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British universities have serious problems. The recent strikes protesting against a sudden reduction in pension rights were unusually effective, and a symptom of wider discontent. Yet international comparisons invariably show our universities to be among the best in the world, and incomparably the best in the European Union.


British universities have serious problems.



The recent strikes protesting against a sudden reduction in pension rights were unusually effective, and a symptom of wider discontent.


1.Strikes: 罢工

2. pension rights 养老金权益

3. symptom 症状,负面的例子,这里可以转译为动词:凸显,体现

4. unusually 非常


1.The recent strikes were unusually effective (主干并列部分一)

2.The recent strikes were a symptom of wider discontent.(主干并列部分二)

3. protesting against a sudden reduction in pension rights(定语)



Yet international comparisons invariably show our universities to be among the best in the world, and incomparably the best in the European Union.


1.comparison 比较

2. invariably:始终如一,一贯地

3. incomparably 无可比拟的;incomparably the best:无可比拟的第一


1.Yet international comparisons invariably show our universities to be among the best in the world, 

2.and( our universities to be )incomparably the best in the European Union.





British universities cannot compete with their world’s rivals and even European ones. 





That the plates are moving is now beyond dispute. Africa and South America, for example, are moving away from each other as new material is injected into the sea floor between them. The complementary coastlines and certain geological features that seem to span the ocean are reminders of where the two continents were once joined. 

1.That Africa and South America were once joined can be deduced from the fact that ________.

[A] the two continents are still moving in opposite directions

[B] they have been found to share certain geological features

[C] the African plate has been stable for 30 million years

[D] over 100 hot spots are scattered all around the globe


Paid and owned media are controlled by marketers promoting their own products. For earned media, such marketers act as the initiator for users’ responses. But in some cases, one marketer’s owned media become another marketer’s paid media—for instance, when an e-commerce retailer sells ad space on its Web site. We define such sold media as owned media whose traffic is so strong that other organizations place their content or e-commerce engines within that environment.

2.According to Passage, sold media feature          .

[A]a safe business environment

[B]random competition

[C]strong user traffic

[D]flexibility in organization


Rested in the Pacific Ocean, Mauna Kea’s peak rises above the bulk of our planet’s dense atmosphere, where conditions allow telescopes to obtain images of unsurpassed clarity. 

3.Mauna Kea is deemed as an ideal astronomical site due to             .

[A] its geographical features

[B] its protective surroundings

[C] its religious implications

[D] its existing infrastructure