’s Habits,

Customs and Protocols

As is known to all, owing to the influence of geographic, historic and religious factors, different countries and regions have their own specific customs. Thus in international communication, one should pay attention to this and respect other country’s or nation’s habits, customs and protocols; otherwise you may injure other’s self-esteem or make a fool of yourself.

In Arabian countries and other Islamic countries, people don’t eat pork and avoid as taboo talking about pigs. In Ramadan (斋月), Islamites are banned to eat or drink anything during the day time from sunrise to sunset. According to the stipulations of the Koran (《古兰经》), they are not allowed to drink wine. So if there is any formal speech, avoid any toast. If you do want to propose a toast, use boiled water or fruit juice instead of wine or liquor.

In some other Islamic countries such as India, people regard left hand as dirty. Therefore, you should avoid handing things to them with your left hand.

Hinduism believes in ox. Ox can not be offended. So in India, ox can walk at will in the street. Pedestrians and vehicles should make way for them. And because of this, most people in India and Nepal don’t eat beef.

Christians, especially, Catholic, avoid thirteenth as taboo because Jesus Christ had the last supper with the twelve disciples, one of whom, the thirteenth person, Judas, betrayed Jesus Christ for thirty gold coins and thus Jesus Christ was nailed to death on the cross on Friday. That is why they resent thirteen, especially when the date thirteen falls on Friday. If they do come across such a date, they won’t go out of door, or give banquet. So we should bear this in mind when dealing with them.


1. What do you think contributes to the different customs among different nations?

2. When we talk with Islamic customers, which topic should we avoid?

3. How should we get along with Indians? Can you offer any examples?

4. Why is number thirteen considered taboo for Christians?

5. Why should we pay attention to other nations’ customs in doing business?


Weather Description

fair weather 晴空万里的天气    tropical weather 酷热的天气

sultry weather 闷热的天气     windy weather 刮风的天气

damp weather 阴沉的天气      moist weather 潮湿的天气

humid weather 湿润的天气      rainy weather 雨天

stormy weather 暴风雨天气     severe weather 风雨交加的天气

misty weather 有雾的天气      foggy weather 雾蒙蒙的天气

frosty weather 严寒的天气     nasty weather 恶劣的天气

broken weather 阴晴不定的天气   unsettled weather 变化无常的天气