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美国又退群了!!!之前退了 TPP、联合国教科文组织、退巴黎协定,今天又宣布退联合国人权理事会, 我看到这个新闻心情比较复杂。你要知道这个机构以前是美国民主党执政的时候对我们横加指责的地方。所以我对美国以及这个人权理事会的印象都不好,这次也是狗咬狗了。之前我们讲过特朗普政府(Trump Administration)信奉的就是单边主义。退出各类国际组织就是一种单边主义的体现。特朗普在国际事务中信奉单边主义。在国内事务中对于有色人种不友好,对于移民也不友好。各种带有歧视性的政策也是引起了国际社会的关注。


Human-rights experts told me that one of Trump’s most likely, and most insidious, arguments for the move is to prevent the United States from being called out on its own alleged human-rights abuses. 


The U.S is facing the looming human-rights abuses accusation.


1. Human-rights experts 人权专家

2. likely 可能的

3. insidious 隐藏的

4. argument 理由

5. the move 动作(这里指的就是退出人权委员会)

6. prevent A from B : 使A免受B;

7. alleged human-rights abuses 涉嫌的人权侵害(行为)

  (alleged attack 涉嫌的袭击)

8. call out 本意是大声呼叫这里是:被人指责

9.looming=possible=potential 可能的

10. accusation 指责


1.Human-rights experts told me that 

2.one of Trump’s most likely, and most insidious, arguments for the move is to prevent the United States from being called out on its own alleged human-rights abuses. 



The U.S is facing the looming human-rights abuses accusation.(正确!)



Had Sergio’s book been stolen a year ago, he would have had to wait to be allowed to check out any other books until he came up with enough money to pay off his library debt.


People now have the alternative way to use library without paying off the library fine.