
  • 1 Unit 1 A Class Act
    • 1.1 Keys and answers
    • 1.2 Paraphrasing sentences
    • 1.3 assignments
    • 1.4 listening exercise
    • 1.5 Episode: middle construction
    • 1.6 Episode: eat the frog
  • 2 Unit 2 Bards of the Internet
    • 2.1 Keys and answers
    • 2.2 Paraphrasing sentences
    • 2.3 assignment
    • 2.4 listening exercise
    • 2.5 Episode: last name effect
    • 2.6 Episode: Korea vs Corea
    • 2.7 Episode: Occam’s razor
  • 3 Unit 3 On Reading
    • 3.1 keys and answers
    • 3.2 paraphrasing sentences
    • 3.3 assignment
    • 3.4 listening exercise
    • 3.5 Episode: Chicken soup for soul
    • 3.6 Episode: textbook could be fun
  • 4 Unit 4 Matriculation Fixation
    • 4.1 keys and answers
    • 4.2 paraphrasing sentences
    • 4.3 assignment
    • 4.4 listening exercise
    • 4.5 S1 paragraph 12
  • 5 Unit 12 Disney World
    • 5.1 keys and answers
    • 5.2 paraphrasing sentences
    • 5.3 assignment
  • 6 Unit 5 A Few Kind Words For Superstitions
    • 6.1 keys and answers
    • 6.2 paraphrasing sentences
    • 6.3 Episode: where do superstitions come form
    • 6.4 Episode: why supersititons good for you
  • 7 Unit 7 I'd rather be black than female
    • 7.1 keys and answers
    • 7.2 paraphrasing sentences
    • 7.3 Listening comprehension
    • 7.4 keys to listening comprehension
    • 7.5 N-N vs Adj-N compounding
  • 8 Unit 9 How to grow old
    • 8.1 keys and answers
    • 8.2 paraphrasing sentences
    • 8.3 200+ Ways to Describe Death & Dying
    • 8.4 Episode: kick the bucket
  • 9 期末补充练习
    • 9.1 6月11日 周二 听力训练
    • 9.2 6月13日 周四 课堂训练
  • 10 期末考试题型和分值
    • 10.1 题型和分值
S1 paragraph 12

第4单元 Text 1 第12段 第1句:

But once again, reality has a way of upsetting the worst-laid plans of mice and Mensa.  


This phrase is an adaptation or a play-of-word of the famous line "The best-laid plans of mice and men oft go awry" from the poem "To a Mouse" by Robert Burns.

    The original line refers to how even the most carefully planned schemes of both mice (representing the smaller creatures) and men (representing humans) can go wrong due to unforeseen circumstances.

    In the text 1, “But once again, reality has a way of upsetting the worst-laid plans of mice and Mensa”, it suggests that reality often upsets or disrupts even the most meticulously planned strategies or intentions, not just of common people ("mice"), but also of highly intelligent individuals represented by "Mensa" (a society for people with high IQs).

    It highlights the idea that reality doesn't always conform to our expectations or best-laid plans, no matter our intelligence or preparation.