2.1 题目1

口试教师:  Candidate A,you want to attend an English training class to improve your English.Ask Candidate B to give  you some information about it.Use the words on this card to help you.(将Card ll5A递给考生A)  Card 115A


 ●When does the class start?  ●Where shall I go to have classes?  ●Who can attend the courses?  ●What will be taught in this class?  ●How much is the training fee?/How much shall I pay?  

Candidate B,here is some information about the training class.Answer Candidate A’s questions.using the information on this card.(将Card ll58递给考生B)  Card 115B

借助本卡片上的信息可以回答考生A提出的问题。如:  ●It starts from July 25th and lasts 4  weeks altogether.  ●Hangyuan English Training Center.  ●High school graduates or those whose English is at the Same level.  ●Listening and speakin9.  ●1200yuan.  注:考生B需借助信息卡对考生A提出的任何问题作出简短回答。如信息卡不含某一所需信息,考生B 可以表示歉意并说明自己不知道,也可以利用背景知识或想象力提供该信息。  考生进行完4、5个来回的对话后,口试教师要求其停止并按规定互换身份,利用一套新卡片进行对话。  继续性问答  口试教师结合前面的内容向考生各提出2个或3个问题。  

 1.Do you think it is necessary to attend foreign language courses in your spare time?Why/Why not? 2.What kind of courses would you like to attend if you have time?  3.Do you think it is important to learn a foreign language?Why/Why not?  4.What is the most difficult thing about learning a language?