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The event was the inaugural stop in Community Boost, a kind of roving technical college that Facebook plans to bring to at least 30 mid-sized U.S. cities this year. Each installment offers a few days of lectures, smaller “breakout” sessions, and one-on-one consultations, free for anyone who shows up. The goal, according to Facebook, is to teach business owners and employees the “digital skills” to make it online.


Community Boost is set to train Facebook on the digital skills in mid-sized cities.


The event was the inaugural stop in Community Boost, a kind of roving technical college that Facebook plans to bring to at least 30 mid-sized U.S. cities this year.

1.stop: 站 the inaugural stop 第一站;首站

2. roving technical college 流动的技术学院


The event was the inaugural stop in Community Boost


1. a kind of roving technical college 同位语补充说明Community Boost

(独立成句)=The Community Boost is a kind of roving technical college

2. that Facebook plans to bring to at least 30 mid-sized U.S. cities this year. 

定语从句;that= Community Boost


Facebook plans to bring the Community Boost to at least 30 mid-sized U.S. cities this year.

参考译文:这次活动是Community Boost的首站,Community Boost一种流动的技术学院,Facebook计划在今年将其带给至少30个美国中等规模的城市。



Each installment offers a few days of lectures, smaller “breakout” sessions, and one-on-one consultations, free for anyone who shows up.

1. installment 一期(英式英语拼写为:instalment)

2. “breakout” sessions 分组讨论

3.  one-on-one consultations 一对一咨询


Each installment offers a few days of lectures, smaller “breakout” sessions, and one-on-one consultations


定语:free for anyone who shows up (对任何到场的人都是免费的)。




The goal, according to Facebook, is to teach business owners and employees the “digital skills” to make it online.

1.Make it online : 经营在线业务

2.teach sb sth 教会某人某事



Given our new understanding of the role of REM, if modern lifestyles really are reducing our dream time, we could be sleepwalking into a load of trouble. Yet despite the mounting evidence, there remains disagreement over what exactly REM sleep does. 


There is still no consensus on the role of REM sleep.