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“Virtually everyone I spoke with, from the FBI to academic researchers, told me it’s nearly impossible to stop a determined shooter; they’re always one creative step ahead,” Hagerty writes. Niv Bavarsky mentions “The Futility of Trying to Prevent More School Shootings in America.”


The idea mentioned by Hagerty is identified with that of Niv Bavarsky 


1. Virtually 实际上 其形容词是virtual 在1575词汇书的第207页!

2. one creative step ahead 出乎意料的先人一步

3. Futility ;其形容词是:futile 无效的!在1575词汇书的第288页! 


(现在单词还有问题的同学,词汇书还没有看完一遍的同学,或者刚刚开始复习的同学,可以试一下 1575词汇书了。单词真的是王道!)


“Virtually everyone I spoke with, from the FBI to academic researchers, told me it’s nearly impossible to stop a determined shooter; they’re always one creative step ahead,” Hagerty writes.


1. Hagerty writes.

2. Virtually everyone I spoke with, from the FBI to academic researchers, told me it’s nearly impossible to stop a determined shooter;

3. they’re always one creative step ahead


Hagerty 这样写道:“每一个和我谈话的人,从FBI (的探员)到学术研究人员,都告诉我要阻止一个决绝的(校园)枪手几乎是不可能的。(因为)他们总的出乎意料的先我们一步。”


Niv Bavarsky mentions “The Futility of Trying to Prevent More School Shootings in America.”

参考译文: Niv Bavarsky也提到了:“徒劳无功:美国阻止校园枪击案件的尝试”。


The idea mentioned by Hagerty is identified with that of Niv Bavarsky 

A is identified with B ( A 和B 是一样的。)

Hagerty提到的观点和Niv Bavarsky提到的观点是一样的。




While it is true that Italy is in serious need of reforms, those who blame the stagnation on dome stic inefficiencies and corruption must explain why Italy grew so fast throughout the postwar period until it entered the eurozone. Was its government and polity more efficient and virtuous in the 1970s and 1980s? Hardly.


According to the author, the Italy government might be more efficient and better behaved in the 1970s and 1980s.