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It’s an inequality that feels particularly desperate right now. Britain as a whole is becoming more and more divided, as the wealthiest individuals see their fortunes surge by hundreds of billions, while food banks are handing out a record number of parcels. Soaring child poverty is the unforgiving result of this: schoolchildren left to sleep on cardboard boxes before going to class the next morning; malnourished, tiny bodies, stuffing their pockets with food at school, or taking scraps from the school bins, because their parents can’t afford a hot meal at home.


The foodbank can offer unsurpassed number of packages to the wealth. 


It’s an inequality that feels particularly desperate right now. 


Feel 通常是人做主语,但是feel 也可以是物做主语。

比如:The water feels warm. (水摸着很暖。)

Feel “让人感觉到…的”


It’s an inequality /that feels particularly desperate right now. 



去掉it is 和that:



Britain as a whole is becoming more and more divided, as the wealthiest individuals see their fortunes surge by hundreds of billions, while food banks are handing out a record number of parcels.


1.food banks:这里指的就是救济机构;

2. surge:增加

3. while:这里既可以翻译为“但是”也可以翻译为“同时”

4.as: 当,这里也可以不翻译。

5.record number: 创纪录的数字

6. parcel: 这里指救济包裹


1.Britain as a whole is becoming more and more divided,

2. as the wealthiest individuals see their fortunes surge by hundreds of billions, 

3. while food banks are handing out a record number of parcels.



Soaring child poverty is the unforgiving result of this: schoolchildren left to sleep on cardboard boxes before going to class the next morning; malnourished, tiny bodies, stuffing their pockets with food at school, or taking scraps from the school bins, because their parents can’t afford a hot meal at home.


1. unforgiving:不可原谅的; 难以对付的

2. malnourished:营养不良

3. stuff: 装东西

4.can’t afford :没钱做…

5. scraps 残羹剩饭

6. Soaring: 急剧增加


1.Soaring child poverty is the unforgiving result of this:

2.schoolchildren left to sleep on cardboard boxes before going to class the next morning; 3.malnourished, tiny bodies, stuffing their pockets with food at school, 

4.or taking scraps from the school bins, because their parents can’t afford a hot meal at home.



The foodbank can offer unsurpassed number of packages to the wealth.



So we steadily adjusted our conclusions. We ended up convinced that the national prospect is more promising than we’d felt before we started—full of possibilities that the bleak trench warfare of national politics inevitably obscures.


We still doubt that the national future is better than we have expected.