1.3.2 Unit 2 Consultation

Unit 2 Consultation

Warm-up Questions

1. How do you promote your products to potential customers?

2. How can you arouse the customers’ interest in your products?

3. What should you pay attention to when visiting customers?

Situational Dialogues

Dialogue 1

Consultation (by telephone)

A: Hello, Mr. Roald Foster. This is Allen from YongFeng Chemicals. How are you?

B: Oh, hello. Fine, thanks. And you?

A: I am fine, too. Thanks. I’ve sent you several e-mails to introduce our company. Have you got them?

B: Yes, I’ve checked them already.

A: As mentioned in the e-mails, we’re one of the top manufacturers of pigment carbon black in China. And your company is a professional distributor of chemical raw material, so I wonder whether you are interested in our products.

B: Well, yes. As an exporter of industrial raw materials, we specialize in exportation to the African continent. A large group of our clients use carbon black for paints, but only a few are large enough to import in full containers.

A: I see. So may I know detailed types of carbon black that your customers are using? Our products can well match the popular types from Cabot or Degussa.

B: Well, the popular grade is Degussa Printex® series, like Printex 30.

A: Thanks for your information. And I will give you an e-mail soon about the countertype recommendation and quotation.

B: That’s pretty good. You can also contact me by MSN or Skype.

A: Good. May I have your MSN or Skype?

B: Sure, I’ll send it to you by e-mail later.

A: OK, thanks.

Dialogue 2

Consultation (by telephone)

A: Good morning. This is Allen from YongFeng Chemicals, China. May I speak to Mr. Yogesh?

B: I am sorry. He is not in at the moment. This is Diane from Logistic Department. May I help you?

A: Yes, thanks. We are a manufacturer of pigment carbon black in China, and I am very glad to have Mr. Yogesh’s card during the China Coating Show this November in Shanghai. However, in the show I was so busy that I had no time to talk with Mr. Yogesh for more details.

B: Well, but he is out of office to visit customers.

A: Here I’m just checking about your carbon black pigment usage situation. So may I know whether you are using carbon black? If yes, which brand takes major part?

B: Well, as far as I know we are using this kind of material, and it is mainly from Cabot Company.

A: So, may I know which types, please? For many types from Cabot we have the similar types to well match.

B: I am sorry that I do not know the details. You should check with Mr. Yogesh.

A: OK, thanks anyway. I will give Yogesh an e-mail about the details. Could you inform him of my calling when he comes back?

B: Sure.

A: Thank you so much.

B: You are welcome.

Dialogue 3

Consultation (in the office)

(In the reception area)

A: Good morning. May I help you?

B: Good morning, I have an appointment with Mr. Derrida at 10:30.

A: What name is it, please?

B: Allen Zhang.

A: Let me see. Ah yes. Would you please go up to his office? It’s Room 6 on the fifth floor. Mr. Derrida is expecting you.

B: Thank you.

(In Mr. Derrida’s office)

C: Mr. Zhang, how nice to meet you.

B: I have been looking forward to meeting you, too.

C: We didn’t have enough time for a further talk during the China Coating Show last month.

B: That’s why I come to visit you. I have samples of all our new products.

C: When can we see them?

B: Right away. I’ve brought the sample case with me.

C: OK. Let’s get to it then. They are quite good. Do you have a catalogue or something that will tell us all about your products?

B: Yes, Mr. Derrida. Here is a catalogue that will give you a better understanding of our products.

C: Thank you. I am glad to see your samples. Please give us time to study them a bit further. I will probably be able to give you a reply early next week.


1. distributor: 经销商

2. raw material: 原材料

3. Cabot & Degussa: 卡博特公司和德固赛公司(分别是炭黑行业的世界排名第一和第二的生产商)

4. Printex® series: Printex®系列(®是正式注册商标的标记。)

5. Skype: 免费的全球语音沟通软件

6. China Coating Show: 中国国际涂料展(涂料业内知名展会,每年举办一届)

7. usage situation: 使用情况

8. sample: 样品

9. catalogue: 目录

Useful Expressions

1. I’ve sent you several mails to introduce our company.


 I’ve sent you some brochures to introduce our company.


 I’ve mailed some brochures to you to introduce our company.


2. We specialize in exportation to the African continent. 我们专门向非洲大陆出口。

 Most of our customers are from the African continent. 我们大多数的客户来自于非洲大陆。

 We mainly export products to the African continent. 我们的产品主要出口非洲大陆。

3. Our products can well match the popular types from Cabot or Degussa.


 Our products can be equivalent to the popular types from Cabot or Degussa.


 Our products can be as good as those from Cabot or Degussa.


4. And I will give you an e-mail soon about the countertype recommendation and quotation.


 And I will recommend the countertype and give you an offer by e-mail soon.


 And I will send you an e-mail to recommend the countertype and give you a quotation soon.


5. However, in the show I was so busy that I had no time to talk with Mr. Yogesh for more details. 但是在展览会上时间很紧,我没来得及和尤盖西先生深入交谈。

 However, I was too busy at the fair to talk with Mr. Yogesh further.


However, I couldn’t manage the time in the show to have a further talk with Mr. Yogesh.


6. …, which brand takes major part? ……,主要用哪个牌子?

 Which brand is dominant? 主要用哪个牌子?

 Which brand is the most popular? 最受欢迎的是哪个牌子?

