
  • 1 Part  1
    • 1.1 成人票
    • 1.2 学生票
    • 1.3 儿童票
    • 1.4 卧铺票
    • 1.5 出示证件
    • 1.6 退票
    • 1.7 改签
    • 1.8 安检
    • 1.9 出站问询
    • 1.10 问讯处
    • 1.11 候车室
    • 1.12 站台托运行李
  • 2 Part  2
    • 2.1 验票
    • 2.2 座位位置
    • 2.3 大件行李,行李安全
    • 2.4 询问座位设施座位区别
    • 2.5 询问空调插座
    • 2.6 询问阅读灯照明灯
    • 2.7 洗手间1
    • 2.8 洗手间2
    • 2.9 车厢提醒
    • 2.10 车上广播1
    • 2.11 车上广播2
    • 2.12 照顾老人,婴儿护理台
    • 2.13 照顾残疾人
    • 2.14 餐车服务
    • 2.15 旅客投诉
    • 2.16 紧急情况处理
  • 3 Part  3
    • 3.1 音标
    • 3.2 辅音1
    • 3.3 双音标
    • 3.4 单元音1
    • 3.5 单元音2
    • 3.6 音标1
    • 3.7 音标2
  • 4 Part 4 练习
    • 4.1 订票的方式
    • 4.2 候车
    • 4.3 卧铺——换票流程
    • 4.4 卧铺——换铺
    • 4.5 由于钱包丢失导致退票
    • 4.6 餐车服务
    • 4.7 紧急情况——乘客生病
    • 4.8 节日介绍
    • 4.9 地区文化以及美食介绍
    • 4.10 中国茶文化介绍
    • 4.11 中国国粹介绍
  • 1 视频
  • 2 随堂测验



Dear passengers, welcome to take G018 high-speed train from Beijing to Shanghai.  G018 high-speed train will depart soon. Please check in with your luggage as soon as possible. Smoking is forbidden in this train. Please don’t smoke in the carriages. Please put the garbage in the garbage bag in front of your seat in order to keep the carriages clean. Thank you for your cooperation. Have a good trip.


Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to take the No.135 EMU train. On behalf of all the crew members of the EMU, I would like to say hello to you. I wish you a pleasant journey. No.135 reminds you that the station in front of the train is Changchun station. Ladies and gentlemen! This train is a green, environment-friendly and smoke-free train. The door is equipped with smoke alarm. For the safety of you and others, please do not "smoke with fire appliances" (the words marked with double quotation marks are not heard clearly). Please make sure that the luggage placed on the luggage rack is placed properly, so as not to hurt yourself or other passengers due to falling objects, so as to maintain the functions of equipment and facilities in the carriage Good, please take good care of it. Thank you for your cooperation.