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Each of the recent mass shootings in the U.S. have followed a similar pattern—after the killings, there’s a nationwide pang of sadness, a hot flash of anger; but then, after several days of thoughts and prayer and Facebook debates, the conversation dies down. This one, though, seems to have had more staying power.


What is the typical pattern after mass shooting in the U.S?


1. pang of sth: 一阵…

 Pang of regret/jealousy/pain/sadness/ hunger

2.flash of sth: …闪现

Flash of inspiration/brilliance/insight/ anger 

Pang of sth = flash of sth

A flash in the pan: 昙花一现

3.prayer: 祈祷

4. die down: 减弱;平息

The gossip will soon die down. 


5.prayer: 祈祷

6. staying power 持续的影响力

7. though 这个词是一个重要考点!

Though…., 虽然

…., though…. 虽然

…., though, …. 但是!(看好了,两个逗号之间的though=however)

…., though. 但是!(放在句子末尾的though= however)


Each of the recent mass shootings in the U.S. have followed a similar pattern—after the killings, there’s a nationwide pang of sadness, a hot flash of anger; but then, after several days of thoughts and prayer and Facebook debates, the conversation dies down.


Each of the recent mass shootings in the U.S. have followed a similar pattern



1.after the killings, there’s a nationwide pang of sadness, a hot flash of anger; 


2.but then, after several days of thoughts and prayer and Facebook debates,


3. the conversation dies down.(主干)



This one, though, seems to have had more staying power.



What is the typical pattern after mass shooting in the U.S?


there’s a nationwide pang of sadness, a hot flash of anger; but then, after several days of thoughts and prayer and Facebook debates, the conversation dies down


Fierce and forceful response but quick and quiet disappearance


How did large firms go from being a symbol of American strength to being the object of almost universal scorn? A series of high-profile corporate scandals certainly hasn’t burnished the image of Big Business. Nor has the rise of the shareholder-value movement, which tolerates no mission other than producing profits, preferably in the near term.


The rise of the shareholder-value movement has changed the image of Big Business to some extent. (True of false)


The rise of shareholder-value movement didn’t produce the profits. (True or False)