7. …, and it is mainly from Cabot Company. ……,主要用卡博特公司的。

 …, and the dominant brand is Cabot. 主要用卡博特公司的。

 …, and we mainly use products from Cabot Company. 我们主要用卡博特公司的产品。

8. …, you should check with Mr. Yogesh. 你应该问问尤盖西先生。

 Why not ask Mr. Yogesh? 何不问问尤盖西先生呢?

 Maybe Mr. Yogesh knows. 也许尤盖西先生知道。

9. What name is it, please? 请问您贵姓?

 May I know who is calling? 可以告诉我您的名字吗?

 Who is speaking, please? 您贵姓?

10. Would you please go up to his office? It’s Room 6 on the fifth floor. Mr. Derrida is expecting you. 请您去他办公室好吗?在五楼六号房间。德里达先生正在等您。

 Would you please go to the reception room? It’s on the second floor. The manager is waiting for you. 请你去接待室好吗?在二楼。经理正在等你。

 Would you please go up to the meeting room? It’s Room 301 on the third floor. The president is expecting you. 请你去会议室好吗?在三楼301房间。总裁正在等你。

11. That’s why I come to visit you. 那正是我来拜访您的目的。

 That’s the reason I am here. 那正是我来这儿的原因。

 That’s my purpose of visiting you. 那正是我来拜访您的原因。

12. Do you have a catalogue or something? 你们有没有目录什么的?

 Could you show me your catalogues or pamphlets? 给我看看你们的目录或资料册好吗?

 May I have a copy of your catalogue? 能给我一份目录吗?

 Speaking Practice

 Task 1: Interpretation

1. I have mailed you several brochures to introduce our products.

2. We specialize in furs and finery.

3. I am checking about your cement usage situation.

4. As an international company, we handle various kinds of textiles.

5. That’s the reason I am here—to help build up your business.

6. 我公司是全亚洲最好的空调生产厂商之一。

7. 你可以通过电子邮件或者MSN联系我。

8. 我在去年的广交会上与史密斯先生相识的,但没有进行深入交谈。

9. 我和你们人事部经理约好了见面。

10. 我来跟老板谈谈这件事,稍后再打电话给你。

Task 2: Role-play

A is a businessman from Tianyuan International Trading Co., Ltd., a company which deals in shoe exports. B is a buyer from Canada. They got to know each other in China Import and Export Fair. A is making a phone call to B. They are having a further talk over some new products.

Task 3: Free Talk

1. Making a phone call and visiting customers in person, which is more effective? Why?

2. If your customer shows no interest in your products, how should you react?

Task 4: Reading and Speaking


With the rise of the living standards, people pay more and more attention to clothing and poise. It’s pleasant to talk to and deal with a person who is neatly dressed, has an easy manner, looks noble and dignified, natural and unrestrained. Objectively speaking, clothing not only shows a person’s pursuance of beauty, but also reflects a person’s economic and educational level. Of course, if we can afford top grade and fashionable dress, that’s quite OK. But what is more important in international communication is to pay attention to dress which should befit one’s position and be suited to the occasion. In other words, the clothing should match the regular requirements of protocol, simple, but natural and poised, neat, pleasing to the eye.

The following is the concrete advice for daily dressing.

1. Be neatly dressed

Above all, one should be neatly dressed. Particularly, the collar band, cuff and wristband should be clean. Clothes should be ironed flat before you wear, especially western-style clothes. The creases of trousers should be ironed straight. Leather shoes should be brightly polished.

2. Women’s clothing

The advice for women’s clothing is pleasing to the eye, natural and poised. If you want something fashionable, you should surely know what is really fashionable. One point is very important. Never let your underwear, vest or underskirt be revealed. If what you wear is made of thin material, pay attention to your underskirt, which should fit you well. The colors should be harmonious.

All in all, different occasions may require different dressing styles. Be aware of your appearance when you get along with others.


1. How do you feel when you communicate with a customer who fails to dress neatly?

2. What kind of information does one’s clothing convey?

3. Can you list any items that one’s clothing should match?

4. In what ways can you dress neatly?

5. Do you have any suggestions for women’s clothing?


Some Import & Export Corporations

Aquatic Products Import and Export Corporation 水产品进出口公司

Ceramics Import and Export Corporation 陶瓷进出口公司

Cereals, Oil and Foodstuffs Import and Export Corporation 粮油食品进出口公司

Chemicals Import and Export Corporation 化工进出口公司

Coal Import and Export Corporation 煤炭进出口公司

Electronics Import and Export Corporation 电子技术进出口公司

Forestry Import and Export Copany 林业进出口公司

Import and Export Corporation of Technology of Textile Machinery 纺织机械技术进出口公司

Light Industrial Products Import and Export Corporation 轻工业品进出口公司

Machinery & Equipment Import and Export Corporation 机械设备进出口公司

Metallurgical Import and Export Corporation 冶金进出口公司

Microforms Import and Export Corporation 缩型出版物进出口公司

Native Produce & Animal By-products Import and Export Corporation 土畜产品进出口公司

Packaging Import and Export Corporation 包装进出口公司

Tea and Native Produce Import and Export Corporation 茶叶土产进出口公司

Technical Import and Export Corporation 技术进出口公司

Textiles Import and Export Corporation 纺织品进出口公司

Tobacco Import and Export Corporation 烟草进出口公司