最优控制 南京航空航天大学


Objective: 1. This course systematically teaches the basic theories, methods and applications of optimal control. 2. Focusing on the basic concepts and basic theorems in Variational Calculus, Pontryagin’s Principle, Dynamic Programming, and Linear Quadratic Regulator. 3. Related theories and methods such as H∞ optimal control, Model predictive control, Linear optimization and nonlinear Optimization, Intelligent optimization, will be given as well during the course. Requirements: 1. Through the study of this course, students will have a complete grasp of the basic concepts, design methods, and problem-solving ideas of optimal control. 2. Students should carry out the design, solution, and simulation analysis of optimal control systems by computer. 3. Students understand the application of optimal control in Aviation and aerospace systems, Power systems, Mechanical systems, etc.
学校: 南京航空航天大学
开课院系: 能源与动力学院
课程编号: 6B021010Y
学分: 3
课时: 48

[1] Henryk Górecki, Optimization and Control of Dynamic Systems[M]. Springer International Publishing, 2018. (Chapters 9-13)

[2] Burghes D N, Graham A. Control and Optimal Control Theories with Applications [M]. Elsevier, 2004. (Chapters 8-13)

[3] Feng Lin, Robust Control Design: An Optimal Control Approach, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2007. (Chapters 1-4)

[4] Camacho, Eduardo F., Bordons Alba, Carlos, Model Predictive Control, Springer International Publishing, 2007. (Chapters 1, 4, 5, 8)

[5] Jonathan How. 16.323 Principles of Optimal Control. Spring 2008. Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT Open Course Ware, https://ocw.mit.edu. License: Creative Commons BY-NC-SA.

[6] 胡寿松等,最优控制理论与系统,科学出版社,2018.

[7] 钟宜生,最优控制,清华大学出版社,2015.

[8] 肖玲斐,叶志锋,最优控制在航空动力系统中的应用,北京航空航天大学出版社,2020.

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