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Disney, in other words, is constructing what looks to be a worthy rival to Netflix. Will this be enough to inaugurate another century of dominance? Based on its public statements and on private conversations I’ve had with Disney executives, the company’s most likely path forward is to nurture Disneyflix gradually, in an effort to ease the decline of pay-TV and film—the equivalent of saving its flooding fortress by plugging each new leak as it springs.


What is, for Disney, the most potential way to rebuild its dominance?


1. rival 竞争对手: worthy rival (配的上的/能匹敌的对手)

2. inaugurate 开启,开创

3. executives 管理层,执行官

4. the equivalent of  对等于,相当于,表示比喻和解释

5. flooding fortress 被洪水围困的城堡

6. plugging each new leak 堵上新漏洞

7.  固定搭配:

spring a 'leak  (of a boat or container 船舶或容器) 

   英文解释:(to develop a hole through which water or another liquid can pass)


搭配: Plug the new leak 

8. Netflix :奈飞公司(类似于中国的爱奇艺这样的流媒体视频网站)

9. in an effort to= in order to 


Disney, in other words, is constructing what looks to be a worthy rival to Netflix.



Will this be enough to inaugurate another century of dominance?



Based on its public statements and on private conversations I’ve had with Disney executives, the company’s most likely path forward is to nurture Disneyflix gradually, in an effort to ease the decline of pay-TV and film—the equivalent of saving its flooding fortress by plugging each new leak as it springs.



1. Based on its public statements and on private conversations( I’ve had with Disney executives,)


注意:你要确定its 的指代,同时(I’ve had with Disney executives)放到private conversations前;

2. the company’s most likely path forward is to nurture Disneyflix gradually



3. in an effort to ease the decline of pay-TV and film—


4. the equivalent of saving its flooding fortress/ by plugging each new leak/ as it springs.


by plugging each new leak/ as it springs (new leaks)




参考译文: 根据迪士尼公开声明和我与迪士尼管理层的私下交谈来看,迪士尼最可能的前进之路是逐步培育Disneyflix,以缓解付费电视和电影衰落, 一出现新的漏缝就堵上。



Some clinics employ more clerks than providers—not just to generate invoices but to send along the patient information insurers need to approve treatments, to dispute denied payments, and on and on. For every $1 billion in revenue, the healthcare system employs the equivalent of 770 full-time people to settle the bills.


why clinics employ so many clerks?